2167 S 800 East Alley Vacation

2167 S 800 East Alley Vacation

We have a request to vacate a portion of the public alleyway at 2167 S 800 East.  The approximate length to be vacated is 160 feet.  You can see the map here.  

This request is coming from the two abutting property owners. apparently, this alley is not wide enough to drive down at this end, and is being used as a homeless camp, and garbage dump.  The neighbors would like to see it closed, and I assume they will each fence off half of it so that people cannot access this.  The other end of the alley will remain open.  Here is the description of the issue.

This was on the Land Use and Zoning Committee of the Sugar House Community Council on December 12 We had no comments from anyone.  Here is the letter we sent to the Planning Commission.

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    Judi Short
    [email protected]