Meeting Minutes April 5, 2017

Meeting Minutes April 5, 2017

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Camron Anderson, Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Deb Henry, Michael G. Kavanagh, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Dayna McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Shane Stroud, David Sveiven, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused:  Mike Bagley, Amy Barry, Topher Horman, Benny Keele, Dave Mulder, Jason Smurthwaite, George Sumner, Bryce Williams

Trustees Unexcused: Tina Escobar-Taft, Lucy Hawes, Sue Ann Jones, Susan Koelliker, Eric McGill

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by  Landon Clark, Chair SHCC

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Judi Short, seconded by David Sveinven.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark

There will be hazardous waste drop-off events at the Mt. Olympus pavilion at Sugar House Park on May 4, June 1, and June 29th from 7-10 am.  These are free events for SL County residents, and are the only events in the county that will be accepting electronics, hazardous waste, and pharmaceuticals.

George Sumner SHCC Trustee sent a link to all the trustees regarding the Parks and Public Lands Survey.  To take the survey go to There will be a public meeting at the Forest Dale golf course on April 27th from 6-8:30.

Social Committee: Ben Sessions

On April 7th there will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the Fairmont Park Aquatics Center at 4:30. The hunt lasts 8 minutes so don’t be late!

Monday Night Food Trucks on the Sugarmont Plaza are starting Monday, April 10th from 5-9pm.

April 21-29 will be the “Sample Sugar House” event where restaurants offer discounts to customers to try the various menus.

April 21-23 is the Sugar Days celebration in Sugar House. There will be a variety of activities for the whole family.

Laurie Bray announced that the monthly SH Art Walk starts Friday April 14th.  The event is held on the second Friday of every month from 6-9pm.  This month will include a tour of the Michael Upwall Design Office 1930 S 1100 E.  This recently completed office studio has extensive outdoor landscape unlike any in SH, and will be one of the locations for the Art Walk.

Anyone who has an interest in joining this committee is asked to contact Ben.

POST Announcements: Sally Barraclough

A new pedestrian/bike trial bridge that crosses 20th East by I-80 and the Country Club was installed last night. This is part of the Parley’s Trail construction taking place from 25th East to 17 East.  This trail section is expected to be completed in June.

On Friday, April 21st there is an Earth Day project scheduled for Hidden Hollow from 10am-2pm.  We will be planting over 400 plants to beautify the west end of the Draw and the grassy area in the east end of Hidden Hollow.  There will be horticulturists on hand to answer questions about trees and shrubs. Volunteers are welcome.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There were no new trustee petitions this month.   A petition renewal was submitted by Laurie Bray who is an at-large trustee.  A motion to approve Laurie’s petition was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Larry Migliaccio.  Laurie will be starting her 10th year as a trustee and in addition to organizing the monthly art walk, does much of the photography of the scenes and events in Sugar House. Her petition was unanimously approved by the board.

Treasurer Report: Larry Migliaccio

Current bank balance is $5295.  There was $375 in donations, and 22 cents in interest.  March expenses included $199 for our SH Chamber of Commerce annual membership  $41 for the storage unit.  Everything in the storage unit was moved to Larry’s basement which will save $41/month.  His offer of the space is very appreciated.  We participated in the Love UT Give UT campaign. The total raised will be announced next month.

Fire Department: Station #3 S. Davidson

SL Fire Chief Karl Lieb is encouraging everyone to do spring cleaning and de-cluttering homes and yards.  Compulsive hoarding is leading to fires and an increase in injuries to fire personnel who respond to emergencies.  Review your emergency fire escape plan and practice it with your family.  Keep bedroom doors closed as this significantly reduces the spread of smoke and flames in the case of a fire.  Daylight savings time is time to change detector batteries.

SL City Fire Personnel are members of the Local 81 Union.  They recently held a pancake fundraiser at the Publik Coffee House which raised over $4000 for the U of U Burn Camp. The Burn Camp is completely funded through the efforts of the SLC Fire Department. SLC Fire personnel have also spent time recently at the Burn Center at the U of U visiting patients who have been burned in fires.

The next testing/hiring process for the Fire Dept will start in May 2018.  If you know anyone who might be interested in joining the Fire Department encourage them to sign up.

Station #3 had 166 calls in March and they’ve had 543 calls YTD.  Most of the calls are medical calls.  Totals for all of Salt Lake were 1,963 Medical and 544 Fire in March and 35,722 Medical YTD, 1,544 Fire YTD.

Go to for current updates from the department.

