SHCC May 2022 Meeting Minutes

SHCC May 2022 Meeting Minutes

Call the meeting to order at 7:02 pm

My name is Will Kocher and I am running the meeting tonight for Landon. 

so on. 

Minutes approved First Judi Short

Second Lynn Schwartz

All approved

CIU District 7 Detective Sam Fallows

There were 420 calls for the month of April, which is not much different than March. In March, there were 400 calls. The top 5 calls for service during the month of April were as follows: So the top one was vehicle. Burglaries: People breaking into cars. There were 37 of those in the month of April. So that’s not too surprising. Unfortunately it is kind of a trend going up right now As The weather gets warmer. Please take any kind of valuables out of our vehicles especially at night time if you park on the street or in the driveway. Keeping lighting on all night helps deter a lot. And unfortunately it does happen still, even with all those precautions, but that those things will help. The next call for service was shoplifting. It’s not too surprising for the sugar house area again.

There’s a lot of businesses in Sugar House. There were 30 of those calls for April. Next there were non-reportable accidents. so those are just kind of like minor fender vendors that don’t get an accident report with the State. There were 29 of those, and then our fourth highest was fraud.

The credit card related frauds, and again, that correlates with the vehicle burglaries almost consistently. When people leave their purses or their wallets in their vehicles, generally they take those cards, and they immediately go to try to use them. It’s a pretty common practice. There were 17 of those, and then the last one, which I think is a good number. is warrant arrests. There were 50 of those for the month and that’s I think that’s a good thing, because that means our officers are out being proactive. So those are your top 5 for the month of April. If you own a bicycle, please register your bicycle with us. It helps a lot. If it ever gets taken or you lose it, or something like that, it helps a ton for us to be able to prove It’s your bicycle and then number 2 we already have a history now with that bike, and so if something happens it is much easier to create a report. Please just report anything. It really does help us be able to do our jobs. Use the SLC Mobile App. Here are the links and information I discussed.

[email protected]

(801) 799-3625

SLCPD Online Stats:

SLCPD Bicycle Registration:

Car Prowl with minimal losses – Or even just rummaged through vehicle

Report online at:


What was taken

Any speeding issues:


Community Liaison Officers

 Please download the SLC Mobile App

If you have Any questions, just throw them in the chat and Detective Fallows: If you could answer those as you see him, that’d be great, and we really appreciate your time and the update.

Thank you. absolutely. So continuing on with first responders I see Bob with the fire department. Do you want to give the next update. yeah sure I’m Bob the captain here station 3 Sugar House. We had 43 fire related calls for the month of April. We had 145 medical calls for April and to date that is 769. We’re already at 2,566 for our April medical, 583 total calls for the first third of 2022. So we’re up and running for getting after this year. We’ve got a few safety messages to convey to you. One is just water safety, and just things that come around with people getting out in the spring months. I know we’re in a drought but there’s still a lot of potential for safety in or around either waterways or pools, or, you know, large bodies of water. So a couple things to mention in terms of safety. The American Red Cross provides a couple of safety tips. Life Jackets and close supervision with children to prevent drowning. The second would be to have some sort of competence in terms of being able to swim around water, whether it being able to enter the water, stay in the flow, changing position and swimming distances that will get you to safety. Encouraging people to learn how to swim, especially your kiddos and what to do in a water emergency. Knowing how to help someone that’s in trouble and you know hopefully, limit the potential of you becoming a victim as well when it comes to bystander rescue of other victims in the water and if there’s any issues of any sort of water problem of course you know. This month is building safety awareness month. I believe that Sally is on our newsletter mailer, so she gets the links within our mailer, and it talks about everything from the links to the latest building codes. How to prepare your family, how to prepare your home and just some benchmarks for community resistance or resilience. So, because it’s all kind of all hands on deck to not only rely on the fire department, because if something big happens, we rely really on the communities to sort of help each other out. So try to encourage people to wrap their heads around that. How it looks for your particular community so aside from that if anyone wants to get on our mailer address, and i’ll make sure you get on the mailer list, and you get our monthly community newsletter there’s

So you have any questions. throw them in the chat. Appreciate you having me. Thank you so much for coming, and just touching on swim lessons, just a reminder: Swim lessons are offered at the Fairmont Aquatic center. They do a great job down there, and the fees are relatively nominal to get that training.

