974 E 2100 S

974 E 2100 S



This project was approved by the SLC Planning Commission.

This will be heard at the May 16th Land Use & Zoning Committee meeting, which is at Sprague Library starting at 6:00 pm.

A new development is being proposed for the parcel which currently is home to Subway, Utah Idaho Supply, etc. A 126-unit multi family apartment building is going to be built. This would be a 5 story, 60 foot tall building and meets current zoning ordinances for height and use.

Public documents provided to the SHCC.

Community Council Request Sugar House

Proposal Drawings

This development is a permitted use per the zoning for these parcels. Therefore, there is not anything we can do to actually stop the development. However, we can comment on the following criteria to try and make this project better and identify impacts to the adjacent neighborhood that may be mitigated. The following is criteria that the Planning Commission will use to make their decision and your comments regarding these points will help make this project better and hopefully fit our neighborhood as best as possible. Please comment using the form at the bottom of the page.

A. Development shall be primarily oriented to the street, not an interior courtyard or parking lot.
B. Primary access shall be oriented to the pedestrian and mass transit.
C. Building facades shall include detailing and glass in sufficient quantities to facilitate pedestrian interest and interaction.
D. Architectural detailing shall be included on the ground floor to emphasize the pedestrian level of the building.
E. Parking lots shall be appropriately screened and landscaped to minimize their impact on adjacent neighborhoods. Parking lot lighting shall be shielded to eliminate excessive glare or light into adjacent neighborhoods.
F. Parking and on site circulation shall be provided with an emphasis on making safe pedestrian connections to the street or other pedestrian facilities.
G. Dumpsters and loading docks shall be appropriately screened or located within the structure.
H. Signage shall emphasize the pedestrian/mass transit orientation.
I. Lighting shall meet the lighting levels and design requirements set forth in chapter 4 of the Salt Lake City lighting master plan dated May 2006.
J. Streetscape improvements shall be provided as follows:

1. One street tree chosen from the street tree list consistent with the city’s urban forestry guidelines and with the approval of the city’s urban forester shall be placed for each thirty feet (30′) of property frontage on a street. Existing street trees removed as the result of a development project shall be replaced by the developer with trees approved by the city’s urban forester.
2. Landscaping material shall be selected that will assure eighty percent (80%) ground coverage occurs within three (3) years.
3. Hardscape (paving material) shall be utilized to designate public spaces. Permitted materials include unit masonry, scored and colored concrete, grasscrete, or combinations of the above.
4. Outdoor storage areas shall be screened from view from adjacent public rights of way. Loading facilities shall be screened and buffered when adjacent to residentially zoned land and any public street.
5. Landscaping design shall include a variety of deciduous and/or evergreen trees, and shrubs and flowering plant species well adapted to the local climate.

K. The following additional standards shall apply to any large scale developments with a gross floor area exceeding sixty thousand (60,000) square feet:

1. The orientation and scale of the development shall conform to the following requirements: a. Large building masses shall be divided into heights and sizes that relate to human scale by incorporating changes in building mass or direction, sheltering roofs, a distinct pattern of divisions on surfaces, windows, trees, and small scale lighting. b. No new buildings or contiguous groups of buildings shall exceed a combined contiguous building length of three hundred feet (300′).
2. Public spaces shall be provided as follows:

a. One square foot of plaza, park, or public space shall be required for every ten (10) square feet of gross building floor area.
b. Plazas or public spaces shall incorporate at least three (3) of the five (5) following elements:

(1) Sitting space of at least one sitting space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet shall be included in the plaza. Seating shall be a minimum of sixteen inches (16″) in height and thirty inches (30″) in width. Ledge benches shall have a minimum depth of thirty inches (30″);
(2) A mixture of areas that provide shade;
(3) Trees in proportion to the space at a minimum of one tree per eight hundred (800) square feet, at least two inch (2″) caliper when planted;
(4) Water features or public art; and/or
(5) Outdoor eating areas.



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Landon Clark
[email protected]