SHCC Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015

SHCC Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Minutes

Meeting Minutes- March 4, 2015

Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Lucy Hawes, Deborah Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, David Read, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused Absent: Robin Bastar, Topher Horman, Susan Koelliker, David Mulder, Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas

Trustee Absent: Teddy Anderson, Larry Migliaccio, Jack Perry

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Approval of the February Minutes:  Due to a oversight in the agenda, a motion to approve the minutes will be considered in April.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There were no trustee petitions that expire this month and there were no new petitions for the council.  The attendance sheet was passed around and it was noted that several trustees asked to be excused this evening.

Chair Announcements: Amy Barry

  •  SHCC Bylaws Committee: David Read, Grandview trustee, is going to chair a new committee to review the SHCC Bylaws.  Bryce Williams, Beacon Heights trustee, has volunteered to join the committee, and Amy asked for at least one more trustee to join this committee.  Lucy Hawes, Country Club trustee, agreed to volunteer.  It is anticipated that this will be a short term commitment, possibly a few months.
  • Historic Signs:  Amy and Laurie were able to save the Maytag sign when it was removed from the Rockwood building. The sign was going to be destroyed, but for now it is being stored in Amy’s garage.  Laurie has taken photos of all the historic signs in the area and we would like to see them saved rather than go to the landfill.  There is $3000 available through the RDA to help remove and preserve historic signs located within the RDA zone. Joedy will be addressing the subject of the signs at next month’s SHCC meeting.  Kirk Huffaker, Director of the Utah Heritage Foundation wants to be involved in this project.
      • Laurie stated that she and Lynne Olson have already put in a lot of time on this project and believe the next step is to approach property owners and talk to them about the importance of preserving the signs and provide them with information about funding that might be available to them.
      • Ed asked where the signs are being stored and how hard it is to remove the signs prior to repairing them.  Amy said she only has room for the Maytag sign so she will be looking for another location for sign storage.  As for removal, the Maytag sign was already down when she acquired it.  She doesn’t know how difficult they are to remove.
      • Laurie noted that the He She Hair Salon sign located on the Sterling Furniture building was taken down and sent to the landfill before anyone noticed.  We don’t want to lose any more of these signs.
      • Lucy asked if the Community Council has any plans for the signs.  At this time we are considering different options.
      • Sue Ann asked if the property owners are interested in saving the signs.  Amy said that we are hopeful the owners would like to reinstall them after they are refurbished. Las Vegas has an outdoor sign museum.  Another city has them displayed along a boulevard within the city.
      • Lucy asked about future signage within the city.  Amy said that the city doesn’t have a specific design standard,  but they do have stringent regulations about size, location etc.
      • Judi noted that the council was instrumental in getting the blade sign ordinance passed for Sugar House.  The ordinance is now used throughout the city.  A blade sign is a smaller sign the hangs perpendicular to the exterior wall of the business, making it more visible to pedestrians on the sidewalk.
      • Laurie said that the sign ordinance needs to be changed to allow signs to be removed for restoration, then reinstalled.  Currently, if the sign is taken down it cannot be reinstalled.  The owners of the Granite Furniture Building had to get an exception in order to rehang the Sputnik sign.
  •  Cinemark Theater: After undergoing renovations, the dollar theater in Sugar House Commons has reopened as a Cinemark Theater.  It has comfort seating and will be showing first run movies.
  • Candidate Debates: Amy and Carole have been working with other community councils to provide a forum for candidate debates prior to the fall elections.  It would include those running for SLC Mayor and City Council District 6.  (City Council District 7 does not have an election this year). There is a coalition of organizations involved, including other community councils, the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce, and the League of Women Voters. They are meeting monthly, and if anyone is interested helping please contact Amy and she will add you to the email list.
  • Salt Lake Community Action: This group will also be sponsoring a citywide mayoral debate.  They are requesting that you submit questions for the candidates.  Your questions may be sent to Amy via email and she will forward them to the people planning the debate.
    • Sally confirmed that the questions are for the mayoral candidates only.

Mayor’s Office Update: The printed update was submitted by Shawn McDonough and was circulated among the trustees.

Fire Department Station #3 Report: Tom Simons

The city fire chief wants to remind all of us that because of the unseasonably warm winter and the early spring rain, the vegetation is going to experience rapid growth and we are going to have an increased risk of fires later in the spring.  Be careful with open burning and smoking outside.

