Meeting Minutes May 3, 2017

Meeting Minutes May 3, 2017

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Camron Anderson, Teddy Anderson, Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Deb Henry, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Susan Koelliker, Dayna McKee, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite, Shane Stroud, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused:  Laurie Bray, Eric McGill, Larry Migliaccio, David Sveiven

Trustees Unexcused: Lucy Hawes, Dave Mulder, George Sumner

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by  Landon Clark, Chair SHCC

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Judi Short, seconded by Bryce Williams.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There was one new trustee petition this month.   A petition was submitted by Melanie Heath from Garfield.  She has lived in the Garfield area for four years.  A motion to approve Melanie’s petition was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Mike Bagley. Her petition was unanimously approved by the board.  Welcome Melanie!

Teddy Anderson presented a petition to renew as a trustee from the Forest Dale area. Sally Barraclough moved to accept the petition, Deb Henry seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer Report: Amy Barry (Larry Migliaccio-excused)

The current bank balance is $6,743.62. There was $1448.29 in donations, mostly from the “Love Utah, Give Utah” campaign, and 25 cents in interest.

Amy made a motion that the SH Community Council become a sponsor for the 4th of July Festival.  This would be a $250 donation but would include the $150 that we spend every year for our booth.  The council logo would be put on the sponsor banner.  Sally moved that we approve Amy’s motion, Dayna seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Amy also noted that Dave Mulder will circulate a sign up sheet for volunteering for the booth on the 4th of July.  Sally will drop off and pick up the supplies for the booth.  Judi has already signed up for the first shift.  The booths will be located at various locations throughout Sugar House instead of on 11th East as in years past.

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark

Landon welcomed the Boy Scouts from Troop #73. They attend Dilworth School.

Community Reports

Parks, Open Space, and Trails:  Sally Barraclough

This committee did not meet in April but various members of the committee and the community helped with the planting project that took place in Hidden Hollow on Friday April 21st.  The event was sponsored by PRATT who paid for the 450 plants that were added to the east end of Hidden Hollow.  Volunteers came from PRATT, Legacy Village, Bare Bones Living, SHCC, Traeger Grills, Utah Open Lands, SL County and SL City.

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

Petitioners who have projects to present to the Planning Commission present to their respective Community Council first.  Because Sugar House has such an active Land Use Committee, most petitioners present first to the subcommittee, then later to the full council.

The developer for the Shopko parcel has already conducted a vigorous public process including two Land Use meetings, and one SHCC meeting.  He will be presenting again at the Land Use meeting on May 15th at 6:00pm in the Sprague Library.  His latest renderings can be found on our website at  Comments can be made on the site. The comments will be added to the letter that Judi will write to the Planning Commission.  The development will include one apartment complex and two office buildings. It will require a “conditional building and site design review” prior to acquiring building permits.

Transportation:  Amy Barry (Larry Migliaccio excused)

The Transportation Committee met on April 17th and had guest Scott Vaterlaus from SLC Transportation contribute to the discussion regarding traffic issues on Elm Ave.  There have been concerns from residents who live on the streets that dead end at the Streetcar Line and Elm Ave.  People are not yielding from Lincoln St and 10th Ave as they enter Elm.  Transportation will be considering traffic calming features to aid in improving the traffic flow.  SL Transportation will prepare a report with options to present to the neighborhood.

Community Outreach and Social Committee: Benjamin Sessions

There will be a SH Pub Crawl on Saturday May 20th.  The Sugar House Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the event and more details can be found on their website.

Laurie Bray wanted Ben to announce the start of the summer Art Walk events.  It is held on the second Friday of each month from 6-9pm.

Amy announced that most all of the community events are on our website under the “Sugar House Happenings” tab.  Click on SH Calendar.

Fire Station #3 – Excused

Police Department: Detective Josh Ashdown

All the crime stats are down except for business burglaries.  Businesses along 21st South have been hit the hardest, with most crimes happening between 3am and 5am.

Detective Ashdown reminded us to call the police first when we see something suspicious.  Posting to social media is fine too but don’t delay calling the police department as it is hard for them to track down problems if too much time has gone by.

The department is working on the homeless camping issue.  They have a new process for cleaning up the camps.  The health department is no longer providing this service.

Reports made to the police department are included in the crime stats especially those that are given a case number.  If you ask for the crime to be documented it will be included in the stats.

