Former Sizzler Site 2111 South 1300 East (Kum and Go)

Former Sizzler Site 2111 South 1300 East (Kum and Go)

ANNOUNCEMENT:  The Salt Lake City Planning Commission DENIED this request on April 12, 2023

AND the Salt Lake Tribune reports on July 27 that Kum and Go has said they will not take this to court, and are looking for someone to take over their 20-year lease for this parcel.


This decision was appealed and was denied. You will find information at the link below:


The Planning Commission Staff Report is now posted on the SLC website.   The Planning Commission met to discuss this project at 5:30 PM on April 12, 2023, and denied the request. You can access the attachments to the Staff Report. Here is a list of the attachments:

  • Attachment A is the Vicinity Map
  • Attachment B is the Applicant Narrative
  • Attachment C is Renderings, Building Plans and Site Plan
  • Attachment D is Property and Vicinity Photos
  • Attachment E shows Existing Conditions – Master Plan, Guidelines and Zoning Standards
  • Attachment F are the Conditional Use Standards
  • Attachment G outlines the Public Process
  • Attachment H are the City Comments
  • Attachment I contains 553 pages of public comments.
  • Attachment J is the letter from the Sugar House Community Council
  • Attachment K is a letter from the Sugar House Park Authority, including a letter from a Hydrogeologist.
  • Attachment L is the Ordinance 21A.34.060 Groundwater Source Protection
  • Overlay District

This is a petition for Conditional Use Approval for a gas station that will be located at 2111 South 1300 East. That means the city has to approve it, unless there is something that cannot be mitigated. The property will consist of a 4,745-square-foot convenience store located in the northwest corner of the property and three two-sided gas pumps located in the south area of the property.  The subject property is approximately .83 acres in size and is in the CB – Community Business Zoning District.

Because this is a Conditional Use, in order for this to be approved it needs to meet the Conditional Use Criteria 21A.54.080. This proposal was on the Sugar House Community Council Land Use Committee (LUZ) meeting several times.

Notice the photo above.  This shows the Sego Lily in Sugar House Park, and the trail going under 13th East.  The dark spot is a thick concrete wall, reinforcing the north section of an earthen dam that curves around the opening to the Draw.  The brown grassy areas indicate the rest of the dam, which cost $1.5 million.  Its purpose is to serve as a retention basin if we get a big flood and to direct flood water safely along the trail through the tunnel under 1300 East.  Sugar House has been seriously flooded at least twice.

Because we had hundreds of comments already, and the Planning Commission received those in their packet, we don’t want to repeat the same comments at the meeting.  Each person will have two minutes to speak, and there are other things on the agenda.  If you read the staff report, you will realize that the environmental issues are the things that cannot be mediated.

For comments to be effective and have the most impact, reasons must be given as to why a development would be a detriment to the area. Focus on the environmental issues that cannot be mediated as outlined in the staff report. Consider the following when creating comments. While many residents feel like a gas station goes against the character of the neighborhood, an explanation of why it goes against the character of the neighborhood is needed. What makes the neighborhood special and important? What makes Sugar House Park an important amenity that is worth preserving? How does a second gas station at that location go against those characteristics and qualities? Explain why people walking would be more at risk with a new gas station. Explain how running, walking, biking, and other uses of the park would be a worse experience with a gas station right next to the park. Explain what air quality and water quality detriments you don’t want to experience. Explain how noise would be an issue from the gas station. Explain how this project will hurt and negatively impact your business; this includes monetary losses, loss of traffic running by your business, or anything in this vein.

If you want to submit a written comment now that is different from one you already sent, send it to [email protected]. She will forward directly to the Planning Commission in their drop box. Comments will be accepted up to the start of the meeting.

If you are interested in participating during the Public Hearing portion of the meeting come to Room 326 of the City Building, the meeting starts at 5:30 and this item is in the middle of the agenda. If you want to send some comments in to be read into the record, email the city at [email protected]. Public Comments will be read in to the record if received prior to closing of the Public Hearing and if they are 2 minutes or less in length. If you send an email now to Diana (see above) she will forward them on to the Commissioners to read before the meeting.

The Planning Commission meeting livestream will be available on the following platforms the day of the meeting.


Judi Short
[email protected]