“Operation Cover Up” was conducted again this year during the holiday season.  Fire Departments collected coats and other cold weather wear for the local homeless population.

Battalion Officer Overson from SLC and Captain Fitzgerald from the Unified Fire Authority were honored by this year’s legislature for their efforts. They were presented with the Firefighter Distinguished Service Award.

This month’s focus for the fire department is emergency preparedness.  Citizens are encouraged to have a 72hr kit and plans in the event of a large scale emergency.  It is recognized that in the first 72hrs the fire and police departments will be in high demand and may not be able to assist you.  Go to to find a list of what should be in your kit and how to put one together for less money.

There are law enforcement officers within the fire department.  They are firefighters who have been trained in prevention, detection, and investigation of fires.  They investigate suspicious fires and work with businesses to make sure they are compliant with fire codes.

Sugar House Station #3 had 174 calls in February which makes 338 calls year-to-date.  The fire at Fire Station #2 is still under investigation.

Police Department Report: Detective Lowe

Most of the crime stats are down this month as compared to last month, and are also down for the same month last year. There were 22 cars stolen in January as compared to 18 stolen in February.  February was warmer than usual, so the number of stolen vehicles likely due to people not leaving them running to warm.  Please be vigilant in protecting your car.

They are also seeing an increase in vandalism in our area.  These are hard crimes to solve without help from the public.  If you see something, call the numbers on the tip card.  Detective Lowe distributed tip cards and his business card with the numbers to call.

Detective Lowe brought a “spent” taser cartridge to show to the trustees and audience.  It is not often that you get to see one because if they are used on a perpetrator, the cartridge is booked into evidence. There are two probes that are small and sharp to penetrate the skin.  They are however short, so they will not go through a coat or heavy clothing.  The optimum distance between the two probes is 18 inches.  The current runs between the two probes for 5 seconds, then cycles off. The wires attached to the probes are 25ft long, so that is the maximum distance from which it can be fired.

  • Michael G asked about the velocity of the probes when the taser is fired.  Detective Lowe said it is very fast but he didn’t know the exact velocity.
  • Judi asked about the evictions on Parkway.  Detective Lowe will follow up on this incident
  • Audience member asked if we are living in what is still considered a low crime area.  It is Detective Lowe’s understanding that the majority of the crimes are car prowls.  Car prowls are counted in the larceny and theft category.  In District 7 in February there were 104 cases as compared to 140 in the same month last year, and 119 cases in January of 2015.

Public Comments for Items Not on the Agenda: None

Committee Reports:

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

We have received the application for CVS on the corner of 2100 South and 900 East.  They are asking for permission to vacate a public alley.  They are also requesting a rezone of the two properties located at 2046 and 2036 South 2100 East in order to allow parking in support of the proposed retail use.  The project will go from Residential Office to Community Business.  This will allow the entire project to be in the same zone.  We were not sent any drawings, so Judi will need to find the latest version so that her letter will include the comments we made about the design of the building.  We have also decided to ask them to move the door from the north side, the rear of the parcel to the corner of 2100 South and 1300 East. That would mean they will have to relocate the utility box in that area.

Last month we were asked about new retail for Sugar House Crossing.  The newest restaurant is Pot Belly Sandwiches. Another called Cubby’s will be open in about 60 days. There are ongoing  negotiations with 5 other retail tenants.  We have learned that the underground parking in the Sugar House Crossing will be $10.

The Planning Commission approved the petition to amend the zoning map and future land use map for a portion of the Forest Dale Golf Course property located at 2425 South 900 East.  The parcel is currently zoned Open Space, and the Commission recommended that it be rezoned to PL-2 (Public Lands) in order to allow a new Sugar House Fire Station #3 to be built on the property.  There will be a separate Conditional Use approval at a later date to allow for the parcel to be used for a Fire Station.  The parcel would also have to be removed from the Open Space Inventory. Nothing can be done on the parcel for six months, and funding needs to be approved.   This is one step in a long process, and many more eyes will look at this before it becomes final.

