SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1993

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1993


August 4, 1993

PRESENT: Miriam Murphy, Roger Miller, Diana Smoot, Hope Hilton, Don Hale, Rawlins Young, Fosa Osazuwa, Ray Neilson, C.T. and Dottie Bintz, James Lund, Michele Hutchins, Rich Bennett, Jerry Romero, John and Marghie Mannos, Dale Chalmers, Dave Buhler, Judi Short, Wade Jones, Kathleen and Jeff Luck, Donald Gilchrist, Wayne Halverson, Jeff Chapman, Hank Bradbury, Anne Menzies, Dwight Epperson, Suzanne Weaver, Ruth Jensen, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Pam Grimes, Diana Hart, Jan Haug, Afton Kyriopoules.EXCUSED: Ruth Robbins, Steve Lester, Gene Davis.CHAIR REPORT: In the absence .of Gary Thorup, who was moving, Roger Miller conducted. Jerry Romero moved the Sugar House Community Council send a plaque to Gary with the signatures of the trustees, in appreciation for service as Chair. Dave Buhler seconded. The motion. It was passed unanimously. Jerry Romero was given the charge the help of Dwight Epperson to take care of this matter. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE: Don Hale said the council had given thumbs down on legalizing potbelly pigs as pets. The mill levy on homes will be reduced $9 for every $70,000 of value this year. Forty-six new rental units have been approved to be built near the Kimball apartments. The council is giving a lot of emphasis to housing.Approval of Minutes: In the June Minutes, Roger Haglund’s name was spelled incorrectly, also Senators Ockey and Wharton. June’s minutes are entered as corrected. July minutes were approved.Recognition and Announcements: Roger Miller recognized the presence of Diana Smoot. He announced that Jerry Romero will be running for City Council from District 7. Jerry Romero addressed his concerns for Irving Commons, crime, and community progress. Fosa Osazuwa, a Building Inspector was present to answer any questions on zoning or building rules. Next month the· Mayor will address our council. EASTLAND REGENCY DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: Diana Hart reported that the variances for the KMart property were turned down. It was suggested that a Planned Unit Development be done. SOUND BARRIERS: A letter was drafted asking for sound barriers on I-80. Roger said that the Federal government pays for 80% and the state for 20%. The area from 17th East to r East on the south side would have priority when they plan to retrofit older freeways.TRANSPORTATION UPDATE: Diana Hart reported that a strip for walking would be painted on Stringham Ave. between 2300 East and 2100 East. Also no parking signs would be posted and wa1ls encroaching on public right of way would be moved back about 7-8 feet. Rawlins stated that the SHCC is not being contacted on the transportation mini master plan. Jerry Romero wants a full traffic study done of the entire Sugar House area. Jan Haug would also like a full traffic study. She would like to see a Sugar House committee formed to study traffic issues in our area. Roger asked Jan to return next month; to take this under advisement.Rawlins said bus service to Sugar House is going to be cut back. NIGHT OUT AGAINST CRIME: Jerry Romero recognized Dorothy Tuddenham for the fabulous job she did. Dorothy thanked everyone for their help. This year about 350-400 attended. Hope Hilton moved that the Sugar House Community Council add another $125 to pay off the outstanding bills for the night against crime. Judi Short seconded the motion. The SHCC voted unanimously to support the outstanding bills. Pam Grimes reported that Sugar House’s night out was one of the best in the city.BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB UPDATE: Rawlins Young reported that neighbors were meeting. The Boys and Girls Club still does not have the money to move on the building. Diane Smoot invited neighbors to be on the Boys and Girls Club Board. Neighbors reported the garbage trucks were now coming in the day time and things were being kept clean but one of their homes was gasoline by a boy from the club. Police were called. Don Gilchrist reported there was a problem with security. His mother lives at 959 Simpson Avenue and her bridge was vandalized.  He suggests a 12 foot fence. BY-LAWS: Do to the lateness of the hour Judi Short moved that there be an executive meeting with trustees only to work out the problems in the By-Laws and return next month to make. recommendations .• Rawlins seconded.  It was unanimously passed:. This meeting will be Tuesday at 7: 001: p.m. at the Smoot club house. The meeting was dismissed.    

Landon Clark
[email protected]