SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1998


May 6, 1998

Trustees: Present: Scott Kisling, Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Sandy Hiskey, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Sheila O’Driscoll, John Richards, Tree Brown Hayes, Dorothy Tuddenham , Doris Williams, Judi Short, Phillip Carlson, Ruth Robbins(14) Excused: Rich Bennett, Dolores Donohoo (2) City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Bill Allayaud, Diane Stover, Michele Hutchins, Dan Andrus, Fred Ross, Kathy Black, Mary Carlson, Nancy Tessman (9) Others: Tina Pech, Dawn Gordon, Jennifer Still, Jeff Laver, Rick Stewart, Sarah Carlson, Tim Brewer, Gary Ott, Liz Rivera, Armand Johansen, Mary Ellen Jackson, Louis Ulrich, Richard Evans, Brent Vincent, Clem Jackson, Lou Swain, Richard Mendenhall, Paul Hirschi, Don Welch, Paul Mecham, Ray Pugsley, Verdi White II, Dave Jones, Lynne Olson, C. T. Bintz, Myron Richardson, Elaine Folland, Barbara N. Andersson, Jay A. Anderson, Dennis Correia, Kim Brewer & wife, Sharlene Watson, Rogers Sanders (34) Total- 57 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Scott Kisling. The minutes for the April meeting were approved. Chair Report: The Community Action Program (CAP) is in need of a representative from our area. Rawlins Young has expressed an interest in this. This action was approved. The Community Development Review Board needs a volunteer from our area to serve on that board. It was suggested that we see if Allen Johnson is interested in this. The Planning Commission hearing for the Park View Plaza II will be May 21st. Judi Short has a master plan for the H Rock Community Council if anyone is interested. Treasurers Report: The bank balance is $2,237.39. There has been no activity in the past month. Public Safety and Education Report: Dorothy Tuddenham announced a Neighborhood Watch meeting to be held May 7th (tomorrow night) at 7 P.M. at 855 Garfield. Anyone interested is invited. Diane Stover reported 63 car prowls in Dist. 7 in April and indicated that Dist. 6 is high as well. Officer Fred Ross indicated that the business district is looking at ways to better regulate the use of roller blades and skate boards in the business area. He encouraged persons with comments to call the City Council office. A motion was made that the Sugar House Community Council support an ordinance to ban roller blades and skate boards in the business district covering the approximate area of 5th East to 15th East and Redondo Ave. to I-80. Discussion included: 1) These can be accepted modes of transportation for the younger kids. 2) Kids feel the need to be able to use these as transportation, but do recognize the need for some regulation. 3) Suggested the use of the bike lanes for those using roller blades and skate boards. 4) Officer Ross indicated it is very difficult to regulate the use of these items. The vote on this motion was 7 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstaining. City Council Report: None. Fire Dept Report: Dan Andrus of the Fire Dept. indicated that the Dept. is interested in better educating the public regarding the educational programs provided by the Fire Dept. Some of these programs include: CPR Training, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Learn Not to Burn, Fire Extinguisher Training, Fireman Jay and Friends (KKDS-AM 1060 Radio Show), Business Life/Fire Safety, Nursing Home Life/Fire Safety, Apartment Life /Fire Safety, Day Care Center Life/Fire Safety, High-Rise Evacuation, and In-station Tours. He handed out a flyer with some good information regarding the Fire Dept. He also recommended the use of Carbon Monoxide detectors. A question was asked, “Why does the Fire Dept. register bicycles?” His answer was, “it has always been done as a public service”. Public Library Update: Nancy Tessman of the SLC Public Library reported that plans are moving forward to build a new main library. Voters will be asked to vote on the proposal. It will be double the size of the current building and there will be increased parking. It will be on the same block as the current main library. She also reported a real need for more space at the Sprague Library. Plans are underway for adding an additional 1600-2000 sq. ft. of additional space. This expansion would be included in the bond to build the new main library. The new addition would be underground under the existing plaza on the SE corner of the library. It would include a larger meeting room and expanded office facilities and restrooms. The rear entrance would be enhanced to better fit in with the new development being done on that block. There would be an external entrance to the new meeting room that would be separate and apart from the main library entrances which would allow use of that room without impacting the library hours. A question was asked about the underground water level and previous problems that have been experienced in this area. We were assured that those doing the planning were well aware of this issue and were planning to take care of that problem. Someone suggested that the flag pole from the old Post Office be acquired and moved onto the Library property. Salt Lake County Children’s Shelter: Liz Rivera reported that they take children who have been neglected or abused. Ages range from new born to teen ager. This is temporary crisis care. They take children out of an immediate dangerous situation until a better situation can be arranged. They use private homes to care for the children similar to foster parents. There