There is also a proposal before the Salt Lake City Landmark’s Committee to apply to have the Forest Dale Golf Course and Clubhouse be put on the National Historical Register.  It is currently on the Salt Lake City Landmarks Register.  This application is being proposed by Pat Shea.  If you look at the Landmarks Agenda for March, you can read the application, which contains quite a bit of interesting history about the golf course and surrounding area.  In 1995 the community council worked with the city to obtain funding that was used to restore the clubhouse.

Judi made a motion to send a letter of support from the SHCC for the proposal to put the Forest Dale Golf Course and Clubhouse on the National Historical Register.  Ed seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Judi will write the letter.

There will be no March  meeting of the Land Use Committee.

Parks, Open Space, and Trails Committee: Sally Barraclough

We met in conjunction with the Land Use Committee to provide input for the rezone at the Forest Dale Golf Course.

  • Imperial Neighborhood Park Update:  Most of the hard-scape is in place. They will be planting trees and laying turf shortly.  Sally passed around the architectural rendering for the trustees to see.  There will be an official ribbon-cutting when the park is finished.  The date and time have yet to be decided, but it will be before the June Music Stroll.
  • This year’s annual Music Stroll will be held on Saturday, June 13th.  There will be approximately 30 bands, a raffle, and food trucks.  The main stage will be the pavilion located in the new park. Please plan to come to this fun, neighborhood event.

Transportation Committee: Deb Henry

Deb encouraged us to write letters to our legislators in support of  increasing UTA funding to that they can expand service in the Sugar House area.  Right now a lot of people don’t use public transit because the hours of service don’t meet their needs.  UTA needs more funding if we want expanded hours and more bus routes.

The pedestrian flags partially paid for by SHCC have been placed at the crossings near the SH end of the S-Line.  By looking at the distribution of the flags in the holders, it is apparent that they are being used.  Deb thanked the trustees for their support of this project.

Deb has noted that some people using the S-Line have multiple bags of groceries.  She feels this demonstrates that the S-Line is being utilized by the nearly one-third of the population that does not have a car.

The bike racks at the Monument Plaza are regularly full.  This demonstrates that rather than pay $10 to park a car, people are riding their bikes.  She will be looking into getting more racks for the area.

The Hive Pass Program is currently being re-evaluated and it is expected that a new version (Hive Pass 2.0) will be released.  The challenges with the original pass included the limited hours of service, including the lack of late evening service, and the fact that you had to buy a full year pass.  3000 passes were sold originally in the first seven months before the program was closed for evaluation.  The new program being considered would have the owner of the pass paying 50% of the cost, with SLC and UTA picking up 30% and 20% respectively.  You also will be able to buy a pass month-to-month without having to commit to a full year. Lisa Adams said that the city council will put some funds toward marketing the pass, which was not done in the release of the first version.  She also stated that the council will vote on Hive Pass 2.0 next month but she feels it will most likely pass.  The use of the Hive Pass caused a reduction of 130,000 lbs of air pollution and reduced congestion on our streets in Sugar House.  It provided people without a car better access to healthcare, schools, and jobs. The new Hive Pass will cost $41.88 per month but will no longer cover the Front Runner trains.  It will only cover busses, TRAX, and the S-Line.

Amy and Deb would like to see the Transportation Committee to expand its scope to include alternative modes of transportation including bikes.

The March meeting of the Transportation Committee has been moved to the 4th Monday of April for this month only.

Arts and Cultural Committee: Laurie Bray

The committee has been working with the RDA to provide a time capsule for the Monument Plaza.  The dimensions for the capsule are 20”x 15” x 9” and will include a stainless steel label identifying it as the Sugar House Time Capsule 2015.   While there is not a lot of space within the capsule, they are still taking suggestions of what should be included.  There is a Facebook page called The Sugar House Time Capsule.  The Facebook page will also provide a place for an ongoing “virtual time capsule” which will continue even after the capsule is buried.  They anticipate that the capsule will be opened in 39 yrs. which is when Sugar House will be 200 yrs. old.  The location will be well documented in order for future generations to be able to find it. It will be buried during the Monument Plaza Grand Opening.

On April 23rd there will be a Sugar House Stories Event in the Sprague Library.  This event has been held several times in the past at both the library and at Westminster College.  As in the past, older citizens are invited to come and share their memories of Sugar House.  There will be scrapbook pages for people who want to write their stories.  Dale Angell will be doing some short story videos.  He has done several videos already regarding topics such as past transportation in Sugar House, and the history of the sugar mill.  You can find his documentaries on You Tube under Toyman Television.  Laurie is still looking for a facilitator for the evening event.  You can also bring artifacts that will be photographed and documented.

