27th Street Collective (868 East 2700 South)

27th Street Collective (868 East 2700 South)

We saw this proposal several years ago, on the corner of 900 East and 2700 South, minus the small apartment building and the billboard.  It was approved, but because they didn’t build it in time, that approval has expired and they need to reapply.  This will be five single-family detached dwelling lots.  The house on 900 East will be renovated and be for sale as an affordable home. The house on 2700 South will be demolished.  The drawings show 4 homes being added along 2700 South. They will access their homes via an easement on 2700 South.   There will no longer be an access from Sierra Park Circle, like there was in the previous plan.  Read the documents below, or attend the SHCC Land Use and Zoning  meeting on March 18 at 6 p.m. at The Legacy Sugar House 12 12 East Wilmington Ave, 5th floor Fairmont Room.  You can get your questions answered and provide feedback at that time.


PD Narrative


SHCC letter to PC 27th Street Sub

Record of Decision 27th 

Or, you can provide comments on the attached form.  We have to write a letter to Salt Lake City, so your feedback is important to us.  Please provide your feedback here:


    Please prove you are human by selecting the house.



    Judi Short
    [email protected]