Next we’ll move to Dayna Mckee who’s got a couple of community announcements and then we’ll head to our spotlight on business.

Dayna McKee: Hi! Also the county needs lifeguards. So if you know anybody that wants to be a lifeguard, they really need lifeguards. So. We are planning on moving forward with a Community Council, the Sugar House Art Walk, and the Sugar House Chamber led pub crawl in connection with the Sugar House Art Walk next Friday the 13th from 6-9 pm. I could use some volunteers. If anybody wants to volunteer to stamp stamp cards we’re gonna collect those on the Monument Plaza at the end of the day and give

out some prizes So if anybody wants to volunteer for a couple of hours at some of the locations along the pub call, that would be really awesome.

I’ll put contact information as well as the event link in the chat for just a bit of all of the participants. I will have food specials for the night so we’ve got Campfire Lounge, Trolley Wing Company, Fiddler’s Elbow, Hopkins Brewing, Sugar House Coffee, Craft and Tea Zaanti. The art walk will be going on as well. You can stop around the various art walk participants, look at the murals, and just generally get out into the neighborhood and start socializing and participating and seeing the businesses. In addition to all that fun stuff, we will also have a band playing on Monument Plaza, The Seventh Street Strangers and Yoga 6 is going to be doing some yoga activities on Monument Plaza, and we’ll also have some sponsors, and some price giveaways, and things like that. So I’ll leave details In the chat. But if you could share that around to your social media networks, that would be really awesome. If you want to volunteer I’ll put my email in there. That’d be great and just come on out if you get the chance next Friday and enjoy Sugar House.

[email protected] or (801) 243-6839.

Spotlight on Business:

I would like to welcome our newest chamber member, Emily Warren, who’s going to talk a little bit about her business located right here in Sugar House. Go ahead, Emily, how you guys! Thanks for having me, I’m Emily and I’m the owner of Emily Warren Physical Therapy and I’m in Sugar House at 1892 South 1000 East. So a quick survey. Have any of you had aches and pains before? Head and neck pain? Back Pain?  All common ailments. But Severe enough to where you’re like Oh, I might need intervention, like injection surgery anything like that. Anybody here. Yeah, Few people Yeah. It’s a big problem, and I’m in the business of just helping people resolve back pain and avoiding surgery and teaching people to stay active. We live in such an active community here. And so it’s really important for people to do what they love. I just really believe that in the US, spine care has gone in a direction that’s really over medicalized, and people feel pretty disempowered and lost, and hopefully, whenever they’re back pain really severe and they don’t know what to do with it, and I just want people to know that all tissues in the body heal within 12 weeks, with the exception of a severe disc permission, which naturally that will heal within 6 to Max of 9 months without me putting my hands on someone so that’s just a point of saying all tissues in the body. So why are we having persistent pain problems? And that’s just kind of my niche that I’ve chosen and dug into, is helping people really resolve their back pain getting to the bottom of what’s going on, and I approach things pretty holistically. I assess all factors in someone’s pain problem like not just the tissue and structure problem, but also lifestyle, stress, nutrition and the addressing the brain and the nervous systems involvement in pain. I just really love helping people feel empowered to take control of their pain.

Even simple and effective tools that they can use to help treat their pain and their back. Because there really are some simple methods that have been around for a long time where people can actually deal with their pain and totally resolve their pain on their own in a framework of not just doing the exercises, but also addressing all the other components as well.

If you know someone in your life that at some point ever suffers from severe back pain, and they’re kind of walking that fine line of I might need surgery, injections, etc. Keep me in mind, feel free to share my contact information.