  • Sally noted that she had the opportunity to participate in a previous Sugar House Stories Event and how gratifying it was to hear the historical stories about the area.  Such things as walking from Sugar House to South High School, which was the local high school before Highland High was built, and the old orphanage located on 5th east.
  •  Laurie said that Nibley Park was originally a water park and that is was the only one in the country at that time.  There are photos of it on the Monument Plaza Facebook page.

They are in the process of locating the previous Sugar House Stories recordings and hope to  put them on DVD that could be made available for purchase.


Love Utah Give Utah:  Maggie Shaw

Maggie signed up SHCC for the charity event Love Utah Give Utah scheduled for Thursday, March 26.  This is the third year for this fundraising event for non-profits throughout the state.  The first year, $700,000+ was raised and last year over $1,000,000 was donated to a large number of registered non-profits.

In order to be part of the 24hr event, Maggie had to file an application proving our 501(c) 3 status and attend a training program.  We now have a link to the Love Utah Give Utah fundraising website.  This website allows individuals to make donations via credit cards or paypal.  The organization keeps a small portion (less than 6%) for processing the credit and paypal donations.  They also pay all the associated credit card fees. All we need to do is spread the word that we are part of this year’s event.  Hopefully, we can raise money for the various activities that we support throughout the year.

Maggie said that this is an easy way to collect much needed funds with minimal effort.  If each trustee on the council got 5 people to donate $10 each, we would raise $1200.  While it is not easy to ask for donations, Maggie reminded us to think of people who we have supported in the past for their charities, and ask them for the minimum donation of $10.  Donations can be given prior to the 26th but the actual event is the 25th-26th ending at midnight on the 26th.  One way  to get the information out is to go to our Facebook Page and “share” it with everyone you can think of.  There is information about Love Utah Give Utah on our Facebook Page. Maggie is also trying to secure a “matching donor” which was another requirement to be part of this event.

There is a competition component, where in the top three fundraisers in each division will receive a prize.  We are in the small non-profit group.  Maggie will send each of us a scripted e-mail that we can then forward to 5 of our contacts.  She will also be at the Gallivan Center on March 26th along with all the other non-profits trying to get donations for SHCC.

  • Sally clarified that the money you donate goes to the specific non-profit that you choose, and not to a big pot that gets divided among the charities.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G. Kavanagh

New to You Sugar House

Pam Grubaugh Owner

2207 South 7th East

Hrs:  Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 11am-5pm, Closed on Sunday.

New to You Sugar House is a thrift store located on 7th East in the old Sugar House BBQ building by the S-Line.  Pam and her husband, along with her father-in-law decided to start the thrift store after they became involved in storage unit auctions.

They acquire much of their inventory from the auctions and yard sales, and they also accept donations. They are family owned and are not a non-profit, but they do participate in charitable events such as coat drives for the Road Home and the Odyssey House.

The store carries a variety of household items including furniture, dishes, books and toys.  They also have clothing.

The entrance to the store is by the Firestone store which is no longer in business.  The parking lot in the back is accessed off of 7th East.

Salt Lake City Council:  Lisa Adams District 7

Lisa thanked the Community Council for the outstanding job that was done regarding outreach to the community in regards to the potential move of Fire Station #3 to 9th East south of the Forest Dale Club House.  There has not been a large amount of concern regarding the new location.  Those who expressed the most concern live directly across the street.  There were a few complaints from some who don’t live in District 7.  The Planning Commission approved the move, and Lisa expects that it will be on the City Council agenda in the next few weeks.

There is an ongoing concern about Diamond Parking issuing tickets in the lots behind the Library and in the Pei Way parking lot. The city attorney’s office has sent letters to several of the parking companies reminding them that Salt Lake City code does not allow them to issue parking tickets without providing notice.  They must also have evidence that they have the authority to issue tickets.  There is some argument that posting a sign provides the notice.  It has been found that in lieu of tickets, they are booting cars.  The Mayor’s office is looking for a compromise to address the issue of sufficient turnover of parking for the businesses, while not punishing people who park their cars and walk the area for shopping and dining. The city sent out an ombudsman who went business to business pointing out to them that ticketing customers is a deterrent to business.  The city would like to find a gentler way to remind people that while it is not appropriate to take up a parking space all day, we still want to encourage people to come and shop in Sugar House.