If anyone questions if they should call Highway Patrol, UTA Police or SLC Police regarding suspicious activities along our highways, streets, or the S-Line call SLC Police and they will determine who needs to get the call.  If you see someone camping call SLC Patrol at (801 799-3000).  If the camp looks empty you can also email Det. Ashdown at http://[email protected] There is a group of social workers working for the police department who help direct the homeless to the services that they need to help get them out of homelessness.

Announcements for items not on the agenda:

Heart and Soul Music Stroll will be held again this year on Saturday June 10th from 3-8pm.  There are 39 bands scheduled and 9 food trucks.  This is a free event.

The Bicycle Collective is holding their annual Bicycle Prom fundraiser on June 10th. The ride with bikers wearing prom attire takes place from 6-8pm.  The Prom starts at 8pm at the Gallivan Center.

There was a comment from the audience regarding the low square footage of retail space planned for the Shopko redevelopment. It was felt that this decreases the walk-ability of the area.  Judi requested that the comment be put in writing to her to include with other comments to the Planning Commission.

Rawlins expressed concern about the new through street planned for the Shopko parcel. He too was asked to submit a written comment to Judi.


Fairmont Aquatic Center:  Bess Thompson, Facilities Director

The aquatic center is looking for more life guards and swim instructors for the pool.  They are looking for high school and college students, teachers who are looking for part time summer work, or possibly retirees who would like earn some extra money.  The hourly rate for swim instructors is $9.22, and life guards are at $8.57.  Potential employees must pass a swim test and an interview process.  There is on-the-job training and flexibility in work locations throughout the county.  They also have the flexibility to extend employment past the summer months.

The aquatic center is a community partner, participating in the Sugar House Farmer’s Market and the Night Out Against Crime.

Sugar House Farmer’s Market:  Natalie McHale, Market Manager and Melo Flores, Board Member

The market will be held in Fairmont Park again this year.  It takes place every Wednesday 5-8 pm starting June 7th and runs for 21 weeks.  This year they are going to have weekly themes which will repeat every month.  The first week is “Family Night” the second is “Pet Show” the third is “Focus on Fitness” and the last week is “Night Out at the Market”.

They are still looking for sponsors and would like to provide more educational opportunities for the community.  They also accept in kind donations of gift cards etc that are used in their weekly raffles.

Booth charges this year are $20/wk for non-profits, and $50/wk for vendors.  They will negotiate prices if vendors offer give-aways, a fitness class, or anything else that helps draw people to the market.

Contact Information:   http://[email protected].

SLC Library: Peter Bromberg, Library Director

The library will be asking for a funding increase for the first time since 2004.  They are requesting a 3.9 million from new property tax revenue.

They have built two new libraries, Glendale and Marmalade, that are being heavily used.  They have been operating these libraries for the past two years using money they had in a savings account.  Those funds have been depleted, so 1.5 million of the funding would be used to run these two new facilities.

The second piece would be for the long term care of the eight branch buildings that are in the system.  1.5 million a year would be put in savings to build an account for large maintenance expenses that occur such as HVAC replacements or new roofing.

The remaining amount would be used to keep the buildings safe, clean and welcoming. They have added bathroom attendants and that has greatly improved the cleanliness and safety of the bathrooms.

For the owner of a $247,000 home, the tax increase would be around $20 per year.  For a business valued at 1 million dollars it would be a tax increase of about $150 per year.

The library is also proposing to do away with late fees.  Studies have shown that late fees cause an unfair barrier to lower income families.  The children who most need the library may lose their access to the system.  The cost of lost or not returned items will run the system approximately $75,000 per year but the return on investment through educational opportunities and use of the facilities more than makes up for it.

There will be city council budget meeting hearings May 16th, 23rd, and June 6th.

SLC Transportation/Trails:  Julianne Sabula, Colin Quinn-Hearst

The Transit Master Plan that was completed about a month ago has been submitted to the city council and is waiting for scheduling for review and adoption.  A summary of the plan is available on-line for review and comments at  The full 350 page technical report is also available for review. The intent was to look at local needs for transportation using buses and trains.  UTA meets regional needs and this plan is addressing local issues such as fees, routes, frequency, and ride patterns.

The proposal would put 87% of households within 1/4 mile of a frequent transit bus stop which would provide service every 15 min all day long , 6am-midnight. Other households will be within 1/4 mile but with less frequent service.