Mayor’s Liaison Tim Cosgrove

Hi Sugar House. Thanks for having me. You probably heard the mayor give her state of the city budget to the City Council last night. She highlighted air quality, homelessness, public safety, equity, transit, and transportation. There will be 2 public hearings with the city Council, May seventeenth and June seventh. Both of those are at 7 Pm. You can kind of share your comments with the city council, there’s a blind question that will be on this Year’s Ballot. It’s about a 80 million dollar bond I believe with the retirement of the bond that was with the Steiner Aquatic center, and that money wouldn’t begin until 2024 so on average if its resident has a property value of a 520,000.00 for your home we would expect the taxes to go up $4.95 a month.  The demands for services continue to increase as our city grows. But I will put the link for the mayor’s budget and the timeline in on the chat. I’m happy to go into a little more detail if you have questions. There’s a lot going on. I know Councilmember Fowler will probably share some of her priorities as well.

Let’s also see the mayor’s having a press conference with the Salt Lake City Police Department tomorrow at 3 Pm On the east side of the City County building. This is to address The recent increase in deadly traffic crashes. We’ve had 11 So far it’s just way too many people driving too fast. Seems to be more behavioral issues, but there’s some driving under the influence as well, and she’s going to meet with representatives from Utah highway patrol and look at additional ways to address people to slow down, be more conscientious with their driving. You’re welcome to attend that press conference. The Mayor and Laura Briefer, the director from public utilities, came out and had continued to ask our water customers again to volunteer to meet a target reduction of 5% in our daily water use. SLC remains at a stage 2 of it’s stage 5 water contingency plan, and we use on average 147 gallons of water a day indoors in our homes for

bathing, cooking, shaving, toilets, laundry, so they’ve asked us to participate with a 7 gallon challenge. 7 gallon challenge per day if you can cut from 147 gallons down to 140 gallons, roughly that will save 5% across the city, and that will save us about 157 million gallons of water.

There’s some helpful ideas in the link. May is also national bike month, and it’s celebrated across the United States and SLC. There’s a lot of

biking activities the transportation website has highlighted them, and where they will be going throughout the month. I know the mayor is participating in one May seventeenth from Allen Park down to the city county building. But please watch out for and be careful for our bike riders that are out there. The Living Traditions festival is looking for volunteers. So if you’re interested May 20-22, they could use some volunteers. Oh, Nick Norris is also providing information on the affordable housing overlay and the city’s planning division. They are considering zoning amendments to encourage the construction of affordable housing.

Mayor Erin Mendenhall’s Presentation to the City Council of the FY 2022-2023 Budget address:

Mayor Erin Mendenhall’s Budget

Treasurer Report: Mike Bagley 

Okay, hi, everybody. thanks for thanks for participating tonight. I just logged in to check our balance which is $7,495.39. We received a $1,000 check for ACE money. We had an expense of $121.21. I see no activity at all on the paypal account. So that’s the latest if there’s any questions I can answer them, or take them in the chat

Construction Update from SLC Ombudsman Bill Knowles

I will Make this brief and stay within the time allotted here, first good news A project completed. The apartment complex at Park Avenue is officially open for business. It took a long time finishing up some of the touches, but they are now open, and, in fact, being occupied. So another residential property filling up with people to put out there on the streets and out into the businesses. So that has been completed, we’ve got some other projects set, or it’ll of course in play, and I do have some great news on the Sugarmont apartments so boulder ventures project that’s been setting new world records out there. We’re seeing appliances and the holdup has been getting the appliances for those townhouses needed to be finished on the west side. Those units are getting done and I can see an end is near, probably within the next month or 2 at the most, and so we should have a celebration plan for that day. There’s going to be some activity at Sugar Alley coming up, we’re waiting to get the timeframes on it is somewhere in the next month or so that they will be starting to do the utility hookups into the main water lines, etc., running down Highland Drive. They’ll be doing it somewhere near the intersection of Wilmington and Highland Drive. What that looks like traffic wise we will be shifting traffic to keep one lane in each direction. We don’t have a completed permit process and approval yet. So I can’t tell you exactly what it looks like but it will be, of course, in the interest of keeping traffic going through there. It will probably take 2-3 weeks to get finished. 

