05 Feb Meeting Minutes January 3, 2019
Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes – January 3, 2019
Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Deborah Henry, Benny Keele, Will Kocher, Dayna McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Chris Sveiven, Erika Wiggins, Rawlins Young, Jason Smurthwaite
Trustees Excused: Melanie Heath, Mary Clark, Shane Stroud, Susan Koelliker, George Sumner
Trustees Unexcused: Cameron Anderson, Sue Watson, Andrew Dale, Sue Ann Jones, Steve Kirkegaard, Adam Weinacker
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Sally Barraclough, and a second by Will Kocher.
Chair Announcements: Landon Clark
Secretary Report: Erika Wiggins
No petitions renewing until well into next year. Reminder to trustees to check attendance.
Treasurer Report: Mike Bagley
$155.88 in PayPal donations which will be transferred to account. Account balance. $6304.63 – Expenses included a Sign Storage Fee and Holiday Party
Committee Reports
Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short
Nothing to report
Transportation: Larry Migliaccio
Nothing to Report
Trails, Parks and Open Spaces: Sally Barraclough
Nothing to report. Maybe Meeting
Arts and Culture: Laurie Bray
Over 600 families visited Santa Shack. Amy Fowler is helping find a permanent location. Needs to have power. Looking for suggestions from community.
Community Announcements
Fire Station #3
Shared news and safety info. New website on SLC.gov/fire there is a link to schedule a meeting with the crew or firefighters for community service or education.
He provided a few tips regarding water safety. Use caution on any body or water. January is bathtub safety month. Elderly should install handrails and do not leave young children un-attended.
CIU Detective Cooper Landvatter
Uptick in disorderly conduct and embezzlement. Larceny is down including package thefts. Issues around Fellowship Hall.
Decrease in problems surrounding the Inn Between since it opened. Only two calls were related to residents.
Questions were asked about the tunnel under 1300 E, and a homeless camp there. It’s technically part of Sugar House Park.
Melinda Smith – Highland High Needs
Thank you to community. Nearly half of population lives near poverty line. 70 are homeless. 400 are DSL. 43% are food insecure. They have a food market and clothing. Also help with eye-glasses. Any donations are welcome. Granola bars, ramen, anything non-perishable. Drop donations at main office – treasurer’s office. Wal-Mart gift cards are helpful for eyeglasses. Gently used clothes, hygiene supplies, are also welcome. Would love ideas on how to get the word out to community.
Meggie Troili – Student at Westminster
Needs volunteers for a project. Looking for ways for artists to engage the community in arts and culture. Must be over 18 and willing to share experiences during four creative sessions starting Jan 26. Snacks, drinks, and notebook will be provided.
Ashely Hoopes – Circles Salt Lake
Used to run the Road Home’s pre-school. Kept hearing stories of residents getting a housing voucher in an area away from help so they were stranded. They would flounder and end up homeless again. Circles is a nationwide initiative with a goal of breaking inter-generational poverty. They offer to match residents with an intentional friend who can help support their efforts and be a “circle leader.” They meet weekly and help them set goals and then leverage social connections that we take for granted.
This is the first Circles that is setting up both a teen and a senior program. Inviting the public to visit to see what they are about. Meetings are held on Thursdays 5:45-7:45. There is a meal followed by social. Friendly Senior Center at 1992 S 200 E. Circlessaltlake.org can volunteer on site or say that you’re going to simply visit. The site is a good place to learn more.
Will Kocher – Inn Between
Proposed the SHCC write a letter of support for the Inn Between. Discussion followed that neighbors and the facility should be communicating better. Motion to approve made by Will Kocher, Second by Landon. Motion passed.
Michael G. Spotlight on Business (S.O.B.)
Market Source Real Estate
Monique and Jeremy Higginson – Opened in 2007. Just moved to a new location across from the Soup Kitchen. New mural.
Legislative Panel
First June Hiatt provided a primer on advocating for an issue, in her case housing affordability. Next, guests shared their thoughts on the top issues coming up this session.
June Hiatt, Director of Policy and Advocacy Utah Housing Division
Advocacy for the poorest. She explained how a bill becomes a law in the State of Utah. Legislative session lasts 45 days, and the process is long, so sometimes time runs out. If you have an idea for legislation April or May are good times to bring it up. January is usually a bad time.
Remember to register to vote and vote.
Renters are much less likely to vote. 67% vs. 49%. However the renters are the ones who are often more impacted by legislation. Income is a huge factor as well…people who make over $100k are far more likely to vote.
On being an advocate…find out what issues you are connected to. It’s a lot of work and you’ll need the motivation. Who do I need to be talking to? What is your style? Barn-stormer or bridge-builder?
Messaging is crucial. Involve the voices of the people who are actually impacted. Include individual stories of people who are centered in this topic.
Have a plan. Rarely happens in one motion.
Build relationships and stay in touch. Send thank you cards. People tend to keep them. Makes a lasting impression.
Always state “I am a constituent” in subject line if you write. App called “Bill Watch” to follow specific bills you are interested in rather than 1500. Note the bill number if you see it.
61,000 housing units short in the State of Utah. If we supply the housing needed for the lower income, the middle takes care of itself.
Rep. Brian King – Minority Leader – Dist 28
Preview of things coming up this session. The budget is a must and reflects priorities and values. Medicaid Expansion is a good example. There will be some tweaks made this session. Likely a work requirement. 90% are elderly, disabled, already working,
3.2% beer may not be available anymore soon. This would require a change in the law.
Tweaks to Prop 2. And efforts to undermine Better Boundaries – Prop 4, need to watch this closely.
Rep. Joel Briscoe – Dist 25
17 year olds can now vote in primary. Turn out in this state were massive this election. Younger voters are turning out en-mass.
Pay attention to Wasatch Canyons.
There is a constitutional amendment coming up. Water bills need to be watched.
School safety is going to be a huge issue. Working on a no-open carry zone around schools.
Amy Fowler – City Council District 7
Many of the bills concerning the City are the same. Especially the water bills. There may be a change to sales tax distribution. May cost the city funding. Encouraged all in Dist 7 – there is legislation that may pull out the Brick Yard area and give it to Mill Creek. Residents wouldn’t get a say. This is a big concern and residents on the southern border should be vigilant. Mike Winder is heading it up.
Also watch the Rocky Mountain Power Renewable Energy Proposal and the Inland Port bill may get brought up again.
Nate Salazar-Community Liaison for SLC
Sales tax distribution. Affordable housing – There has been a commission to look at options to increase housing units. Legislation on homelessness. Won’t continue fund the Rio Grand Operation as it is now. Opposition to bill from last year on funding.
Also watch Rocky Mountain Power Renewable Energy Proposal and Air Quality
Questions from attendees
9:09 Meeting Adjourned