Monument Plaza - E Wiggins

Sugar House News and Information

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILBoard of Trustees MeetingWednesday, October 2, 20247:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube...

The Planned Development project at 1935 S 900 East, is tentatively scheduled for the December 11 Planning Commission meeting.    This is...

7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Shane Stroud  Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Fire Station #3 Update Highland Debate Judges - Coach Creed Archibald 7:15 District 7 CIU...

On Oct. 1, the City Council approved a rezone request and development agreement to facilitate Intermountain Health’s development of an...

The alley between Beverly Street and Chadwick Avenue is only 12' wide. The petitioner wants to have the alley closed....

The second is our annual rose trimming event in the Fairmont Park Rose Garden located by the Aquatic Center, scheduled...

The first is a planting project taking place on this Wednesday, Oct 9th from 4pm-7pm.  Join the Friends of Fairmont and Blake...

7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Shane Stroud  Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Fire Station #3 Update 7:15 District 7 CIU Detective Sam Fallows    Introduce Sahara Hayes Talk...