Mcclelland is going to get a revamp starting here in the next couple of weeks. The one two blocks from Sugarmont to 2100 South. We haven’t seen the final contractor plan yet so I don’t know how the traffic’s gonna work through there, and i’m going to tell you right now that I don’t see how 2 way traffic is going to be possible but we don’t have a traffic control plan yet, and we’re just gonna have to see and deal with it right when it comes to us as fast as I can get it to you and of course, through most of the channels that we’ve been working with through the community council here i’m just gonna say that i’d be surprised if they’re not one lane closed in one direction while they do one side, and then move so kind of Keep your eyes open for that again. we’re working with them and some businesses and getting them information as soon as we can.

2100 sewer line is looking like mid July. It has gone out to bid for a contractor so once they are hired they will have a better idea. Chick fil-A drive thru will start the first part of June. They have a contractor on board so the timing should work well with the sewer line.  The Alta Terra project should be happening in the next couple of weeks.  Just finishing up some last minute details and permitting. We’ve now worked out where we will in fact have a full block of parking on the North side. as it is right now that wasn’t the case when we started the conversation, and we will have the half on the south side. Pedestrian traffic will be restricted to the south side, so they’ll be putting in a pedestrian covered walkway on the south side of basically from Fairmont park to Highland drive on the well, at least to the end of their property.

Oh, wait a minute. I gotta back up real quickly. The project, that is, the north project between Fifth and Sixth East is, in fact, and has applied, and has gotten a lane closure westbound on the outside lane of 2100 for about 6 weeks, starting Monday, through the middle of june that’s again to do some utility hookups. One of the things that I want you to know here.

19:40:42 Because of some experiences we’ve had downtown. We, in fact, made them prove to us that they could get this project completed once they started it, because we’ve had a number of these projects that have been started and not completed on time because of whatever reason so the road remains closed for way too long. We don’t want this here. 

[email protected]

Nate Orbeck-SLC Urban Forestry Division.

Lee Bollwinkle and Aaron Benson from Salt Lake City Parks

My name is Lee Bolwinkle. I am the Parks division director for Salt Lake City. Under the newest department public lands tonight. First of all I wanted to introduce our newest member to our team, Aaron Benson. He’s our parks operation manager and I’ve asked Aaron to go ahead and give an update on Fairmont Park and turn time over to Aaron. It’s great to meet you all and and there’s some names and faces in here that I know, and it makes me a little less nervous to see those familiar faces, but by and large I don’t know most of you. I’ll jump right into it with a few updates from public lands. Parks and public lands specifically around the Fairmont area and the Sugar House area. I’m sure many of you are well aware of the fairmont stream improvements that have taken place over the last couple of years, and the intended extension of those improvements through the more western portion of the park that have been put on hold.  They’ve been on hold, we did have plans that were in place, and primarily completely through approval As far as design, but for budgetary reasons we just were not able to push play on the whole project So it went on the back burner for a little bit. But good news is that we did secure the funding once again to go forward with that project. So we’re back in conversations, with a contractor trying to get some of those details finalized again so we look forward to that. I’m not gonna put a date on it. But I hope that from what I understand from our planners, we hope to be seeing some construction starting sometime this year. Also in the Fairmont area. We just finished up where the creek actually leaves the park. Many of you are probably familiar with this. It runs through a small canal behind several of the homes there. Separating the homes from the tennis courts and the Boys and Girls Club that had become severely overgrown over the last few years. And There were some concerns over flooding, so we were able to get our teams in there just recently. It’s looking a lot better. We think we have alleviated any concerns of flooding through that zone.

