ADU at 1792 South 2100 East

ADU at 1792 South 2100 East

UPDATE: This was approved by the Planning Commission January 27. 2021, with the conditions from the staff report:1. Compliance with all Department/Division comments and conditions as noted in Attachment G. 2. The property owner shall comply with the registration process as outlined in section 21A.40.200F of the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance. 3. The owner-occupant shall not operate or allow the operation of a short-term rental (i.e., less than 30 days) in the single-family dwelling or the accessory dwelling unit as defined in the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance. Here is a link to the staff report.  If you go to the last few pages you can see what SLC Departments found when they reviewed the project, these are part of the conditions.

UPDATE:  This is on the agenda for the Planning Commission on January 28 at 5:30.  Here is a link to the PC Staff Report.  Here is the agenda and instructions if you want to watch the meeting or make a comment.

This is a conditional use request to add an accessory dwelling unit to the property at 1792 South 2100 East, in the R 1/7000 zoning district.  It will be detached from the house, and will be located in the rear yard.  The ADU will be 650 square feet, including two  bedrooms, and 17′ in height A single family house is currently on the subject property.  One parking space is provided on-site for the ADU. A single parking space will be included on the parcel.

Below you will find information submitted by the applicant to tell you more about the project.

Early Notification Letter

1972 S 2100 E ADU_Notice Letter to Recognized Organizations  

stampedplans ADU 1792 S 2100 E

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    Judi Short
    [email protected]