SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1997


August 6, 1997

Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Julina P. Parker, Sandy Hiskey, Dorothy Tuddenham, Ruth Robbins, Sheila O’Driscoll, Doris Williams, Rich Bennett, Sam Piazza, Judi Short, John Richards, Allen Johnson (16) Excused – Helen Peters            ‘ City Representatives: Michele Rendon-Van Rosendaal, Diane Stover, Keith Christensen, Kathy Daly, Pauline Zvonkovic , Officer Fred Ross, Kathy Black(7) Others: Suanna Armitage, Summer Armitage, Rick Knuth, Norman Hansen, Cookie Hansen, Gordon Poudos, Ty McCartney, Amy McCartney, Ken Stone, John Eresuma, Andrea Eresuma, Pam Eresuma, Stephanie Garcia, Josh Garcia, Nathan Garcia, Brigham Black, Katherine Astin, Donna H. Rigby, Dave Jones, ? O. Thomas, Joe Colosimo, Lynne Olson, Suzanne Weaver, E. LaMar Turk, Deb Sawyer, John Collins, Paul Colosimo, Agnes Greenhall, David Scott, Everett Woody, Jeff Creveling, Kim Crellin, Sierra Collins (33) Total· 56 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. Scott introduced the executive committee. The minutes for the July meeting were approved. Chair Report: Scott encouraged everyone to sign the role so we can have an accurate attendance at the meeting. He gave special compliments and thanks to all who made the “Night Out Against Crime” a great success, especially Officer Ross who spearheaded the activity.  A motion was made and approved that we send a letter of thanks to Officer Ross for all his efforts in making the evening a success. Scott indicated that the Fire Dept. wants to set up Neighborhood Emergency Coordinators and ask each trustee to find someone from their neighborhood that would be interested in doing this. Doris Williams volunteered for her area. For more information on this, call 596-5004. Scott also said that the Bonneville Shoreline Trail is always looking for help. Anyone interested in this call Marv Stoddard at 485-6975. Also, Michael Dee with the Forest Service is always looking for help on the trails, call 943-3624. Sept. 10 is going to be an open house meeting to discuss changes and improvements at Liberty Park. This will be held in the North Shelter from 6-8 PM. For more information call Jan Striefel at 474-3300 or John Swain at 535-6378. Aug. 18 the 21st So. southbound ramp to I-15 will be shut down and sometime in Oct. the 13th So. southbound ramp to I-15 will be closed. Aug. 12 the City Council will be addressing zoning issues with regard to flag pole lots. This will be a Planning Commission proposal to change this from a permitted to a conditional use. Aug. 18 at the main library from 4-8 PM will be an open house on light rail from the airport to the “U”. Kathy Daly/Librarian – The main library needs new or upgraded facilities and are asking for ideas. A copy of the design study is available at the library. The Sugar House Sesquicentennial activity committee met yesterday. This activity is going to be held on Sept. 27. There is a need for lots of volunteers to help with this .• Ruth Robbins had a poster display of pictures from the LDS Church Sesquicentennial service project held in Hidden Hollow on July 19. Parks Committee Report: Cheri suggested we sing Happy Birthday to Ruth Robbins! Parks in the Sugar House area owe a great deal to the efforts of Ruth! The meeting last Thursday for the Parley’s Corridor Rail-to- Trail was well attended, including persons from the Provo and Park City area. The SLC Parks Master Plan draft is in the citizen committee review process. If you would like to see a copy, see the Parks Engineering office at 324 S. State Rm. 210. Cheri also reported on the Sugar House Sesquicentennial Activity, indicating that one of our trustees, Helen Peters, is helping with plans. Helen is a professional events planner: This activity is going to be a BIG event with food, entertainment, historical displays and story tellers, artists, KOPE Kids working with architects, and a children’s game court. For this activity we need 1) financial help from the city, 2) a mechanism to handle donations and sponsorships byindividuals who want a tax deduction, 3) lots of help. A motion was made and approved to write a letter to the Mayor asking for help with funding for this activity and to also submit a request for self help grant funding.