1596 Stratford Antenna Array Expansion

1596 Stratford Antenna Array Expansion

UPDATE:  Here is the letter written to Planning with neighborhood comments included.  This project ws approved at the Administrative Hearing on March 25.

T-Mobile wants a conditional use to expand an existing antenna array located at 1596 Stratford Avenue in the rear.  Because of the size of the expansion, a new conditional use is required.

Here is the Notification Letter to the Sugar House Community Council, and the Information Sheet. You can see the drawings, and the project description.

Here is the comment form, I will include your comment with my letter to the Planning Commission.  If you send me a comment, I will send you the Zoom link to the February 8  6 p.m. SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting.

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    Judi Short
    [email protected]