ADU 1756 S Windsor Street

ADU 1756 S Windsor Street

UPDATE: This was approved by the Planning Commission August 12, 2020.

UPDATE:  This is on the Planning Commission agenda for August 12 at 5:30.  Here is the link to the agenda and instructions on how to connect to the meeting to listen and participate. Here is the Planning Commission Staff Report.

UPDATE: Here is the letter we sent to the Planning Commission, along with comments from the community and the flyer announcing the LUZ meeting.  This will be on the PC agenda at a future date.

This is a Request for a Conditional Use Approval for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in a detached structure at 1756 S Windsor Street in the R1/5000 Single-Family Residential Zone. The ADU will be located above a proposed detached two-story garage to be located in the rear yard of the property  The ADU will be about 650′ square and 19′ tall.

The plans and the regulations for an Accessory Dwelling Unit  are below:

Formal Notice of Petition ADU 1756 Windsor

1756 Windsor Street ADU – Early Notification Letter 

1756 Windsor ADU Drawings20_05-14 REV-0

The SHCC Land Use and Zoning (LUZ) Committee will hold a virtual  meeting to discuss this project on June 15 at 6 p.m.  To receive the Zoom link for that meeting, please give us your comments below, before the meeting:

    Please prove you are human by selecting the car.

    Judi Short
    [email protected]