We met with tree Utah and they, along with friends of Fairmont, held a tree planting event in Fairmont a couple of Saturdays ago. Now we went through and identified 26 locations for new trees. They were able to get all of those within one event, very impressive, and we’re very grateful to them. Following the last few severe storms, especially the fall of 2020 there were a lot of trees that were either severely damaged or completely lost at Fairmont, so we’re grateful to be getting more trees back in there. Everybody knows there’s issues with those experiencing homelessness in the park. Quite regularly. We are aware of a new encampment within the area to the northeast corner where the fireplaces we’re working to get that on an abatement list, and get that cleared out Well, I should say we’ve Got it on the list and now it’s just waiting on the time to get it as a priority and get it cleaned up. And always looking for long-term solutions there. Speaking of long-term solutions one of our hopes is, and many of you have probably heard of this as Well, the public Lands Ranger program that we have coming online fairly soon. We’ve hired a manager and a supervisor there now, in the midst of building their team going through literally hundreds of resumes for these positions. I don’t envy waiting through that but they’re pretty excited at some of the potential there. They’ll be hiring 16 total rangers and 4 of those will be in lead positions. They’re working on getting those 4 positions filled and then will move on to the final 12 positions. They’re hoping sometime midsummer maybe July ish. I don’t again. I don’t want to put a date on it, but we’re really excited to see that coming online. The capacity of these rangers is really going to be more of an educational service. Community building type relationship. This is not enforcement at this point. We do not have that capacity. and we really don’t want to. There will be a Friends of Fairmont meeting next Wednesday at 6 at Fairmont Park at the East Pavilion. And then finally, we’re hiring over in public lands. We could always use good help if you have anybody that you know is looking for employment, or may enjoy a job working outdoors. Please feel free to reach out to me. Look up our website.

WIll Kocher:  And a little bit of local history. We’ll be meeting with the Sugar House Park authority, and Lee next Thursday on the 12th to discuss the Joe Hill historical marker, which is something our Community Council supported in the past. So log into that meeting, if you’re interested it should be a good time. 

Nate Orbeck-SLC Urban Forestry Division.

just a quick little presentation on what sugarhouse looks like in terms of the urban forest. What we’re up to and where we’re going as you can see here sugar houses by far the most trees of any of the community councils, because it’s the largest by far there’s almost 15,000 public trees in the Sugar House neighborhood. and the top 5 species are listed there.

I’m not gonna read all 5 of them but if you’re interested. Those are the most common species you’ll find mostly on the streets and Sugar House.

And then the main focus of what I want to talk about is planting trees.

That’s what we’re doing right now we’re always planting new trees this time of year, and again in the fall. We have planted almost 1,000 new trees within the Sugar House Community Council in those 2 years. So lots of new trees are going in there. and what do they need? They need to be watered. you know we are in a drought. But currently the city’s messaging is to focus your watering on trees and shrubs and away from your lawn. So those newly planted trees do need to be watered. Excuse me, they need to be in deep water usually 2 or 3 times a week, if it’s really hot in the summer. And you may have noticed around the neighborhood we have switched back to the watering bags. We think there is an improvement for the issues we were seeing with them. We have 2 different types of bags.  The old bag was causing the tree root to rot so we hope these new bags fix that issue.

We also have that brown donut type watering bag. They both work the same way. So direct watering with a hose, and that watering bag are really the most effective ways to water newly planted trees. And yeah again, focus your watering on trees, shrubs, etc. they are a lot harder to replace and more valuable. Quick update we know there’s a lot of people out there that we’ve promised that we’ll have their tree pruned, 2,700 or so, we will get to you.  We have 5 crews so please be patient.  You are in the queue. 

But yeah again. We had to spend 2 full months cleaning up branches instead of getting caught up on our pruning backlog, which is usually what we like to do in the winter. How can residents of this Community council, this neighborhood help The urban forest? keep an eye on the newly planted trees that you saw on that map. There’s another 150 being planted right now So keep an eye on them. Encourage neighbors If they have empty park strips to request free tree planting. If you see dead trees, you can really report them to us and we’ll get them taken out and replaced. Help distribute that watering information to your community. Help your neighbors, who are unable to water.

Update on McClelland: 

We are starting the Mcclelland Street phase 2 between Sugarmont and 2100 South. We are just adding some bulbouts and stuff to the road. We are just gonna make it more walkable and then you’re gonna have some outside dining for some of those businesses on the East Side. As far as the construction goes, we are having some irrigation design changes that we are working with the contractor to get an answer on as soon as possible. We are expecting to start the construction hopefully here in the next few weeks.

Most likely the last week of May. Will probably know a week before the construction starts.  We will flyer the businesses and residents. 

So we will make sure we’re gonna have the minimum traffic disruption and not conflict too much with the 2100 sewer line. 

Update on 600 East CIP project:

This project is called the Slow Down West Sugar House as a constituent CIP project. It’s been going for a couple of years. The constituents put together an application to slow down traffic in their neighborhood.

