ADU 2321 Windsor Street

ADU 2321 Windsor Street

UPDATE:  This was approved by the Planning Commission on November 18, 2020, with conditions as delineated in the staff report.

We were not provided with any sort of drawing for this project, so assume it is the standard Modal Accessory Dwelling Unit. Salt Lake City has received a request from Andrea Palmer with Modal, representing the property owner, seeking Conditional Use approval for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in a detached structure at approximately 2321 S Windsor Street in the R-1/5,000 Single-Family Residential zoning district. The ADU will be located in the southeast corner of the rear yard of the subject property. The ADU will measure approximately 561 square feet and will measure a height of approximately 11 feet 7 inches.

This type of application requires Conditional Use approval by the Planning Commission before a building permit or certificate of occupancy can be issued. I have attached information submitted by the applicant relating to the project to facilitate your review as well as an information sheet that outlines the project area clearly.

2321 Windsor St ADU Letter from Planning

McCrillis ADU – Early Notification Letter

McCrillis – Project Description

200729 – McCrillis Conditional Use

McCrillis (2321 Windsor St SLC UT) – Conditional Use Application

Here is SHCC Letter to the Planning Commission

Please read through these documents and provide feedback to the Sugar House Community Council, which will be attached to our letter to the Planning Commission about this project.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the car.

    Judi Short
    [email protected]