Meeting Minutes March 1, 2017

Meeting Minutes March 1, 2017

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Cameron Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry,  Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Topher Horman, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Susan Koelliker, Eric McGill, Larry Migliaccio, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused:  Teddy Anderson, Mike Bagley, Tina Escobar-Taft, Deb Henry, Dave Mulder, George Sumner

Trustees Unexcused: Lucy Hawes, Sue Ann Jones,  Jason Smurthwaite,

The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by  Landon Clark, Chair SHCC

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Steve Kirkegaard, seconded by Bryce Williams.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark

Bill Knowles, Community Ombudsman will not be giving a report tonight as there is no new construction information to share.  He sent a written update that was distributed to the trustees.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There were no current trustee petitions expiring this month.   New trustee petitions were submitted by Dayna McKee, Shane Stroud, and Christopher Sveiven, all from the Nibley area.  A motion to approve Dayna’s petition was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Judi Short.  A motion to approve Shane’s petition was made by Judi Short and seconded by Bryce Williams.  A motion to approve Christopher’s petition was made by Steve Kirkegaard and seconded by Topher Horman.  All three petitions were approved by the board.

Treasurer Report: Larry Migliaccio

Current bank balance is $5159.86  February expenses included $311.50 annual payment for web service, $50 for new crossing flags, and $41 for the storage unit.  We collected $100 in donations and 20 cents interest on the account. At the end of 2016 SHCC had an balance of $3568,  mostly from donations, and expenses of $2663 so we had an increase of $905 in the account.

Amy announced that SHCC is registered with Love Utah Give Utah for the fund raising drive that takes place every year in March for non-profits in Utah.  The money we raise helps offset the monthly cost of putting out the news letter in addition to things we do through out the year like supply crossing flags, and the holiday lights at Christmas time. You can find the link for Love Utah Give Utah on our website.

Committee Reports

Social Events and Outreach: Benjamin Sessions

This is a new committee that will provide opportunities to get together with people in our neighborhoods for events held in Sugar House.  He is interested in working with the SH Chamber of Commerce to provide local business locations for socials, and have committee members take an active role in things like Sugar Days and the Pub Crawls.  Sugar Days this year will be April 21-30.  There will be a Pub Crawl on Saturday May 20th.

Parks and Open Space: Sally Barraclough

This committee was part of the joint sub-committee meeting in February.  Sally announced that there will be an activity in Hidden Hollow to celebrate Earth Day on April 21st.  The actual date of Earth Day is Saturday April 22nd and there will be a March for Science on that day.  Sally will have more information on both events at the next SHCC meeting.

Transportation:  Larry Migliaccio

This committee was also part of the joint sub-committee meeting in February, so there was no report.

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

Salt Lake City Corporation has pulled the proposed Homeless Resource Center at 653 Simpson Avenue from its list of future sites.  There is much relief about that.  At our SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting February 13, we talked at length about the conditions that should be placed on such a use, as part of the city’s request for approving this as a “conditional use”.  Many in the community provided very good comments, and those will be forwarded to the city shortly, along with a letter highlighting what Judi sees as the biggest issues.  We still need to do this, because this will be part of a city wide ordinance, we want these to function well in our city, no matter where they are built.
Sego Homes Roof Garden Planned Development at 2594 S 800 East, along with a new Fuel Station at Harmon’s Brickyard, were both approved by the Planning Commission January 25. The Planning Commission approved the 21 and 21 Small Area Plan and forwarded it on to the City Council for final approval.
The Bar in Sugarhouse” has been sold to Craig Mecham and their last day was February 25.  The bar will be removed right away to make way for new construction of the Dixon Building.  The Dixon Building will be changing some things about their interior design, because the University of Utah Clinic is not going to be their tenant.  This may be on the SHCC Land Use and Zoning meeting March 20. Dixon construction is still planned for this spring.
The Vue has sold to Berkadia  2/9/2017.  This is a Berkshire Hathaway and Leucadia National Company.  We are told there will be no changes in the use.
  • Legacy Village on Wilmington will be complete March 2017
  • Sugarmont Apartments (Sugarmont and McClelland) has demolished and is clearing land, will be doing foundations soon, completion estimated late 2018
  • Dixon Building (2188 Highland Drive) will begin construction in 2017, completion 2018
  • Springhill Suites Hotel – 1250 E Wilmington east of Toys r Us, will begin late Spring 2017
  • Apartments at 10th East and 2100 South should begin construction any day.  Estimated completion Summer 2018
  • ShopKo site – in planning stages, would like to begin construction summer of 2017
  • SH Fire Station #3 on 900 East will begin construction April 2017, Completion September 2018

Community Reports

Fire Department: Station #3 Excused

Go to for current updates from the department.

Police Department:  Detective Josh Ashdown

The crime numbers were down again this month.  This time of year the department wants to remind people to document everything that you own.  Write down serial numbers and take pictures of valuable items such as electronics, cameras, bicycles and keep them in a safe place.  In the event your items are stolen, you have a better chance of getting them back if they are recovered.  Amy requested a mobile bike registration event for our area.

Detective Ashdown clarified the restrictions on jail bookings.  Officers cannot book suspects of misdemeanor crimes into jail.  Domestic violence and public intoxication suspects can be booked into jail, but suspects committing  general nuisance crimes are not booked. They are reported and charged but not confined.  They are notified later to report for a hearing. It many times comes down to public and suspect safety.  Exceptions can be requested by the police but they are rarely approved.

There was a comment regarding HB155 which will lower the allowable alcohol limit from .08 to .05.  This bill is currently working its way through the state legislature.