· A motion was made and approved to subordinate on a temporary basis to RC&D for the purposes of fund raising for this activity. Sam Piazza volunteered to co-ordinate the volunteers for the activity. Water Conservation Information: Lynne Olson reported on a project of the SL County Extension that will measure the amount of water used on your lawn. If you are interested in this service, call Richard or Earl Jackson at 468-3180. Landscaping of Island at 13th East South of I-80: Ty McCartney & Nathan Garcia presented their plans to upgrade the landscaping on this island. Nathan has done a lot of work on this project for his Eagle Scout project. They are now working on funding to help finance this project. A motion was made and approved that we draft a letter to the CIP Board in support of this project. Non-Conforming Residence at 2725-27 So. 9th East: Information was presented on this request, but because it was not clear what all the issues were, the motion was made and approved to defer this item to the executive committee for clarification of the action needed and a decision. Rawlins will follow up on this. Planned Unit Development at 1875 East 2100 So: Plans for this development were presented, but there were a lot of questions and concerns regarding this issue. This appears to be basically a flag pole lot and there is a lot of opposition to this kind or development. In view of the upcoming meeting concerning flag pole lots and the concerns that were expressed, it was decided to wait on a decision and further clarify this issue with Everett Joyce. City Council Update: Keith Christensen also thanked Officer Ross for all he did with the ”Night Out Against Crime”. Keith reported that 21st So. is going to be closed from 17th to 21st East in order to complete the work that is being done there faster. US West has conduit in the roadway and they are trying to coordinate work on that with the other construction that is going on. It is hoped it will be re-opened by the 15th of Sept. This area is open to local traffic for those who need access to their homes. Keith is suggesting that the airport to “U” light rail spur be extended up around Research Park to the Zoo area to allow access to the spur without going to the “U” area. School Board Update: Kathy Black indicated that there will be some minor changes in the start times of some of the schools to accommodate the transportation problems that are anticipated with all the road construction. They are concerned with the safety of getting the children to and from school. She also reported that they are going to change the paint color of Highland High School to a light charcoal color. She reported that projected school enrollments through 2002 shows a shift from East to West. There is a need to build a new school in the NW quadrant and possibly close one in the East area. No specific school has been targeted yet for closure. Beacon Heights is a possibility. Whittier is going to get a new school. It is very old. Treasurers Report: There is a balance of $1,356.00·in the account. There was $12.50 collected at the last meeting for the ”Night Out Against Crime”. There is one outstanding check to the Boys and Girls Club.  Mayor’s Office Report: Pauline Zvonkovic presented information on the .Good Neighborav Award. Nominations are now being accepted for this.· FOf more information ca11535-7915. She also had information regarding the Neighborhood Self-Help Grant and a report of projects that have been approved for Capital Improvement Program funding for 1997/98. Crime Report: Dorothy Tuddenham indicated there were great reports on the ”Night Out” activity last night. She indicated that the little motorized mopeds that some of the kids are using around the neighborhoods now are illegal except on private property. Officer Fred Ross reported that the Sugar House merchants had contributed $6500 for the bike patrol and over 125 prizes for last night’s activity. They made $1500 from the activities at the Boys & Girls Club last night. The money that was raised during the “Night Out” was for the Boys and Girls Club. He also reported that the crime statistics were down 53% for the first 6 months of this year as compared to last year. Subdivision Request at 2200 East 21st So.: Paul Collisimo indicated this area is zoned RMS35 (multi family). They are proposing 10 2-story units, town house style in a Planned Unit Development for this area. They are scheduled to present the plans to the Planning Commission on Aug. 21. The motion was made to approve this plan, but requested they present the plan to the South East Neighborhood group first. Voting was: 6 in favor – Dorothy Tuddenham, Sam Piazza, Doris Williams, Dolores Donohoo, Allen Johnson, and Alice Edvalson. 4 opposed· Cheri Carleson, Judi Short, John Richards, and Rawlins Young. Conditional Use Permit – Parleys 3-5-7 Ward Bldg. 2615 East Stringham Ave.: David Scott from BBSA Architects presented the plans for a proposed new building.· Seismic studies have shown that it is better to demolish and rebuild The plan is similar to the Sugar House Stake center on 17th So. and 11th East only a bit smaller. It will be brick and concrete. This plan has been presented to and endorsed by the South East Neighborhood group. The motion was made and approved that we approve the request for variances and the plan as presented. It was amended to strongly recommend to the city that they install traffic calming measures on Stringham Ave. between the church and the parking lot across the street.Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 9:40 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]