It has come to the Lisa’s attention that Scott Workman is not going to produce the Sugar House Fireworks this year.  Lisa will be talking to the City Council’s Office and the Mayor’s Office to see what can be done to make sure we have a show again this year.  The city has helped with the funding in the past and it would be a shame if there is no show after all the work that was done to secure bus and rail transportation from UTA for the 4th holiday.  This is the premier fireworks show for the whole valley.

Lisa has been appointed to a committee that has been formed by the Mayor’s Office to address panhandling in the city. There is a concern that the majority of panhandlers are not from the homeless population and that they are actually hurting the homeless community.  The Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office have produced HOST cards that contain information for obtaining assistance.  Instead of giving them money, the card can be handed to panhandlers so that they have information about available services.  The city employes four HOST officers whose job it is help with homeless outreach.   The city is looking at an ordinance that would preclude aggressive panhandling while still protecting 1st amendment rights to free speech.  The HOST cards are available for the public to distribute.  The city is especially focusing on homeless veterans because there are funds, including federal funds, available to get them off the streets and into housing.

There are two zoning issues that are currently being addressed by the council.  The first is for the Club Karamba site.  We do not want a similar business going in after their lease expires.  The new zone would address the noise level and types of businesses that can be located near a residential neighborhood.  The second zone is being considered  because of the situation regarding the half demolished Ute Car Wash located on 21st South.  There is currently no ordinance that requires an owner to finish a demolition.  In this case, the owner did not obtain a demolition permit and was given a cease order until he obtained the appropriate permit.  He has chosen to stop work rather than obtain the permit to finish the demolition and the city cannot require that he finish the job.  The new zone would require that demolition work be completed so that we don’t have half empty spaces that become filled with weeds and trash.

Lisa met with Chief Burbank a week ago to discuss crime in District 7.  He said that if you have never experienced a crime personally, you think it never happens but if you have experienced a crime you think it’s everywhere.  He also stated that if you notice an increase in crime in a particular area it may be that the area is being targeted because one criminal was successful in the area and is telling his/her friends.  Once your neighborhood is marked as a “trusting neighborhood” there will most likely be an increase in crime.  There has been an increase in crimes committed by high school students in the area who are breaking into homes during the day rather than attend classes.  Lisa asked the Chief about getting back our bike patrol.  The police department is looking into changing how they schedule the bike patrol staffing and we will know more later.   Chief Burbank is scheduling a neighborhood meeting for our area on Tuesday, March 31st.  The location is still to be determined, possibly Highland High School.  This will be a question and answer session that is open to the public.

One week ago the City Council forwarded a recommendation to the Mayor regarding the $500,000 per year deficit faced by the golf fund.   Lisa noted that prior to the meeting she was concerned to see that Nibley was on the list with Wingpointe and Glendale to be considered for closure.  Nibley had not appeared on the list before because this property was donated to the city by the Nibley family for the exclusive use as a golf course.  Mr. Nibley’s wish was that the common man could afford  the opportunity to play the game of his native land, Scotland.  Lisa believes that the deed is very clear that the property can not be used for any other purpose including a park, open space, or even a driving range.  Nibley was on the list forwarded to Mayor Becker because the advisory board was looking for courses that are not closely surrounded by private homes.   Lisa voted “no” on every scenario that included Nibley because the course is in District 7 and also because she does not think that the city can overcome the legal challenges of the deed.  The attorneys for the Mayor’s Office are looking at the deed, but in Lisa’s opinion the city won’t win this case and it would be a waste of  taxpayer money to fight it.  In the end we could lose the golf course and the property. If the city closes the course and loses the court case, the land reverts back to the Nibley family and they will probably develop the property.   The rest of the recommendation included closing Wingpointe.  The Wingpointe lease expires in 2016 and the new lease price will be $600,000 per year.  The council also recommended that they close Glendale with the hope that it become a regional park with an amazing waterway which is the Jordan River.  In order to make Glendale a park and to make improvements to the remaining courses and parks, the council recommended that the city but a general obligation bond on the ballot for the voters to decide.  Some of the money would be used to convert the golf courses and parks from culinary water to secondary water, and to make other recreational improvements.