The project goes from 2100 south to 2700 south along 600 East. It’s this entire huge block so that’s what the application was the one their main concern that we heard was people coming off the freeway and wanting to avoid this left turn and cutting through by dancing cranes or this other street coming here you can’t turn left here and coming down these streets. We sent out a survey and looked at some options. The project budget is $150,000 so we can’t get a lot of bulb outs for that, and trying feedback signs really isn’t that effective. So what we’re looking at is speed humps and speed cushions on 600 east. Unfortunately costs have gone up quite a bit. So right Now we’re looking at 5 speed cushions on 600 east, and you can see them spaced along here and then speed bumps on the cross streets.

We have Commonwealth and Wilmington they’re very small. Depending on what the bids are will determine how many we can do. So that was our plan, and we were ready to go out to bid and the Fire Department said, wait a minute. We don’t know if we like these or not. We’re waiting for the fire department hopefully in the next week or 2 to give us a go ahead to put this project out to bid so that’s an update on that project. As soon as we know that we will send out this map to the neighborhood, let them know where the locations are.

Lynn Jacobs SLC Transportation:

I’m here tonight just to talk about the bigger projects that we’ve got coming down the line, and just to give everyone a little bit of a status update and quick overview. So the first one I’d like to talk about a little bit tonight is our 1300 East project. This is scheduled for 2024 so not next year, but the year after. So we’ll be out rebuilding this roadway and the scope of this project starts at 2100 south and extends to the south, and we’re hoping that we’re actually going to be able to get all the way to 3300 South with our improvements. Now we may not be able to get quite that far South based on our funding. We got Federal funding to do this project when we applied for that funding, We got enough to get us to about the city limits with MillCreek. It’d be really nice if we can work in and find the money to get that little piece between where we’ll end, and 3300 South just to make it complete. If we don’t do that with this project you’ll see a future project, they’ll come in and fill in whatever gap is left. We just had a public open house two weeks ago. At that open house we presented a lot of really great materials about what we’re planning on doing, and all of those materials are available online., there’s a little button that says feedback if you click on that. It will show you all the materials that we shared at the open house, you can also leave us a comment. The comment period will be open through May 20th, and so we still have a couple of weeks. So take the survey. I’d like to highlight tonight our Highland Drive project, and the scope of this project begins at I-80, and goes just north of 1700 south.

We have a separate project that goes from 1700 south all the way up to 900 south, and so we’ve got this massive project plan to rebuild Highland. We went through our concept design last year. We are now working towards our 70% and final design right now. And so we’ve got kind of the big picture figured out and we’re working on all those little details that make it work, and in and working out all the little nuances we’ve had a lot of meetings with property owners, with business owners. Those will continue to happen again. So this fall we will hopefully wrap up our design and put it out for bid for construction. We’ve been doing a lot with the chamber and really appreciate their help getting us connected with businesses.

We had several Round Table meetings back in February and again in April.

Our next meeting with that group will be in june or July and it’s going to be all about construction impacts and talking about how to how to get through that and how to not only survive construction, but thrive during

construction, and so that’s coming up and we’re looking forward to that.

We did just have a meeting with residents around the Wilson area just last week. It went pretty well. We had a handful of people show up and got some really good feedback. Still looking at making some adjustments based on what we are hearing. Reminder of the sewer line project by Public Utilities coming probably in July. During that time we are looking at 2100 south from 700 east to 1300 east in 2025. This is a challenging project and will be kind of the last of these major construction projects. We are in the Concept development stage. We signed a contract with a consultant team yesterday. It’ll take about a month or 2 for that consultant team to get their legs underneath them for their first tasks. They go out, and they evaluate all the existing conditions. You’re gonna see us out doing some survey work where we get crews out there actually measuring things and making sure we know what’s out there. We’ve collected a lot of traffic data. we’re going to continue to collect more traffic data. I need to look at pedestrian volumes of the 2100 South Highland Drive intersection.

We’re taking a deeper dive on how we can make that intersection better for pedestrians. This is such an important roadway and so we’re going to be spending all summer long into the fall talking 2100 south and trying to figure out what we’re gonna do with this road when we rebuild it So that’s kind of

20:17:30 where that project’s at and it’s exciting and scary At the same time I know how important this roadway is to everyone on this call.

