2903 Highland Drive Planned Development and Design Review

2903 Highland Drive Planned Development and Design Review

This proposal will be on the Planning Commission Agenda October 25, 2023 at 5:30.  Here is a link to the meeting information. Here is the Planning Commission Staff ReportHere is the letter  and comments we sent to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission approved this request.

You can watch the meeting (this one is virtual because of construction at the city building), and you can also sign up to speak to the Planning Commission about this issue, you will have two minutes.  All instructions can be found at the link.

The parcel at 2903 Highland Drive is zoned CB (Community Business). This petition is for a 20-unit multi-family development. The parcel is .54 acres.  The proposed project is subject to the following petitions:

    • Allow a height increase from 30 to 33′ for proposed building 2 (the one on the East) to allow a rooftop deck area
    • Glazing decrease of 15% from the required 40%
      • Building 1- to 26.3%
      • Building 2 – to 25%.3%
    • The proposed buildings exceed the size limit of 15,000 gross square feet of floor area.
      • Building 1 is proposed at 17,658 sq ft
      • Building 2 is proposed at 20,129 sq ft.

Here is the Notice Letter we received from the city. This includes “Approval Criteria for Planned Developments”, and “Approval Criteria for the Design Review Request”.

Here are the plans for the project.   Because these are detailed, you will have better luck if you open them in Adobe Acrobat.

This was be on the Agenda of the Sugar House Community Council Land Use and Zoning Committee (LUZ) meeting Monday, August 21, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the Sprague Library. You can attend to ask questions and make comments.

If you would like to send me a comment about this project, send an email to judi.short@gmail.com, and put 2903 Highland in the subject line.  Comments will go to the Planning Commission along with my letter from SHCC.


UPDATE:  The Planning Commission voted to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council for the rezone.  City Council has the final decision-making power for a rezone. The rezone to RMF 35 was approved in 2020.

This was on the Planning Commission Agenda May 13,  2020.  Here is the staff report:  http://www.slcdocs.com/Planning/Planning%20Commission/2020/00054_00053StaffReport.pdf  Here is the letter and comments sent to the Planning Commission May 7, 2020   2903 Letter to PC with flyer and comments

We have a request to review the proposal to amend the Sugar House Master Plan and the Sugar House Zoning Map so the entire parcel at 2903 Highland Drive is in the CB zone.  The parcel on the east is currently R1/7000 (Single-Family Residential) and would be changed to CB (Community Business). The petitioner is then proposing to build a future development, shown above.  We are not being asked to review the development, that may come later.  If the rezone is approved and the petitioner submits a proposal, we would review if it needs any special exemptions.  If the project meets the zoning code and needs no exceptions, it would not come to us for review.

Please read the proposal below, and give us your feedback using the comment form. We will send comments along with our letter to the Planning Commission.  This proposal may be on the agenda of the Sugar House Community Council Land Use and Zoning Committee April 20 at 7 p.m.  This will be a virtual meeting. If you provide a comment, we will give you the link to join the meeting using Zoom.

If we don’t get any comments, we may not put this on the agenda, we have 7 Land Use items for that hour, and it is impossible to do them all.

Recognized Community Organization Letter 2903 S Highland

Master Plan Amendment Narrative and

Zoning Map Amendment Narrative and Map



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Judi Short