SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2002


WEDNESDAY August 7, 2002


PLACE: SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10            Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair                                Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20            Public Input7:20 – 7:25            Police Update7:25 – 7:30            Mayor’s Office Update7:30 – 7:40            Planning Dept. Update7:40 – 7:55            County Council Update – Russ Skousen7:55 – 8:05            Hidden Hollow Management Committee Report- Lynne Olson8:05 – 8:15            Sidewalk Improvement Inventory for CDBG Application Report – Melissa Anderson8:15 – 8:25            Transit Oriented Development Ordinance Discussion -Dennis Guy-Sell8:25 – 8:30            Youth City Government Report – Angela Romero8:30 – 8:35            Honorary Street Name Change – Susan Petheram                                21st South from 7th to 13th East – Sugar Ave.8:35 – 8:55            12th East/33rd So. (parking lot south of Brickyard) Development of Retail Shops –
Matt Swain8:55 – 9:15            Organizational Issues:                                                PA System Discussion                                               Neighborhood Recognition                                                Election Update                                                By-Laws Update                                                Tote Bags              9:15                        Adjourn                FUTURE MEETINGS:Trustee Activity – August 3, 2002 – 9 AM – NoonAugust Agenda Deadline – July 19, 2002 – Call Alice Edvalson –               485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – August 19 2002 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – September 4, 2002 – 7:00 PM –      Sprague Library THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library                 Questions: Call        Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                 Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160                Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708                Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340                Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153                Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  orhhtp:// orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************

Sugar House Community Council

Minutes for August 7, 2002


Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Chris Bowler, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson Justin Jones, Sheila O’Driscoll, Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Martin Smith, Gina Thompson, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (17)


Trustees Excused: Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Susan Petheram


City/State Representatives: Debbie Gabrenas, Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Officer Brendan Kirkwood, Lyman Guest, SLC Police; Barry Esham, Angela Romero, Mayor’s Office; Karen Hale, State Senate; Russell Skousen, County Council (9)


Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Nate Swain, Matt Swain, Claudia Holm, Emily Wessman, Sandra Fagergren, Paul Fagergren, Lorna Vogt, David Berg, J. Bruce Reading, Kara Thompson, Cindy Cromer, Carrie Francis, Dennis Guy-Sell (14)  Total Attending: 40


Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. We are trying out a new PA system to see if it will improve our meetings. The minutes from the July meeting were corrected with Beacon Heights being changed to Rosslyn Heights in the sentence, “In 2004, children from both Dilworth and Rosslyn Heights will move into the new Dilworth school.” The minutes were approved with this correction.


Chair Report:

Ray reported that the Westminster Small Area Master Plan draft is completed and awaiting final review. The City is planning to close the Herman Franks ball field to “off-leash” dogs next year.  The City is interested in finding other locations for “off-leash” areas. The following priority for traffic calming projects in the Sugar House area has been established: #3 – 1943 So. 17th East, #4 – 1917 So. 23rd E. and 1831 So. 19th East, #5 – 1744 So. 19th East, #8 – 1989 So. 17th East, #9 – 1807 So. 17th East, #10 – 1052 E. 17th So., #13 – 2826 So. Imperial St., #15 – 1445 So. 15th E., #18 – 15th So. and 19th East. Other areas in Sugar House that have been found to be eligible, are awaiting funding.  Our letter to the City encouraging the continued funding of police and fire department community based employees was partially successful.  We will lose three CERT positions but gain a part-time CERT program coordinator.  We lost a community mobilization specialist and Mobil Watch liaison position, but gained a part-time Mobil Watch liaison position. Ray thanked Justin Jones and Kevan Adams  for organizing the sidewalk survey activity last Sat. and also thanked those trustees and others who helped in the survey. Ray also thanked Lynne Olson for filling in for the secretary the past two months.


Treasurer’s Report:

July balance of $5,788.11


Public Input:

Debbie Gabrenas, Sprague Library introduced Ranae Pierce as the new Sprague Branch manager.  Debbie is moving to the library on the Avenues. Michele Rivera will be the assistant.

Lorna Vogt reported that a hate group known as the “World Church of the Creator” was going to be holding a meeting at the Sprague Library on Sept. 7 and encouraged us to send a message to this group that we are a “Hate Free Zone” and that we not support them at this meeting.

David Berg of the Blue Kats Coffee House introduced himself as the new owner/manager of this business and encouraged us all to patronize the shop.  David is also the chair of the Central City Community Council. He indicated that the coffee house was available for meetings. He provided free coffee at the council meeting.

Lynne Olson indicated that Kim Guess of the SLC Police Dept. was teaching a Landlord Training Class. The class is being sponsored by the East Central Community Council and will be held on a Saturday in August. Anyone interested can contact Dennis Guy-Sell at 673-7378.


Police Update:

Brendon Kirkwood introduced Lyman Guest as the new officer who will be taking his place.  Officer Guest can be reached at 799-3444.  Brendon reported that car prowls are way high all over the City and there are also a lot of yard thefts.


Mayor’s Office Update:

Barry Esham said the next Saturday Morning with the Mayor will be held this coming Sat., Aug. 10 from 10-11 AM at Pioneer Park on the north side on 3rd West. Barry indicated he would check on an unsecured house located at 1040 Ramona. An open house is not legal and the owner will be notified. David Berg asked about the possibility of getting a bicycle rack on the corner of 21st So. and Highland Drive in front of the Blue Kats and also the possibility of cleaning up the street in this area. He also asked about the possibility of having a recycling program for the business area.


