SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2009

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2009


May 6, 2009

~ Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes — May 6, 2009 ~Trustees Present — Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Russ Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Pattie DeNunzio, Barbara Green, Michael G. Kavanagh, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson , Lindsey Oswald, Derek Payne, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Ed Sperry, Grace Sperry, Rawlins YoungTrustees Absent Excused — Dolores Donohoo, Benny KeeleTrustees Absent Unexcused — Greg Carter

Others Present — Jason Bradley, Traci Marsing, Jim Brown, David Lichtenstein, Melissa Lichtenstein

Call to Order — Maggie Shaw, Chair 7:03pm.

Approval of Minutes — Cabot Nelson’s motion to approve minutes passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report — Dolores Donohoo is absent.

Public Comments — None

Detective Smart — Crime Report — Sugar House crime incidents have gone down over the last month. Detective Rick Wall is in charge of the Neighborhood and Mobile Watch, if you want to get involved or have questions call 799-3332 or email[email protected] . Gave a reminder about business burglary tips given at the December 2008 meeting (refer to archive minutes for more detail).

Sugar House Merchants’ Report — Barbara Green presented information about upcoming events of Sugar House Stroll (May 8-9th) and a sidewalk sale scheduled the weekend before Father’s Day.

Business Spotlight — Michael G. Kavanagh introduced Al who owns and operates Carol’s Bakery & Pastries, 1991 S 945 E, 484-3442. Carol’s Bakery & Pastries has been in business since 1948 and moved their their current location in 1976. Long history of providing cakes and pastries for numerous milestone events within the community.

Mayor’s Report — Lisa Harrison spoke about the Wasatch Hollow Nature Open Space ribbon cutting that occurred earlier in the evening. Wasatch Hollow is 10 acres of open space land comprised of land donated by the LDS church and land purchased by the County and City and will be undergoing a restoration project. Mayor Becker gave budget recommendations on May 5th to the City Council regarding $12 million shortfall. If you would like more information about the budget visit Lisa highlighted the inclusion of $150,000 fund for special events to help cover some of the police costs that will now be billed, specifically it will help pay for the police patrol for the Sugar House Park fireworks. The City Council will be briefed at the next meeting regarding the next steps and recommendations for improving 1300 East with the hope to begin work by June 1st . The SHCC discussed the proposal by the city to shift mailing of agendas to each community council.

Council Report — Soren Simonsen is absent.

Presentations —

  • Laurie Bray — Brolly Arts / Sugar House Stroll reported that 55 merchants are participating in Friday nights Sugar House Stroll between 5-10pm. Umbrellas will indicate participating businesses, various artwork displayed throughout stores, 6 live bands, and programs will be available. Last year they estimate 1,500 people attended the Sugar House Stroll. The activities on Saturday will be at Hidden Hollow. Last weekend a dance event at old Leisure Living building was sold out (140 people) and hopes to continue this event in future years.
  • Rep. Brian King — Gave an update about recent legislative session. Largest issue addressed was the current fiscal budget and budget for fiscal year 2010. Fallout of decreased funding has had some unforeseen consequences they hope to continue to address. Some hard hit programs include workmans compensation retraining program and the University Hospital has reduced the number of medical students for this year by 18 slots. Rep. King believes they may not need to come back to address additional shortfalls.
  • Russ Callister (Mecham property update) — In the next 2 weeks they plan to finish grading site, apply a soil killer and will put down bark reduce weeds and dust. The project is still searching for financing and have not submitted building plans to the city until they secure funding.. Mecham is also exploring the renewed possibility of connecting Wilmington Ave and Sugarmont. They would have to discuss compensation to give up some frontage property to make the realignment possible. Sugar House Draw proposal — Mecham has concerns with the design and compensation to vacate the easement he holds. The current design and easement vacation would preclude garbage collection on the north end, use of cranes to service roof of building, and possible fire code issues. Mecham is currently in negotiation with Salt Lake County about outstanding issues of design and compensation.

Council Business

Chair Report — Westminster is beginning a new graduate program that will include a survey class. Maggie will be talking with Annalisa Steggell, Director of Community Relations from Westminster College about the possibility of having this class conduct a neighborhood survey for the SHCC. Maggie reported that the city would like to stop mailing the agenda/minutes in the near future. Questions about the stipend amount and possible alternatives are still to be discussed.

Committee Reports — View committee reports on

  • Land Use (Judi Short) — Shawn Barr (2016 S 2100 E) is taking more time to put together a formal plan to possibly rezone this property. Property owner of 1900 S 1990 E (3 doors down) supports the rezone for a small scale commercial development as she believes the area doesn’t feel residential. Rawlins is concerned about commercial creep and stopping it in the future. DSL boxes on planning commission meeting for May 14th.
  • Parks & Open Space (Lynne Olson) — Lex Hemphill, President of the Sugar House Park Authority gave a history about ownership of the park and the budget issues the park faces specifically as it relates to the 4th of July fireworks. Trees are being planted in Parley’s Way Park thanks to the city and Jan Brittain’s successful grant with the Ian Cummings foundation – neighbors will be hauling water to personally water the fledgling trees. Parley’s Historic Nature Park meeting took place on April 22nd — close to releasing a draft comprehensive use plan to the public. This plan is seeking to balancing the resource protection levels and range of visitor experience with the natural and cultural resources located within the park. This is the first time city has tried to come up with a management plan for a natural open space park and will hopefully be completed by the spring
  • Transportation (Rawlins Young) — Reported on potential overuse of Sugarmont with development of Fairmont Park, Pratt, trolley and station, and realignment. Does not believe there would be enough room for all potential uses. Committee is trying to formulate a guide for resident’s and walkable communities and may do a field trip for the next meeting to gather more site information about unsafe walkable areas for a grant application to promote walkability. 
  • Sustainability (Amy Barry) — Presented the new sustainability committee and outlined its goals of community outreach and support for Salt Lake City’s initiatives through the new Sustainability Division and the Salt Lake City Council’s new sustainability committee. For more information on what the city is doing in regards to sustainability visit Lindsey Oswald motioned that the SHCC adopt the commission of the Sustainability Committee with the following purpose: Improve the health and vibrancy of the Sugar House community by supporting growth and other activities that enhance our quality of life while having minimal impact on the environment we live in. A secondary motion by Grace Sperry to table the sustainability committee until next month failed 9-13. Original motion from Lindsey Oswald passed 13-9.

Petitions for new trustee — Patricia Kilroy-Denslow submitted a petition for Forest Dale neighborhood and Jason Bradley submitted petition for Highland Park neighborhood passed unanimously. Ruth Price’s motion to accept Pat’s petition passed unanimously. Ruth Price’s motion to accept Jason’s petition passed unanimously.

Motion made by Judi Short to adjourn passed unanimously

Adjournment 9:00 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]