20 Oct 1935 South 900 East Three Lot Subdivision

This is a Planned Development request to subdivide the property at approximately 1935 S 900 East into three lots to allow for the development of two new single-family dwellings. The property currently contains an existing single-family residence, which would be preserved and remain on one lot with street frontage along 900 East. The project is required to receive Planned Development approval because the new lots do not have frontage on a public street. This request includes modifications to required lot sizes, lot widths, yards, building coverage, and attached garage standards.
Here is the letter we received from Salt Lake City
This provides details of what is being proposed.https://sugarhousecouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/PLNPCM2024-00943-Written-Narrative-Updated-9.19.24.pdf
These are details of house 2 https://sugarhousecouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/900-Collective-Lot-2-Design-Set-16-Oct-2024-1.pdf
Thiese ae details of house 3 https://sugarhousecouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/900-Collective-Lot-3-Design-Set-16-Oct-2024-2.pdf
Please give us your comments about this project here. If you comment, we will let you know when the Planning Commission meeting is, so you can attend or watch it on YouTube. We began to hear comments from the neighbors, so we put flyers around the neighborhood, and those comments are included in our letter to the Planning commission. Here is the letter and comments we just sent to the Planning Commission.
This is tentatively scheduled for the December 11 Planning Commission meeting.