SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2011

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2011


Meeting Minutes – December 7, 2011


The regular meeting of the Sugar House Community Council was held on Wednesday, December 7, 2011, at 7:00pm, at the Sprague Library. Trustees in attendance were Michael G. Kavanagh, Derek Payne, Topher Horman, Rawlins Young, Christopher Thomas, Cabot Nelson, Grace Sperry, Judi Short, Amy Barry, Scott Kisling, Joedy Lister, David Mulder, Sally Barraclough, Lynne Olson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Laurie Bray, Robin Bastar, and Sarah Carlson with Christopher Thomas being chair and Cabot Nelson as secretary. The trustees noted as excused were Travis Pearce, Dolores Donohoo, James Brown, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio.

Call to order at 7:00pm. The minutes of the November meeting were approved.

The secretary noted the following petitions were expiring in December: Philip Carlson, Amy Barry, Barbara Green, Lynne Olson, and Sally Barraclough. Amy Barry’s and Sally Barraclough’s petition renewals were approved. Lynne Olson acknowledged that she will not be renewing her petition. Sarah Carlson said that Philip Carlson will not be renewing his petition.

Amendment to the Sugar House Bylaws

The proposed amendment to the bylaws passed on a voice vote. The text of the motion is Appendix A to these minutes.

Committee reports

Judi Short reported for the Land Use and Zoning committee.

Lynne Olson reported for the Parks, Open Space, and Trails committee.

Amy Barry reported for the Web and Internet Committee

Shelia O’Driscoll reported for the Affordable Housing

Laurie Bray reported for the Arts and Cultural and committee. The committee offered the following motion: “Motion to pay up to $500 for labor and materials for a crate to protect the compass from damage until such time as it can be safely moved back into the public way.” The motion passed on a voice vote.

Scott Kisling reported on the Business Committee.

Community groups and projects

Judi Short offered an update on the Streetcar planning and construction.

Judi Short offered an update about the SL Community Network.

Special presentations

Sara Baldwin ( [email protected] ) of Utah Clean Energy gave a report on Community Solar.

Community and City Presentations


Det. Boelter, SLPD, gave a report on area crime.

For the business spotlight, Michael G. Kavanagh introduced Karin and Scott Pynes, proprietors of Cactus & Tropicals, 2735 S 2000 E.

Michael G. Kavanagh made the following motion: “The SHCC adopt a light pole in support the SH holiday lights, in the amount of $250. The payment will be made in consultation with our Tresurer and consistent with our charitable purposes. MGK will also seek appropriate recognition from the SH Merchants Assocation for our efforts.” The motion passed on a voice vote.

Shawn McDonough gave a report from the Mayor’s Office. She presented Cabot Nelson with a certificate of appreciation for serving as the SHCC chair.

Dolly Rauh reported on library events.
Adjourned at 9:00pm.

Appendix A: Amendment to SHCC Bylaws

Article III, Section 3.4 – New section inserted after this section
Article III, Section 3.5 is now the new section

Section 3.5 Former Neighborhood Districts. Certain neighborhood districts may be included in the boundaries established in the SHCC Articles of Incorporation but limited in their recognition by these Bylaws. Such neighborhood districts may be either a.) no longer recognized and without any Trustee representation and whose populations are not counted as part of the SHCC or b.) provisionally recognized with understanding that issues affecting these neighborhood districts may or may not be addressed with the SHCC. See Attachments “A” and “C.”
Article III, Sections 3.5 through 3.7 each incremented to 3.6 through 3.8

Section 3.56 Absenteeism…

Section 3.67 Vacancies…

Section 3.78 Removal of Trustees…
Attachment “A” changed to a new map.
Proposed: Neighborhoods north of 1700 South removed

Attachment “C” changed to note that the Wasatch Hollow and Bonneville neighborhoods are no longer recognized and that the Emerson neighborhood is provisionally recognized.

Neighborhood/Census Tract:         1990 Population         2000 Population
Bonneville/1040            3184    8%        Dropped from SHCCNo longer recognized by the SHCC

Emerson*/1034            4,245    11%        4,073    11%

Wasatch Hollow/1037        2,629    6%        2,562    7%No longer recognized by the SHCC

TOTAL Population for SHCC    40,140 100%        37,32334,761 10093%
* Per Article III Section 3.5, Emerson is provisional.

Landon Clark
[email protected]