Police Department: Detective J. Smith (Detective Ashdown-excused)

Crime rates in Sugar House are trending down right now.  However as the weather warms up we will start to see more car break-ins and stealing from open garages.  Make sure bikes and sports equipment are put away.  Also, take time to note serial numbers on all equipment as that is the only way police can return items to you if they are recovered.  Don’t leave valuables or anything that looks valuable in cars.

Transient camps can be reported to Detective Ashdown.  They now have a process in place for cleaning up the camps.

Assistant Chief Doubt reported that the department hopes to build an east side precinct for the police department.  They are in the initial planning stages so have yet to determine a location but it will definitely be on the east side of the city.  This will greatly reduce the response times for officers.

State Senator from District 4: Jani Iwamoto

Jani Iwamoto is the 3rd term State Senator who represents District 4.

During the past legislative session she sponsored multiple bills, all of which passed.  They included:

  • Funding for a Medicaid Housing Coordinator for Seniors and Disabled
  • Excess Damages Claims law to cover injuries caused by a government entity which are currently capped too low to cover multiple victims’ medical needs
  • Election Day Notification Amendments, including public notices of bond elections and vote by mail vs voting in person
  • Municipal Mayoral Term Amendments which brings Utah cities that aren’t in  compliance back in compliance with state code
  • Public Water Supplier Amendments puts more water in the streams to improve the environment
  • Retail Bag Impact Reduction Program
  • Resolution Urging the Postmaster General to issue a commemorative postage stamp
  • Joint Resolution encouraging a study to reduce fall-related injuries
  • Joint Resolution designating “National Speech and Debate Education” day

Jani also serves as the Democratic Senate Representative on 20 different committees.  Go to to see a list of those committees.

Jani was glad to see that HB11 was vetoed by the Governor.  This bill would have changed the makeup of the various committees by not having a Democrat on every committee.

Sign up for Jani’s newletter to get a wrap-up of the 2017 legislative session. Contact her or call (801)580-8414 cell/text

Jani encouraged everyone to get involved in various state boards which provide input to the legislature.  You can find a list of boards at They are also listed on the governor’s website.


Sugar House Construction Projects- Bill Knowles

Updated report – April 4, 2017

Sugarmont Apartments—Boulder Ventures

The contractor will start sinking several hundred support rods soon.  This can be noisy.  They can start as early as 7am and go into late afternoon.

  • Start date: Fall of 2017
  • Update: Currently under construction; foundations and footings are being poured; structural installations are soon to begin.
  • Completion: Late 2018
  • Location: Project borders Sugarmont and McClellan St.
  • Project description: Residential, approximately 300 apartments

Meacham Development

  • Start date: TBD, 2017
  • Update: currently re-designing interior space to commercial office space to exclude medical purposes.
  • Completion: Late 2018
  • Location: 2200 S. Highland Drive
  • Project description: Commercial Office Building

Legacy Village—Woodbury Corp.

  • Start date: 2015
  • Update: On schedule to open April 1, 2017
  • Completion: Late March 2017
  • Location: 1200 E. Wilmington Ave.
  • Project description: Senior residential

Springhill Suites—Woodbury Corp.

  • Start date: Late Spring 2017
  • Update: Design plans are approved; owner plans to begin construction following completion of Legacy Village, set for the end of first quarter 2017.
  • Completion: Late 2018

There is discussion regarding repair and resurfacing of Wilmington Ave.  The developer of Legacy Village and Springhill Suites may shoulder some of the costs.

1000 East/2100 South apartment project (?Urbana on 21st)

They will not be able to keep the pedestrian right of way on the west side of the street open.  There is not enough room to maintain a safe sidewalk during construction so  pedestrians will have to cross to the east side of the street during the construction period.

  • Start date: Late March 2017
  • Update: Demolition of the site has been completed; construction processes to begin the week of 4/03.
  • Completion: Fall of 2018
  • Location: 100 E./2100 S.
  • Project description: Residential, 170 Unit apartment building

Westport Capital Project (former Shopco Site)

  • Start date: Late Spring/early summer 2017
  • Update: Owner’s plans to be submitted to City DRT within the week of 4/03 and will begin the review process by various City Departments.
  • completion: Summer of 2019
  • Location: Former Shopco site
  • Project description: U of U Medical Clinic/Commercial Office Space/Residential

CVS Drug Store Project

  • Start date: Spring 2017
  • Update: Final approval/agreement for landscape plan is expected within the week; construction is “imminent”.
  • Completion: Spring 2018
  • Location: 1300 E./2100 S.
  • Project description: Chain drug store

