SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1997


January 8, 1997

Present: Trustees: Rawlins Young, AliceEdvalson, Ivana Thomas, Ruth Robbins, John Richards, Sandy Hiskey, Cheri Car1eson, Sheila O’DriscoIl, Del Brewster, Jan Haug, Sam Piazza, Dolores A. Donohoo, Dorothy Tuddenham, Doris Williams, Judi Short, Becky Nielsen, Tree Brown Hayes (17) City Representatives: Veronica Crandall, Kathy Daly, Shane Jones, Diane Stover, Everett Joyce, Keith Christensen, Dave Lambert, Officer Ross (8) Others: Eugene Smith, Roger Roper, Barbara Bassett, Kathy Black, Grace Sperry, Diane Barlow, Kyle Nielson, Dagin Fullmer, Eric Wilkinson, Greg Carver, Brock Hostetter, Jacquelyn Havey, David Elggren, Charles Gibb, Michelle Fawson, Ray Pugsley, Ken Schefski, Bruce Fallon, Steve Andersen, Wade Short, Jolene Anderson, Carol McEntee, Max Williams, Ben Donald, Bret Palmer, Jeff Morrow (26)         Total-51 Excused: Julina Parker Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chairman Rawlins Young. The minutes for the December meeting were approved with the following corrections: (1) spelling of names in list of those present -Sandy Hiskey and Mirabelli (2) add Dorothy Tuddenham to list of those excused (3) under Parks& Recreation, it was the Community Council Parks Committee that met on Nov. 16 and not the Sugar House Park Authority (4) 2nd page, One copy will be put in the Sprague library (5) organization is and how it can help. Rawlins explained the talent survey that was mailed with the minutes and agenda and encouraged those in attendance to fill it out and return it to one of the executives. Treasurers Report: Cheri indicated we still have a balance of $1,400 in our account with no activity during the past month. City Council Update: Keith Christensen reported that the City Council is looking at down zoning an area on Parleys Way from Commercial to Residential/Commercial. He also talked concerning the I-15 closure and the impact that will have on our neighborhoods and schools. They are concerned with the safety of the school children both coming and going from school as well as at other times because of the increase in traffic. He indicated that 2 lanes of traffic on the freeway would remain open each way and that only 1 on/off ramp in the down town area would be closed at any one time. He also indicated that the contractors would be working round the clock in an effort to complete the project in as short a time as possible. UDOT is looking at the alternate routes available to use when I-15 is down. He also reported on the construction in the downtown area indicating that is promised that it will be done by Nov. 15 in time for the Christmas season. There are still a lot of questions regarding the light rail. Keith said “Watch the news”. The longer they wait to start on the light rail, the more it will cost. Mayor’s Office Report: Veronica Crandall, representing the mayor’s office reported on an open space conference that will be held on Jan. 30. She had a flyer with more detailed information for those interested. She also had a memo from the mayor’s office requesting candidates for the Transportation Advisory Board. She also had a flyer announcing a public open house and workshop to be held on Jan 27. The subject of the workshop is “Looking to the Future, City Design Workshop”. If anyone is interested in any of these they can call Veronica at 535-7018. Dave Lambert, from the Fire Dept. talked about the Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. This program provides training for citizens in emergency response techniques and provides a great resource for neighborhoods in times of emergency. The training for this program is a 7 week course with 3 hours/night and costs $35 which covers the cost of equipment provided for participants. He has available a video for those interested in this program. There were 5 persons at the council meeting that have taken this course and spoke very highly of it. Sprague Library Announcement: Kathy Daly, librarian of the Sprague library, announced a series of community discussions on a book titled “40 Ways to Raise a Nonracist Child”. Copies of this book are available at all city library locations.Committee ReportsCrime Report -Dorothy Tuddenham indicated there will be a mobile watch training meeting next week at 6:00 pm at the Police Dept. Shane Jones reported there have been an increase in the number of burglaries in our area. They are especially taking CD players because they are easy to sell. Most of the activity is being done by young people. They are ringing the doorbell and if no one answers, they go around to the back and break in. This is happening between 12-3 PM and covers an area from 13th – 27th South and from 9th East to the East bench. He also reported a problem with a colored man accosting a woman at an LDS church in the Foothill area. There has also been a flasher reported in the Brickyard area. Shane again cautioned everyone about leaving cars running or the keys in the car. This is how most cars are being stolen. Officer Ross indicated they are still working on getting the bike patrol in the area. The Chamber of Commerce is helping to raise money to assist with this program. If you are interested in having the locks on your home windows and doors checked, call 799-3457. Traffic: Sandy Hiskey reported for Rich Bennett. The CLS meeting scheduled for Jan. 6th had been canceled. Jan. 27 will be the Planning Commission review of the McIntyre/Hygeia plans. Jan Haug reported that they are working through the process to close Stringham Ave. between the LDS ward and the apts. in the area near Foothill Dr. Housing, Land Use, Zoning: There was a lot of discussion regarding the request from the Fiddler’s Elbow restaurant for a variance for a side entrance off a non-dedicated street. Lynn Rassmussen, the owner, explained the need for the variance. A lot of the discussion centered around the lack of notification from the city on this request and the need for an early notification notice from the city regarding things that are happening in our area. Alice Edvalson indicated that it appeared that the real issue was the need for the variance in order to obtain a class “C” liquor license. There was some discussion regarding the sale of liquor in the area. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to support the request for the variance. Everett Joyce presented a request to rezone from residential to business an area along 13th East and Zenith Street. The SL School Dist. wants to build a Credit Union business there. Jeff Morrow from Coldwell Banker and Steve Anderson, the Pres. of the Credit Union discussed the proposed project. Pictures and diagrams of the project were presented to those present. They explained that it would be a small business with approx. 5 employees. Currently, the property they want to build on is zoned about 1/3 RMF30 (residential) and 2/3 commercial. They want to make it all commercial. A motion was made to give a negative response to this request. The motion did not pass. Then a motion was made to give a favorable response to the request and that passed. The development issues at 21st So. and 2251 East are still pending until plans have been presented. Everett explained that this area is now zoned RMF30 which would allow a medium density apt. If the proposed development is for a single structure, no conditional permits would be required, but if it involved multiple structures, it would require a conditional use permit. Everett also indicated that the city is looking at doing a small area master plan for future development in the “H Rock” area. Parks Recreation: Cheri Carleson reported that the Parks & Recreation sub-committee made a presentation to the CDBG committee last month requesting funds to help incorporate Hidden Hollow into the city pedestrian and bicycle trails system. She reported that the new lights in Hidden Hollow have now been installed and are working. The city is bidding out the irrigation work to be done in the spring. A landscape contractor has agreed to donate services to design some xeriscape between the sidewalk and the creek after the irrigation is finished. Cheri also spoke of the open space conference coming on Jan. 30. The Parks & Recreation sub-committee will be meeting tomorrow night at the Foothill police sub-station. They are also looking for families of the first pioneers in the Sugar House area who might have stories about the original Sugar House Park, dedicated in 1911.The original Sugar House Park is now Hidden Hollow. If you have information that might help, call Cheri at 485-0525. They would also like to have a commemoration gathering to celebrate the Sesquicentennial. If you are good at fund raising or throwing a party, let Cheri know. The Sugar House Park Authority will meet Jan. 16th at the County Complex, South building, Room S-2019. The main issues will be the scheduling and processing of special event applications for the park. Cheri also expressed concern over the pile of road salt stored in Fairmont Park. In questioning the city regarding this, she found that this area is being used because it’s city property and closer to our area than where they store other stock piles at Hogle Zoo. She was assured that the city would maintain the pile such that the salt would not get into the storm drain system. She was also assured that no big trucks would be used in the area so that the historical stone wall there can be kept safe from accidents. Miscellaneous Items: Rawlins gave us a document describing the Citizen Neighborhood Property Evaluation that will be a part of the Sugar House Master Plan update process.Sugar House Business District Issues: Del Brewster indicated that there is still an effort to designate the business area as a business district which would allow enforcement of laws prohibiting the use of roller blades, skate boards, bikes, etc. on the sidewalks in that area.  One concern was raised about the boundaries that were being suggested for this area. She lives in the area that has been suggested and doesn’t want the residential areas included in the boundaries. Del also indicated that the chamber is organizing a group to help citizens who want to get involved in any way with the legislative issues. If you are interested in working with this group, call Del at 467-0844. Legislative Preview: Mary Carlson indicated that the BIG issues this session will be traffic. She indicated there is not a good system in place now to protect our neighborhoods from the increased traffic that will be generated when the construction begins on I-15. She also indicated that the legislature in not necessarily favorable to open space issues. We need to let our representatives know of our concerns in· this area. She stated that we in the CITY need to be more forceful about making our concerns known. A lot of the things that are happening in the area will have a big impact on us as city residents. She is also concerned about the tax issues. She has had many persons in the area especially concerned with the increased property taxes. The first day of the session will be Jan. 20. Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]