SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1996


June 5, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edva1son, Sandy Hiskey, Cheri Car1eson, Rich Bennett, Julina Parker, Jaccquelyn Havey, Susan Green, Kathy Daly, Dorothy Tuddenham, Veronica Crandall, Ruth A. Robbins, Judi Short, Katina Ventura, Donna Rigby, Elizabeth Brayman, Florence Reynolds, M K. Muir, Becky Nielsen, Sandy Hiskey, B. L. Smith, Scott Vaterlaus, Sam Piazza, Barbara P .Kleiner, Ed Sperry, Tree Brown Hayes Excused: Dolores Donohoo, Jan Haug Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. A question was raised in the minutes regarding the proposed North boundary of a designated Sugar House Business District stated to be Hollywood Ave. It was agreed that was what had been stated by Del Brewster so the minutes were correct, but there was some discussion regarding what the boundaries should really be. It was decided that this should be an agenda item for a future meeting because of the many concerns with the boundaries that were stated. The minutes of the April meeting were approved as they stand. Rawlins indicated there were 2 other meetings going on tonight that are in conflict with our council meeting and urged the representatives from the Mayor’s office to do what could be done to prevent this in the future. These other meetings are: 1) a meeting discussing the scope of the University/Airport light rail corridor, and 2) a meeting to discuss further plans for the Pioneer Trail Committee Reports: Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham reported on the success of the Sugar House community “Pep Rally” held on May 10 at the Highland High School Auditorium. She again reminded us that the “National Night Out Against Crime” will be held on Tues. Aug. 6th and encouraged all trustees to begin plans for neighborhood activities in their area. If trustees are not able to host these activities, they should find someone else in the neighborhood that would be willing to do it. B.L. Smith commented on the May Crime report. He reported that Java Jive has closed its business on Highland Drive. He reported a drop in crime activity during the past month and hoped that this was not a “lull before the storm” with the summer months coming. Parks Recreation:Florence Reynolds, a city water quality administrator, reported on the well water testing in Sugar House Park. This well is located where Parleys Canyon comes into the Park. This well has shown low levels of PCE which comes from a dry cleaning solvent. They have been unable to find the source of this contaminate. They have also found small traces in a well in the Country Club area. The wells are not being used at the present time. They may be used in cases of extreme drought and when used require treatment procedures that are very expensive. They are hoping they can find a way to use this water for irrigation purposes in the park. They do not want to abandon the well in Sugar House Park because of the good flow of water it provides. They are continuing to search for the source of the contamination and are also looking for more reasonable ways to treat the water in case it needs to be used for culinary purposes in an emergency. Traffic: Rich Bennett reported that the next meeting of the Coalition for Livable Streets (CLS) will be the 3rd Sat. in July at 9:00 AM in the basement of the Sprague Library. He encourage all to rethink our driving habits. We need to drive less and the be more courteous to other drivers and pedestrians. The CLS are still trying to determine their purpose and goals and who they should be serving. There will be a meeting this coming Sat. June 8 at 9:00 AM at the library for anyone interested in looking at maps and data concerning traffic problems. Scott Vaterlaus, a city Traffic Engineer, also emphasized the need to plan our car trips in an effort to cut down traffic and also the need for more consideration of other drivers and pedestrians. He discussed the traffic issues regarding Parkway Ave., indicating the making of it a one way street has increased the traffic on Stratford Ave. to the South. The city would like to meet with residents of that neighborhood to see if there are other solutions that would better solve the traffic problems for both streets. They would like to plan this meeting for Thurs .. , June 27 at 6:00 PM at the Sprague Library. The city will notify those living in the affected area. Scott also addressed the issue of the removal of the cross-walk on Highland Drive in front of the Library. He indicated that a study was done to determine the extent of its use. It was found that during the hour of highest usage, there were 18 pedestrians. During that same hour there were 30 pedestrians crossing Highland Drive between 2100 So. and Wilmington Ave. who were j-walking and not using the crosswalk. During the entire time pedestrians were observed, 60% were found to be j-walkers. The number of pedestrians using the crosswalk has decreased since the post office was relocated. He indicated that the removal of the cross-walk is not necessarily a permanent situation. In the future, as development takes place on the adjoining blocks, the issue will be re-evaluated. Rawlins handed out copies of a letter received from the city councilmen of districts 5, 6, and 7 regarding other traffic issues. This letter presents some of the current issues being considered and requests our feed-back regarding them. Housing, Land Use, Zoning: Rawlins indicated that most of the proposals that were presented to the sub-committee meeting in May have changed since that time. The Irving Schoolhouseproposal to use “Hardie Board” instead of stucco has been withdrawn so is no longer an issue. The Dental Office took a different set of plans to the city from what was presented to us and that there are problems with the plans that were presented. In light of this change, a motion was made that they first assure that their request is legal and then re-present their plans to us at a later time. The motion was seconded and approved. The Chevron Station has changed their plans moving the carwash and store to the South instead of to the West. The motion was made to send them a letter thanking them for taking the time to present their plans to the sub-committee and encouraging them to keep us informed as additional changes are made. The motion was seconded and approved. It was found after the sub-committee meeting that all the necessary information had not been given us regarding the Resident Health Care Facility at 2529 Stratford Ave. and that visits to the property after the meeting raised further questions about the location of the home in relation to the existing street layout. A motion was made that we suggest to the Planning Commission that they look at other alternatives for the location of the home on that property that would allow for other development of the available land in that area The motion was seconded and approved. Regarding the request to use a drive through window from Yanni’s Greek Restaurant, it was found by some of the trustees that the drive through window was actually being used now. We had been assured it was not and would not be used until approval was given. The modifications to some of the parking spaces required to use the drive through window have not been made, resulting in some traffic problems around the business. The motion was made that we not approve the use of the window because of these parking and traffic problems and the fact that we were specifically told the window was not in use when it, in fact was being used. The motion was seconded and approved. We discussed the procedure we should be following in addressing these requests for conditional use, unit legalization’s, etc. Rawlins suggested we request the city change their policy to have the requester make application to the city first so we would be assured the request is legal and that we would be aware of special conditions or considerations, then come to the community council for their approval. There was much concern among the trustees that to much of our time was being spent reviewing proposals that were altered after presentation to us such that what is presented to the city is not what we have given approval or disapproval of Upcoming proposals for consideration: There is a proposal for a Veterinarian clinic at Heritage Square on 11th East between 17th and 21st So. There are some unit legalization’s that may be coming up. There is also a proposal for a residence in type hotel at the Hygeia location. There will possibly be a request from South Salt Lake to de-annex the Columbus School for the purpose of a possible site for a recreation center. Look for these items on the agenda for the July meeting. Meeting adjourned approximately 9:35 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]