01 May MEETING MINUTES April 3, 2019
Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Steve Kirkegaard and 2nd Levi Thatcher. Motion passed.
- Next meeting at the fire station, also tour the station and maybe grill. Starting around 6:00. Still need final approval.
- Still need people for SLC Marathon aid station.
- Working on specifics for mayoral debate.
- May 2 there is a spring kickoff for friends of Fairmont.
Secretary Report: Erika Wiggins Seliger – No expiring petitions. Introduced new trustee petition in Beacon Heights, Jeremy Chatterton. Vote to confirm: 1st Erika Wiggins, 2nd Danya McKee. Motion passed. Announced attendance sign in.
Treasurer Report: Mike Bagley
On leave.
Committee Reports
Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short
We will see the “Sugar Alley” project at Luz meeting on the 15th – along with a potential rezone on 12th East. Sugar Alley is what we had been calling the Dixon Building. The plans are revised.
Community Announcements
Fire Station #3 – Matt Davy
This month’s message is earthquake preparedness. They would not be able to respond as usual. Suggests a 96 hr kit in every home because it takes FEMA about 96 hours to get in to help and local resources would not be able to help. More at SLCFIRE.com
Great shake up drill in hospitals and other agencies.
District 7 CIU Detective – Cooper Landvatter
Not much to report. Citywide aggravated assaults are up. Car prowls are still an issue. Spread word with neighbors Silver Expedition with paper over plate, please call.
Lighting in neighborhoods is an issue, but it’s a challenging balance. The best solution is to keep a clean car. Don’t hang earbuds over mirror or leave wallet in console (very common). People don’t think it will happen to them.
University of Utah Clinic Update – Mark Issac, Westport Capital (Shopco Block)
On schedule, and will be turned over to U of U in August. About to pave roads. A lot is happening quickly. First week of May building three breaks ground. Concrete pours at night to stay out of intersection. Will take the big crane down Friday to stay out of way of Nordstrom grand opening. They will have 1250 parking spaces available for free. Thanked residents for patience.
Jani Iwamoto – District 4 Senator
Update on legislative session. Water bank bill is a way for farmers wo put their water rights up for “rent” without losing them. They can make money in the process. Campus Safety Bill is getting support.
Salt Lake City Public Utilities
- Jordan and Salt Lake Canal – Highland Canal Project – Built in 1914. Hoping to replace a section located between 2200 S to 2350 S. Scheduled to begin in the fall and go through to the spring I 2020. Will be sensitive to the businesses. Will impact the sidewalks. Questions from Larry about the timing of the project because it’s coinciding with other projects that disrupt traffic. They stated it is an urgent project and could fail at any point if not replaced.
- Hollywood Project – 50 – 70 feet of pipe to replace.
- Details will be on City Streets site in the future. Flyers and maps shared.
Michael G. presents Spotlight on Business (S.O.B.)
The Redmond Gallery (1240 E. 2100 S., #600)
Camilla Edsberg Fowler-owner of Mill Art Consulting
and Realtor at Windermere Real Estate
Lexi Relevett – The Windermere Foundation helps families in need, providing shelter, emergency programs, and other services. In June they would like to do an exhibit that focuses on families in need.
Provided flyers for April show.
Will have monthly exhibits, and will participate in the Sugar House Art Walk – June 14th and other events.
Sugar House Park Garden Center Building – Sugar House Park Authority – Landon Allred, President
Building hasn’t been getting taken care of since garden clubs fell out of favor, so they put it up for bid. They selected a proposal by Rebecca Lee, Founder, Mint and Rose Café, Event Center, and Community Garden
Sugar House Park pond was dredged this winter.
Wasatch Community Gardens – Janine Wittwer
Petitioning for a garden in Sugar House Park.
UDOT Update on Upcoming Projects – Danny Page – UDOT Region 2
More information can be found on UDOT.gov Projects are listed about halfway down page.
Alex Fisher Willis, Maintenance Engineer
- I-80 State St to 1300 East – Repairing bridge joints, could be larger if practical.
- Paving on 500 S & 600 S 200 to state, W Temple 400 S to 1000 S, will be a 42 day project
- 400 S S Curves near University of Utah
- I -80 EB to I-15 SB
- 2020 Pavement rehabilitation – 1300 E to 2100 E
- 2021 – 2022 Pavement and Structures Replaced. Replacing bridges at 1300 E, 1700 E, Possibly 2000 E.
- 2025-2015 Parley’s Interchange EIS Study parleyseis.com Built in the 1960s and the accident rates are climbing
Who is responsible for maintenance? UDOT vs Local. All bridges that carry a state road the state is responsible. If it carries a local road, the local authority maintains the pavement portion.
They shared slides on maintenance responsibility. It is clearly complicated and there are exceptions.
Amy Fowler-District 7 City Council
RDA Meeting Key Points
- Block 67 a new community reinvestment area – A new parking structure – Took into consideration the Japanese American community and the developer provided $1.2m to help revitalize that block.
- Looked at budget for new areas.
- 9th Central Street Scape – multi agency effort to redo 9th South from 900 E to 900 W. Everything from lights to pavement.
Would like practical feedback regarding the power outage. Please send emails to inform her.
Regarding the downed tree issue, for now, mindfully place the debris at the curb taking care not to block road or gutter.
9:13 Adjourned