April 2015 Monthly Chair Report

April 2015 Monthly Chair Report

Amy Barry

Amy Barry

I admit that I have been anxiously waiting to be able to write about the opening of monument plaza or at the very least the removal of the fencing.

The construction in the business district has been a lot to live through and I, for one am glad to see some relief in sight. When the construction fences came down on the monument I did a little jig (in my head) of joy.

I am reminded about the diverse views of our community by the variety of comments surrounding the creation of monument plaza. This project is a reflection of the Sugar House Master Plan, which was a community effort. The city and SHCC look to this document to guide us. This is another prime example of why your participation matters.  We are advocating to SLC Planning that it is time to update our master plan to reflect what has been accomplished and the changes we’ve experienced. When that time comes I hope many step up to be part of that process.

The old saying is that you can count on dying and taxes, but I think we can add a 3rd point to that adage – change.  Things change and Sugar House has had many different incarnations with no real end in sight.  Many are ready for a redevelopment break and I concur. As someone that cannot avoid the business district to get home, I wholeheartedly agree.  However, I also know there is more coming. Unfortunately telling a property owner who is ready to develop that we are construction weary does not fall in the “legal leg to stand on” category for the community or the city. This country values property rights and if the property owner meets the zoning requirements they have every legal right to redevelop on their schedule.

I remain committed to trying to keep the community informed of what is coming and how they can participate. Your voice matters. For those that find the monument plaza to be a welcome addition I hope you take advantage of this pedestrian gathering place and celebrate what you enjoy about our community.

Landon Clark
[email protected]