Questar Gas line replacement

  • Start date: Feb. 2017
  • Completion: October 2017
  • Location: 1700 S., between 700 E. & 1300 E, and 1300 E., between 800 S. & 1700 S.
  • Replacing natural gas lines

For questions or reporting issues or concerns contact: Bill Knowles, SLC Community Ombudsman: 801-580-2626;

Westport Capital Update (Shopko Block) – Mark Isaac

Colby Durnin CEO Sentinel Development

Cameron Bassett Senior Vice President of Development

They presented a synopsis of an on-line survey and the public meetings to date.  They then showed renderings of the development that incorporate the key components from those community outreach activities.

The parcel is 9.5 acres.  The development will include 170,000 sq ft medical building on the east side, a 150,000 sq ft commercial office tower on the south side, and a 150-200 unit apartment building on the west side of the property.  They intend to re-open Stringham Ave from 13th East to Highland Drive.   All structures will comply with existing zoning regulations and no variances will be applied for.

There is a 29 foot fall from 13th East to Highland Dr.  This existing topography will allow for four levels of parking, each level being accessed from Stringham Ave. There will be 10ft wide sidewalks on each side of Stringham Ave.  They are proposing that Stringham Ave be a private street.  They would be responsible for maintenance of the street, including snow removal.  They are also proposing a traffic light at Stringham and Highland.

There are plans for a bicycle path on the south edge of the parcel, with turnouts and water fountains.  There will also be landscaping and seating areas along the north side of Stringham Ave and decorative plantings and murals on the back wall of the existing PayLess Shoe Store building.

Demolition of the ShopKo and digging for the parking structure will start in June.

Salt Lake Parks and Public Lands – Kendal Scott, Outreach Intern

Upcoming Events – City Nature Challenge iNaturalist App April 14-18. Saturday April 15 is a bio blitz on the Jordan River.

April 22 9:30-12:00, Earth Day, is the annual “Purge Your Spurge Day”.  There will be myrtle spurge pulling activities throughout SLC. Sign up on line for this activity on the Parks Department website.

Salt Lake City Parks and Public Lands is conducting a Needs Assessment Public Input  on-line pole at  There are Public Open Houses scheduled for April 26 6-8:30pm at Sorensen Multicultural Center and April 27 6-8:30pm at the Forest Dale Clubhouse.

Salt Lake City Corporation Housing and Neighborhood Plan (HAND)-       Matt Dahl, Deputy Director for Housing and Neighborhood Development

“Growing SLC: A Five Year Plan” is a plan intended to to establish SLC as a place where a growing, diverse population can find housing opportunities.  The plan outlines housing solutions through which SLC will advance this vision.  Mayor Biskupski recognizes that the City’s housing policies must address issues and create long-term solutions for increasing the housing supply, expanding housing opportunities throughout the city, addressing systemic failures in the rental market, and preserving our existing units.

Facts of where we are now:

  • 50% of renters are “rent burdened” spending more than 30% of their income on rent
  • 25% of renters spend more than 50% of their income on rent
  • shortage of 7,500 units that are affordable for people making 40% or less of the median area income ($78,000) which is $28,000 for a family of four, and $20,000 for an individual
  • there is a lack of supply, high demand, raising the prices for everyone
  • housing prices from 2011-2014 increased by 33% but incomes only increased by 8%

Goals of the plan:

  1. Increase housing options
  2. Increase affordable housing
  3. Make housing equitable throughout the city

Go To:  to see the full plan


The plan will go to the Planning Commission for briefing on April 12th and the Planning Commission public hearing is April 26th.

Spot Light on Business – Michael G Kavanaugh

Sherwin Williams 1640 South 1100 East

Trevor Wiberg – Manager

Trevor is the new manager in this store but he has been with the company for 18 years.

April 21-24 is the annual super sale, with 40% off of all paints and stains.

Paints and stains that are stored in the proper temperatures in smaller (less air) containers should last from 5-7yrs.  They can match any colors and have interior/ exterior products.

SLC Branch Libraries Assessment – Sean Baron, Blaylock and Partners

Peter Bromberg – Executive Director of SLC Library

They are finishing the public input portion of the assessment.   Some comments include space for a business incubator and enhanced public spaces.  Also a better mix of meeting spaces while maintaining reading spaces.

Next steps include producing a final report including an estimated cost, and finding funding.  At this time there is not funding for the project, so work may not start for two or more years.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]