  • Laurie asked if any work had been done on the demolition issue after the parcel at 21st and Highland sat undeveloped for so long.  Lisa said she was not aware of this being address by the past administration.   Judi stated that in order to get a demolition permit you had to have a reuse plan approved by the city.  In the case of the UTE Car Wash, a demolition permit was never applied for.
  • Benny stated that he feels that there is a guilt surrounding the panhandling issue.  In his experience, signs in businesses recommending that you not give to panhandlers but instead encourage donations to the red meters etc. really help.  He also stated that calling store managers and asking them to remove panhandlers from the property is also helpful.
  • Maggie wanted the trustees to know that in regard to Diamond Parking booting cars, in British Columbia they passed a law that only law enforcement entities can boot cars.  This keeps predatory companies from extorting money from the general population.  She suggested that maybe Salt Lake City should look at passing such an ordinance.
  • Sally has heard from several people that they would rather pay a little for parking and know that they are safe than come back to their car to find a ticket or that a boot had been placed.
  • Deb has had the experience of having a car booted and towed from an open downtown lot.  It was at night and the towing company required cash only, so with cab fares, night fees and ATM fees etc. it cost over $500 to get the car released from the impound lot located in Murray.  She wanted Lisa to know that this kind of predatory behavior should not be tolerated in Salt Lake.
  • Amy thanked Lisa for working on the UTE Car Wash issue.  She also wanted clarification on the council’s decision to implement vote-by-mail.  The council decided to start with a hybrid method which will allow voters to vote in person on election day or by mail in ballot.  The ballots will be sent to all registered voters.  Lisa voted to go with straight vote by mail because it would save about $30,000 over the hybrid method, but other council members felt that we should ease into the straight vote by mail.  Deb pointed out that in the primary for the last city council race approximately only 1,800 out of 88,000 potential voters cast a ballot, which is way too low.  Statistics show that in areas where mail in ballots are available, many more people vote.  Lisa noted that unfortunately over time that number also begins to fall, but not to the extent of the low turnout at the polling places.  Another issue is that the voting machines are at the end of their useful life, so there are not as many available and it will be expensive to start replacing them.

Lisa asked to be excused next month.

Sprague Library: Dolly Rauh

No Report.  There is a calendar of library events available on the table at the back of the room.

Sugar House Chamber: Summer Shumway, Chair

The goal of the Chamber is to bring businesses together to provide support for the businesses and increase the business vitality of Sugar House.  In return, the Chamber sponsors events that support the community.  Summer is excited to see the Chamber and the SHCC work together to further the goals of the community.

The Chamber this year is planning to hold a Fringe Festival August 6th-9th.  A Fringe Festival involves theater performances located throughout the area.  Guests get an armband that gets them into the performances.  This event is being spearheaded by the Westminster Theater Department.

Local Colors is sponsoring a Plein Air Painting Event in September.  This will involve artists setting up outside so that the public can observe them while they work.

The Chamber is working on a Community Calendar for their website.  It  will contain information regarding events, ribbon cuttings etc. Their website will also provide a link to the SHCC website as well.  In this way we can coordinate activities taking place in Sugar House.

They are working on the QR Code for the way-finding sign in the Monument Plaza.  It can be downloaded on your smartphone to give information about Sugar House.  They are trying to make it sustainable, so that it can be updated as needed and continue for many years to come.

  • Laurie asked Summer to comment on the letters and emails that she has received regarding the parking situation.  Summer stated that she received many passionate comments.  She said that the property owners who have instigated the parking rules are not members of the Chamber of Commerce.  Unfortunately the Chamber has no control over Diamond Parking.  The Vice President of  Diamond Parking informed Summer that they are just doing what they were hired to do by the property owners.  Judi asked Lisa to find out if the Mayor’s Office has had any contact with the property owners.

Chair Reminders: Amy Barry

  1. The Art Walk has started again for the summer.  It is the second Friday of every month.
  2. The Concert Series will be starting again on Sugarmont Plaza on Monday evenings.
  3.  The Farmer’s Market will be on Sugarmont Plaza on Fridays.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]