SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1999


December 1, 1999

 SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes for December 1, 1999 Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Judi Short, Cheri Carleson, Ty McCartney, Rich Bennett, Sheila O’Driscoll, Dolores Donohoo, Ray Pugsley, Tiffany Starbuck, Ruth Price, Phillip Carlson, Lynne Olson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Scott Kisling, Su Armitage (17) Excused: Ruth RobbinsCity/State Representatives: Barry Esham, Brent Poulsen, Craig Posselli, Steve Wetherell, Linda Ward, Julie Johnson, Officer Ron Bruno, Officer ??? (8) Others: John Shirley, Jim Hiemstra, Kevan Adams, Peter Minenno, Newman C. Petty, Chris Beck McKay, Mark McKay,Tamera Baggett, Marcia Scott, John Scott, Scott Workman, Andrew DeLaMare, Sean Williams, David E. Long, Mike Huntzinger, Ron Hopkins, Pete Paulos, Marv Tuddenham, Craig Blume, Agnes Greenhall, Grace MacKay, Eric Sabodski, John Sabodski, David Pooh, Richard McCann, Joe Rich, David Sucec (27) Total· 52  Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney .. Minutes of the November meeting were approved. Chair Report: Dist. 5 will hold an Olympic meeting on Dec. 8 at Hawthorne Elementary School at 7:30 PM. The Census Bureau are still in need of temporary help during March through June for the 2000 Census. The city has asked our cooperation in keeping the leaf bags out of the gutter. A new SL Administration Law Division has been created to take care of traffic problems. Sprague Librarian, Kathy Daly, has indicated that the work on the library expansion is moving ahead slower than expected and she indicated that we can have our January meeting in the Library. Due to the holidays and vacations in the Community Support area, we will need to have our Jan. agenda in to the city by the 12th of December. We have been informed that the community police office will be ready for the officers to move in within the next couple of weeks. In answer to a question raised at the last meeting concerning bike racks in the Sugar House Commons area, we have been told that all bike racks have been installed as per previous agreement. Ty reported on an accident that had occurred on Highland Drive under the overpass. He encouraged people to give whatever assistance possible in situations such as this. Treasurers Report: Two checks have been written, one for $66.00 to Hawthorne School and one for $40.00 to Bonneville RC&D, leaving a balance of $1,660.98. Public Input: Dorothy Tuddenham complimented Diane Olsen and Linda Ward for their efforts in resolving some undesirable situations in her area. Ruth Price also thanked the police for their support in the Allen Park area. Sheila O’Driscoll reported on a break-in in the 1800 block of Hollywood Ave. Some power tools were stolen. Salt Pile Location: Craig Posselli and Brent Poulsen of SLC Public Services and Steve Wetherell of SLC Golf Division indicated that the Fairmont Park parking area is no longer available for location of the salt pile for salting the roads. They want to move it to the Forest Dale South parking area. They explained the need to keep a supply of salt in our area to provide faster and better salting of the roads during the bad weather. The motion was made that we send a letter of support to the city. The vote was 9 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Police Update: Linda Ward of the SLC Police Dept. handed out statistics for Dist. 7 for the month of November. There are a lot of auto theft and car strip/prowls as well as quite a few burglary and robberies going on in this area. There were only a very few aggravated assault and sex assault. Linda was asked if she could also include statistics for dist. 5 & 6 since the Sugar House Community Council includes these districts as well. Linda again reminded everyone that we need to be especially careful and watch for fraud, burglaries, and check fraud during this holiday season. She encouraged everyone to leave their outside lights on at night. Unit Legalization – Triplex at 1888 So. 1100 East: John Sterling is making this request. The Land Use & Zoning sub-committee reported that John has done a lot to fix up and clean Up this property-.-Each apartment is on separate meters and there are 4 off-street parking stalls.  The appropriate signatures from adjoining neighbors have been obtained. The motion was made that we recommend approval of this request. The voting was 9 in favor, 1 opposed, 3 abstaining. Unit Legalization – Duplex at 2006 So. 13th East: Peter Minenno is making this request. The sub-committee indicated that Peter is planning to change the glass entry door to a regular door. The property is clean and neat. One apartment is a 2 bedroom and the other a 1 bedroom. There is plenty of off-street parking in the rear. They share the electric and gas meter. The motion was made that we recommend approval of this request. The voting was l0 in favor, 1 opposed, 3 abstaining. Unit Legalization – 4 plex at 2455 So. 5th East: Michael Huntzinger is making this request. The sub-committee reported that each unit has separate meters. This has been a 4-plex for a long time. The required signatures from adjoining neighbors are in order. There are 4 off street parking stalls. Each unit has 1 bedroom. This is a well kept property and there are no anticipated changes. The motion was made that we recommend approval of this request. The voting was 9 in favor , 2 opposed, 3 abstaining. Unit Legalization – 4 plex at 968 – 972 Garfield Ave.: Joe Rich is making this request. The sub-committee indicated that Joe has been working with the police to get the property and tenants cleaned up and create a better environment. It is currently a 4-plex and has been for quite some time. One unit is very small and it is anticipated that it will eventually be eliminated, leaving this building a 3-plex, but for now the request is for a 4-plex. All signatures of adjoining neighbors were in order. The motion was made that we recommend approval of this request. The voting was l0 in favor, 3 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Unit