Judi Short Land Use update: 

I have something on May 11th. The planning commission is meeting to discuss affordable housing incentives. and if you read the emails from me, There’s an awful lot of detail in that. Where you could take your single family lot and add another house or a little larger lot, and maybe add 4 units as long as one of those units is 80% AMI.  Deed restricted for lower income people. And this is pretty controversial. There’s a lot of detail in it, and it affects probably most every property in Sugar House. So the meeting is May 11th and starts at 5:30 pm. It’s at the city building on the third floor, and it’s now in person. I think you can still watch it online but you can’t Speak, if you want to talk and tell them what you think, or you could go to the Sugar House website under the land use section under committees and read the full plan there and there’s a comment form, or you could write directly to the planner. 

Sally Barraclough POST Update:

I just actually wanted to give a shout out to Shane and Yvonne and Yvonne’s husband for coming and helping with the Sugar House Community Council Aid station for the SLC Marathon. It Was a rainy, awful day, but luckily we had enough volunteers. We had a new couple that I had never met before, and We really had a fun time, but I appreciate Sugar House Community Council still stepping up and manning an aid station. I think we have been doing it for 6 years so mark your calendar for next year. Third Saturday in Sepetember. Reminder for the meeting at Fairmont Park on May 11 at 6 pm. We’ll be looking for volunteers to help with goat heads on the parley’s trail. That’s always a project that never goes away. Last year we had a great group of volunteers who took care of the trail all the way from Parley’s Canyon all the way to State street.  

Update from the Chamber: Brandon mostly wanted to reiterate some of the things from earlier. May 13th spring fling and pub crawl and art walk. We are still in need of sponsors for gift baskets that we can use for the drawing. So if you know fellow business members within the community that would be interested in that. Please send them our way as well as we do. Have a few spots on Monument Plaza for space availability for businesses that want to come out. Maybe set up a little table. tell folks about what they do, what they specialize in. Obviously that spot is going to be a pretty high traffic area, so we hope to get a few of the local businesses in there. And again, if you are interested or know somebody interested, please send them to Dayna or I.

Councilwoman Amy Fowler:

We are deciding on our redistricting map. It doesn’t look that district 7 will change too much. You can definitely look at that map on the city council’s website, and we have a redistricting map that you can look at and kind of play with. So if there’s something that is definitely an issue that you have I would encourage you to reach out to me and our staff about the redistricting, but we are set to vote for those 3 redistricting maps in 2 weeks. By State law we have to have a certain percentage of population within each district, and then by the county we have voting

precinct districts, and so we’re trying to make sure that voting precincts are not split, and we’re trying to make sure that populations are the same for every district, or at least within a 5%, plus or minus and because our population has grown in the same amount as everybody else’s, we don’t really change that much. Last night we heard the mayor’s budget so we’re in the midst of budget season. There are a lot of things that the mayor has proposed, and that I am excited about, and some things that I think that we’re all going to have to take a look at. And so for the next 6 weeks we will be in Budget season. And again, I hope that all of you will reach out to me with your thoughts about Budget season, or what the Mayor’s proposed budget is. I think that one of the big things for me is how you all feel about a general obligation bond. for parts and parts meetings. How we feel about diverting sales tax to the maintenance of parks and trails. I think it would be helpful for me to understand where all of you are, and how you feel about that, so that I can represent you.

The mayor is proposing a property tax Increase of 4.9%. We have a lot of boards and commissions, and we’re looking at how we make sure that boards and commissions are staffed. We have one of the most active community councils in this entire system. But we also need you on a city level. So there are some openings in different boards and commissions.

I also want to thank everybody from tree Utah and the friends of Fairmont for the wonderful Earth Day event that we had last Saturday. I encourage everybody to go take a walk through Fairmont and look at all the work that I and fellow neighbors have done for our neighborhood. 

Big thanks to Brandon Hill, for you know, carrying me through this and all of you for putting up with me. I know I am not Landon so I appreciate it.

Have a great night, we’ll see you next month.

Meeting Adjourned 8:33 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]