Planning Dept. Update:

Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept. reported that Smith’s is pursuing their application for a conditional Use permit for the store on 9th East and 21st South. The plan is basically the same as was presented to us at a previous meeting. The Planning Dept. does not support what is being presented. There will be a public hearing sometime in September. Sheila O’Driscoll asked Melissa to check on the development of the Bailey property that we heard some time ago. It was agreed at the time of our hearing that one of the houses would face the street and that did not happen.


Hidden Hollow Management Committee Report:

Lynne Olson indicated that this management plan is on our web site and asked that all trustees review it. Since all trustees hadn’t been able to review it yet, she asked that it be reviewed before the September meeting and that we be ready to vote on approval at that meeting.


Sidewalk Improvement Inventory:

Melissa Anderson indicated that she is working on a CDBG application for funds in addition to the funds the City has allocated for sidewalk improvement. The Fairmont, Nibley, and Westminster neighborhoods are in CDBG eligible areas and could benefit from these funds. The CDBG funds can replace or build new sidewalks. There was a trustee activity last Saturday where a survey of the sidewalks in these three neighborhoods was done to assist in prioritizing the areas that need attention. Kevan Adams thanked Melissa and Justin for their part in making that activity a real success.  Rawlins made a motion that a sub-committee be formed to develop CIP & CDBG proposals to be submitted in the month of Sept. 2002. Helen Peters noted that current committees are not functioning and feels it is not practical in light of the limited time until the grants are due. Su Armitage felt the same as Helen. Rawlins said he didn’t intend it to be a permanent committee. Voting on the motion was 3 in favor, 9 opposed, and 4 abstaining.


Transit Oriented Development Ordinance:

Dennis Guy-Sell noted that this ordinance was written by Doug Dansie and that it was written for the East-West Light Rail Corridor. Dennis feels that the same principles could be used in the Sugar House area. Some of the principles include; reduced parking requirements, drive thru’s and service stations are not permitted; encouraging pedestrian rather than auto traffic; and eliminating auto-oriented businesses. Cindy Cromer of the East Central Community Council said this ordinance will be back to the City Council for approval in a couple of months and asked our support in their effort to have this ordinance accepted. A motion was made that we draft a letter for Sugar House Community Council approval to send to the Salt Lake City Council that indicates that the Sugar House Community Council supports the Transit Oriented Ordinance in general. We have specific concerns about the transportation orientation that still exists in the ordinance. Additionally we need our concerns about compatibility issues addressed. This letter will be made available so we can vote on it at the September meeting. Helen Peters, Judi Short, and Gayen Wharton will draft the letter. Voting on the motion was 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.


Youth City Government Report:

Angela Romero of the Mayor’s office reported that their group was involved with the Jordan River Skate Park and they are in support of the skate park being planned for Fairmont Park and would like to be involved with its planning. This group was organized to help young people become involved with policies in the City and to give them leadership training. Kevan Adams reported that the sub-committee working on the Fairmont skate board park will meet Sat. Aug. 17 from 8-10 AM. Ruth Price volunteered to work with Angela on the Advisory Board for this group.


Honorary Street Name Change:

Susan Petheram was unable to come to the meeting so this was postponed until next month.


12th East/33rd So. Development of Retail Shops:

Matt Swain of the Boyer Company explained a proposed development at this location indicating it would contain 6500 sq. ft. and would contain 3 or 4 spaces with possible uses to include a restaurant and beauty supply. It would look like part of the Brickyard. There were concerns of pedestrian traffic across the parking lot between this and the other Brickyard businesses. A motion was made that we support their proposal, but that they consider our suggestions for better walkability. Discussion included a better pedestrian oriented design of the parking lot. Voting was 10 in favor, 3 opposed, and 2 abstaining.


County Council Update:

Russ Skousen reported that nearly $100,000 has been approved for a master plan for the Parleys Trail connection from Bonneville Shoreline to the Jordan River Parkway. A question was asked if funds for a master plan for Sugar House Park could be made available.


Organizational Issues:

The PA system that is being tried out this evening was loaned by Jack’s Drum and Guitar shop. A motion was made that we purchase the equipment and donate it to the library for our use during the meetings. After some discussion, the motion was withdrawn to allow us to look at some other options.

There was a concern about if our objective was to have a better recording of the meeting or do we want to be able to have a lively debate environment and not just picking up voices from a microphone.

Justin Jones will look into some other options and report back at our September meeting.

Kevan Adams explained our desire to have a neighborhood recognition program where we give special recognition to persons in the neighborhoods who take special care of the appearance of their homes and yards, and in general, add something to their neighborhood. Prizes for recognition have been donated by several of the businesses in the area. It is hoped that we could have those we want to recognize at our next meeting.

Ray Puglsey noted that our election for executive officers is coming up in October and asked those wishing to run for an office be prepared with a flyer listing qualifications for the office to distribute at the September meeting. Nominations will be accepted, but the person being nominated has to agree that they will run. Nominations must be to Ray by Sept. 25 at 5 PM. He will have the ballot available for absentee voting on Sept. 26. Other ballots will be distributed at the beginning of the Oct. meeting with results announced at the end of the meeting. Ray will not be running for Chair. Offices open for nominations are: Chair, 3 Vice-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer.

A commemorative plaque containing our Sugar House Olympic pin and description was presented to the Sugar House Community Council by Alice Edvalson, Secretary of the council. It is hoped that the plaque can be hung in a secure place in the library.

There are still 3 tote bags available for anyone interested. Contact Alice Edvalson – 485-1663.


Adjourned at 9:29 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]