Legalization – Triplex at 2500 So. Highland Dr.: Scott Workman is making this request. The sub-committee indicated that Scott is anticipating adding an additional single car garage. This building has one apartment on the top and two on the bottom. Scott lives in the top. This apartment is well kept and the necessary signatures of adjoining neighbors in order. The motion was made that we recommend approval of this request. An alternate motion was made that the sub-committee meet with the property owners between I-80 and 27th South along Highland Drive to discuss the legalization of this property as a triplex. The voting on the alternate motion was 2 in favor, 9 opposed, and 5 abstaining. We voted on the original motion to recommend approval. The voting on that motion was 8 in favor, 4 opposed, and 3 abstaining. Compliments were given to sub-committee members Sheila O’Driscoll and Su Armitage for the great work they did in checking out each of these unit legalizations and facilitating the processing of them at our meeting. Rezone from CC to SHBD to allow addition of enclosed playground at McDonald’s on 21st So. and Lincoln St.: Bill Allayaud of the Planning Dept. reported that the Planning Dept. wants to rezone the South part of the block from 9th East to Lincoln St. They have been working more with Walgreen’s who are interested in building on the West part of that area. There has been much discussion at the city on this issue and the Mayor placed a moratorium on any permits or rezoning of this area. The same day this moratorium was done, Walgreen’s submitted plans to the Planning Dept. As a result of the presentation from the McDonald’s people at our last meeting, it has been determined that there are two issues to address. The first is the re-zoning issue and the second is the design of the addition to McDonald’s. In last month’s meeting there were concerns with the design of the proposed addition. Since the last meeting, a sub-committee met with the McDonald’s group to work out some of these design issues. Richard Graham, representing McDonald’s showed two pictures representing the McDonald’s as it is today and the proposed addition for the enclosed playground. It was noted that the proposed addition is actually smaller than the current enclosed playground area. The sub-committee felt that the concerns from the previous meeting have been addressed with the new design. The motion was made that we approve the new proposed design of the addition. During the discussion, concerns with traffic in the area were raised. It was noted that they have ample parking, probably twice as much as the city ordinance requires. The original motion was amended to include, that the architectural features be changed such that the original building and the addition be more congruent. This motion, including the amendment, was approved with 11 in favor, 3 opposed, and 1 abstaining. The zoning issue prompted much more discussion. The reason for the need to rezone is that the commercial corridor (CC) requires a greater setback than the addition requires. The city feels there is an advantage of having this location changed to the Sugar House Business District (SHBD) zone because it would not only allow McDonald’s to build the addition with no required set back, it would also allow the city to have more control of what is developed in these areas. The city tries to zone larger areas rather than create a bunch of smaller parcels. Mr. Newman Petty, who owns the property, indicated he was not aware of the desire to change the zoning and he objects to the zone change. He spoke very highly of McDonald’s as a tenant. The motion was made that we support the zone change from the commercial corridor (CC) to the Sugar House Business District (SHBD). This was amended to include that the city Planning Dept. re-examine the text of the SHBD zone requirements to make them more compatible with the SHBD Master Plan/Wikstrom Study. The original motion including the amendment was approved with 13 in favor, 2 opposed, and no abstentions. Gilgal Garden Presentation: David Sucec showed a video with information on what this garden is and what is trying to be done with it. This garden is a sculpture garden located at 452 South 800 East. It was originally created by Thomas Battersby Child, Jr. It is currently owned by a Fetzer family, but because of the effort to keep it up etc. they plan to sell the property. The Friends of Gilgal were formed in an effort to purchase the property and preserve it as a sculpture garden rather than allowing it to be sold and destroyed for some other type of development. They would welcome any financial support from anyone that is interested in preserving this area. It is important that they receive all donations possible by the end of the year since the property will be sold to other developers after the first of the year if the “Friends” are unable to purchase it. Donations can be sent to: Friends of Gilgal Garden, Lynn Christensen, Treasurer, 2828 East 3220 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84103. The motion was made that we send a letter of support and that we contribute a token amount in support of this project. The voting was 13 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Meth Initiative: Julie Johnson of the SLC Police Dept. presented information on their initiative. They have over 30 local agencies working together on resolving community issues associated with the production, distribution and use of Methamphetamine and other dangerous drugs. They are working hard to curb these dangerous problems. For more information on this call 799·3357 or email[email protected] . When Meth labs are found, it is important that they are cleaned up correctly or major problems result. Recycling Program: Debbi Booth of SLC Public Services Dept. presented information on the recycling program. She indicated that 61 % of the people use the recycling program.   They figure they collect 1 lb./household per day. Any questions regarding the recycling program can be directed to Debbie at 535-7795.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]