2017 Meet The Candidates

2017 Meet The Candidates

Are you ready to cast your vote for our City Council District 7 Representative?

Primary Election  – August 15, 2017
General Election – November 7, 2017

There are 6 candidates that will be on the primary ballot. Elections in Salt Lake County have changed and we will be getting ballots in the mail. Ballots go out in the mail 30 days prior to the election. We have joined with neighboring community councils to bring you an informal event to meet and talk to the candidates.

No speeches, just conversation!

When: July 27th
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Jewett Center at Westminster College (click here for map)

**Please note this event is jointly sponsored and candidates for District 5 will also be in attendance.

Landon Clark
[email protected]