is a real need for more homes to care for these children. These homes must have at least 1 stay at home parent, they must be a S. L. County Resident, and own a vehicle. At the present time, there are 72 children in their care and they have only 26 homes. When they don’t have enough homes, they have to use group homes. The average stay is 2 weeks but range from 1 day to 4 weeks. Room and board is paid to the family. Most of the children come from the Salt Lake area, but most of the homes are not in the Salt Lake area. For more information regarding this, call 269-0518. Traffic Mitigation: Dave Jones indicated that a $10 surcharge is being placed on moving traffic violations and this money is being made available for use in providing traffic calming measures. The money will stay in the area where the violation occurred. He indicated that those interested should talk to the City Council and lobby for these funds to used in your area. Hidden Hollow Conservation Easement: Lynne Olson presented an abbreviated version of the “Deed of Open Space and Conservation Easement”. The purpose of this is to assure that the Hidden Hollow area be maintained as a natural habitat and open space area in the future. This document defines the accepted uses etc. for this area. The document was well accepted by those present and many thanks were expressed for those who have prepared the document. The motion was made that we draft a cover letter to be attached to this proposal to indicate our acceptance of the proposal. The motion was approved unanimously with 13 in favor. Re-Zone at 2018 East 21st So.: Tim Brewer, representing the Church of the Nazarene presented a proposal for a zoning change from residential to institutional. The proposed change is necessary for a desired non-denominational non-profit school that desires to use the existing facility. The school would serve grades kindergarten through 12th grade. Discussion included: 1) a concern for the increased traffic in the neighborhoods, 2) activities in the existing church facility cause some problems in the neighborhood and there was a concern that a school environment would increase those problems, 3) parking from current church activity has caused problems in the neighborhood and it was felt this would be increased with an additional use of the facility, 4) there was a concern for future uses of the property if the zoning was changed, 5) there was a concern for a continued increase of spot zones and the loss of residential zoned areas. No action was taken by the trustees. McIntyre Update: Lou Swain and John Thackeray reported changes that have been made on the South/West corner. The original plans showed 3 buildings and now there is 1 large one and 1 small one. They are working with the Wild Oats natural food stores to occupy the larger one. There are still concerns with the lack of entrances from Highland Drive. Hygiea Update: Richard Mendenhall reported there have been no changes in the previously presented plans. He indicated that three parts of the development have now been sold to the individual developers: 1) Lone Star Steak House (restaurant), 2) Heritage Hotels (residency inn), and 3) the city (the North side of Hidden Hollow). A fourth part which includes the red brick building on 13th East, South of the Chevron station and the South East corner by that building is still owned by Westfield Properties. He reported that the hotel would have 150 rooms and is scheduled to open in August of ’98. The restaurant will have a capacity of200 and is scheduled to open in July ’98. Planned Parking Area on 11th East­1st Security Bank: Brent Vincent reported that most of the issues raised at the last meeting have been resolved. Trustee, Tree Brown Hayes, reported that she felt good about the current plans. They indicated that this is a temporary solution to the parking problems in the area and that nothing in the plan would prevent future development of the Salt Lake/Jordan Canal trail if anything is ever done with that. A motion was made and seconded that we recommend acceptance of the proposed plan. The motion was approved with 10 in favor and 2 abstaining. Zone Change at 840 East Stratford Ave.: Rogers Sanders presented plans for an assisting living/senior care center facility. In order to build the proposed facility, it is necessary to change the zoning from R1-7000 to RMF-30. We had previously recommended the zone change of an adjacent property to the RMF-30 zoning. Some of the neighbors were concerned that if the zone change was made, the plan could change to something that was not desirable. Most neighbors felt favorable with the proposed use as presented. A motion was made and seconded that we recommend the zoning change to match the other RMF-30 property. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 2 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Fairmont Park Swimming Pool: Louis Ulrich reported on plans that are proceeding with the swimming pool in Fairmont Park. He said that the volleyball courts will be moved to the area where the old pool is. The old pool building will be used for maintenance facilities. The 3 high schools, Judge, Highland, and East that will be using the pool for their swimming programs will help with funds so that an 8-lane lap pool, rather the 6-lap pool, can be built. The tennis courts will be moved to where the volleyball courts are now. There were concerns raised that there is still no plan for a sidewalk around the curve on Sugarmont Ave. Adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]