The Hive Pass is now available on-line. It is $47 per month for all SLC residents who can provide proof of residency.  The costs are covered 50% by the user, 30% by the city, and 20% by UTA.  The Fare Pay card is also available, which is a pay-as-you-go card.

The bus shelter outside of the library will be replaced with the newer style like is located on the Monument Plaza.

Trails Report: Colin reported that there is an effort to find funding to provide winter maintenance of the Parley’s Trail. The county will be the one to provide the maintenance from Tanner Park to the Draw.  The city does the maintenance from the Draw to the S-Line.

Salt Lake City Central District Maintenance does the maintenance such as weeding along the S-Line corridor.  The SLC Mobil App is a good way to report work that needs to be done.

There are several on-going trail projects in the central business district of Sugar House 13th East to 9th East and 2100 South to the Freeway.

  • Connection with the Shopko block redevelopement
  • Connection from the S-Line to Hidden Hollow and the Draw
  • Connection of the McClelland Trail from 2100 South to Fairmont Park and eventually Brickyard Plaza

They are looking at a network of trails rather than one main route, so that the whole business district area is covered with biking and walking trails.  SLC has allocated Impact Fee money to study the routes, and make recommendations. The Parleys Trail is the East-West Trail and the McClelland Trail is the North-South Trail.

The plan for the extension of the McClelland Trail from 2100 S to Fairmont Park is in the Mayor’s Office awaiting approval.

The redevelopment of the Shopko block will include a trail along the south side of the property which will allow a connection from the Parley’s trail to the McClelland trail.

Legacy Village Wilmington Update: Aabir Malik, Colmena Group

The repaving of Wilmington Street has been delayed at the request of the city because they have some utility work planned for this summer.  They are considering using concrete for the surface which is more durable but more expensive. Concrete also has a longer cure time.

The hotel project east of Toy’s R Us will start soon.  They are waiting until the Legacy Village is complete.    The utilities for the hotel project will come from the Sugar House Shopping Center rather than from under the Wilmington.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G. Kavanaugh

Legacy Village 1212 East Wilmington Ave

David Moeai – Executive Director

Summer Crouch – Marketing Director

The Legacy Village has 130 independent living units (500-1700 sq feet) that rent for $2,800-$6,500.  There are 90 assisted living units that rent for $3,800-$7,500 and 40 memory care units that rent for mid to upper $5000 range (all inclusive). Three market studies were done prior to building the development to determine the demand in the area for this type of housing. The concept is that people will be able to “age in place”, making it unnecessary to make multiple moves during their end of life period.

There are three levels of public parking and one level of parking reserved for Legacy Village.  The first hour of parking will be free and $2/hr for each additional hour of parking.

Legacy Village has volunteer opportunities. Contact Summer for more information.

City Council Report:  Lisa Adams, District 7

The SHCC thanked Lisa Adams for her service on the City Council. She will not be running for re-election this year.

The council is working on the mayor’s budget. CIP funds include $615,000 approved for improvements in Fairmont Park for lighting and recreation. Lighting and safety were high priorities.  Pickle ball and volley ball courts will be added. New lighting will be added to the southeast quadrant area of the park.

State law requires a balanced budget. Public meetings are May 16th, 23rd and June 6th.

Mayor’s Report:  Nate Salazar, Community Liason

The budget includes funds for

  • Homeless services:  2.1 million to assist agencies working with the homeless plus $685,000 for operation diversion for drug treatment
  • Affordable Housing: 3 million toward the RDA budget to build more affordable housing
  • Sustainability: $100,000 for more solar panels for the solar farm
  • Infrastructure: 1.9 million to the CIP program for shovel ready projects, and 8 million for roads and sidewalks
  • Benefits to public employees: more funding for paid parental leave

There will be an increase for public utilities over the next five years.  The first year increase will be 30%,  but even with that increase SLC is lower in public utility costs than most cities our size.  The remaining four years will have smaller increases.

They have proposed moving the Rose Park Golf Course out of the golf enterprise fund to the general fund.  This will provide more stability for the course.

Library Update: Dolly Rauh

There will be a Study Lab on Monday May 8th from 5-8pm.  There will be free coffee, tea, and snacks.

The Summer Reading Program starts June 1st and runs through Aug 12th.  There will be trackers and reading lists for all ages.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00

Landon Clark
[email protected]