Library Announcements: Cherie Kofoed

Cherie announced that the “Space Utilization” analysis for Sprague, Chapman, and Day Riverside branches is ongoing by Margaret Sullivan Studies, and Blaylock & Partners Architecture. They are still taking public comments via the display located in the basement of the Sprague Library.

City Council Report: Lisa Adams District 7

The Simpson Ave location for a homeless resource center has been withdrawn by the city.  Lisa Adams was told on Thursday and the public announcement was made on Friday.  She feels the parcel was withdrawn after a rational discussion by community members of the facts regarding this area   She does not believe this was a “not in my backyard” movement. After the Department of Workforce Services also stated that Salt Lake needs to work harder on affordable housing and that the Midvale Shelter could handle the families in crises, the  Simpson location was pulled from the list of sites.

At the end of January meetings the council set their priorities for the coming year.  The list includes:

  1. Affordable Housing
  2. Homeless issues
  3. Streets and infrastructure (sidewalks to sidewalks plan).

There are plans to update the water and sewer lines on 27th south so they will wait to resurface until that work is done.  No firm date has been set for construction.

The council is working on an accessory dwelling units ordinance update. They are waiting to see what the state legislature does with Air B&B. The current accessory dwelling ordinance is hard to enforce.

Lisa has had numerous contacts from constituents regarding the motor vehicle accident that happened at the intersection of 1700East Stratford Ave.  It was a serious rollover accident.  There have been many accidents or near accidents at this intersection.  Lisa has contacted Mike Reberg, Director of Community and Neighborhoods and asked him to investigate.  The Transportation Dept. is conducting a survey of traffic through the intersection.

The Sego Lily Plaza planned for the east end of the Draw is mostly funded.

The Department of Transportation for Salt Lake City has been without a director for almost a year.  Lisa will ask the Mayor when they plan to hire a new director.

Lisa will support the CIP application submitted by Amy for improvements for the Fairmont Park dog park.


ShopKo Update: Mark Isaac, Westport Capital Partners

This is a 9.5 acre parcel that is being redeveloped.  The ShopKo building will be demolished in April.  They are working on a site plan right now.  It will likely include two office buildings and one apartment complex.  The apartment complex is to meet zoning requirements for 30 ft tall office complexes. They plan to stay within the commercial zone and will not be asking for any variances.

They would like to reopen Stringham Ave connecting 13th East to Highland Dr.  Mark is also working with the PRATT Coalition for bike and pedestrian pathway connections through the parcel. They also plan to address the large back wall of the Payless Store building that will be exposed once the ShopKo building comes down.

Impact Fees Presentation: Mike Akerlow, Deputy Director of Community & Neighborhoods for SLC

Impact fees are run by the state statute and the city has it’s own ordinance that further implements the statute.   The fees are paid by developers to help mitigate the impact that their development will have on infrastructure and services.  There are two plans, one for utilities such as water and sewers, and the other which is a facilities plan for parks, transportation, police and fire departments.  This discussion was regarding the facilities plan only as utilities are handled separately.

The previous plan was adopted in 2012.  The fees were collected starting in 2013.  It was later that discovered that there were some errors in the city ordinance.  The council voted in 2015 to place a moratorium on collecting the fees until the issues could be resolved.  During this time, fees that had already been collected could be spent but no new fees were collected.

The new plan was worked out and the council adopted it in December 2016.  New fees will be collected starting in April 2017.  The old plan was more restrictive on how the funds could be spent.  The new plan has more flexibility which will allow for the funds to be spent more quickly.  By state statute, if the funds aren’t spent within 6 yrs of collection they must be refunded to the property owner which may be the developer.

Salt Lake has designated the entire city as a service area, which means the fees can be spent on projects anywhere in the city.  The fees are based on growth and the level of service currently available.  The fees can only be assessed on new growth. There are formulas that are used to determine the impact that a new development will have on the existing open space, transportation, police and fire.  Only residential developments pay the parks impact fee, commercial and warehouse developments do not.  The new plan designates how much by percentage of each project can be paid for using impact fees. New parks and new fire stations are 100% eligible. Other projects may only partially qualify. Park improvements are eligible as are traffic lights as long as the new growth justifies the improvements.

The fees are collected at the time the building permits are issued and they are based on the square footage of the commercial / warehouse buildings and on the number of units in residential construction.

Salt Lake City  Marathon: Kira Wachter, Community Outreach Director

This is the ninth year for the Salt Lake City Marathon, the third year under the current management.  Their charitable partner is the Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Hometown Heroes. Last year the marathon had the largest participation to date so far.

This years Salt Lake City Marathon will be Saturday April 22.  The route will be the same as last year. There will be a hotline available during the week leading up to the race to help people plan for the road closures.  There are volunteer opportunities available. Go to for more information about events and times.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G. Kavanagh

Wasatch Sugar House Pub  – 21st South, 1100 East

The Pub has a large menu of food items and full selection of handcrafted beers.  They are releasing a new beer called the Tempest Toast at the suggestion of one of their servers. It is made from ingredients common to the middle east and is meant to bring attention to the fact that these countries have be singled out for the travel ban.  All proceeds from the sales of Tempest Toast will go the the Utah Chapter of the International Rescue Committee to assist refugees from these countries.

Mayor’s Office Update: Nate Salazar

The homeless shelter plan has changed which has required extra public outreach.  There will be two larger shelters rather than four smaller.  They will be located at 131 East 700 South, and 275 High Ave.  The Road Home Shelter will be closed. Nate took comments from trustees to Mayor Biskupski regarding the failings of this process, in hopes that communication with the public will be improved.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45

Landon Clark
[email protected]