Articles of Incorporation

Articles of Incorporation

These are the Articles of Incorporation for the Sugar House Community Council


of the


We the undersigned acting as incorporators of the Sugar House Community Council, a non-profit corporation of the State of Utah, herewith submit to the Secretary of State, signed and verified Articles of Incorporation for said corporation for such purposes and under such conditions as are specifically set forth hereafter as follows:


The name of the non-profit Corporation shall be:



The period of duration of the Corporation shall continue perpetually unless sooner dissolved according to law.


The objects, purposes and scope of the Corporation shall be as follows:

(a)  It is organized as a non-profit Corporation under the laws of the State of Utah.

(b)  To combat neighborhood and community deterioration

(c) To provide. for city beautification

(d)  To preserve and improve the business, residential, recreational areas and facilities of area-boundaries: 13th South;   Foothill Drive; 7th East including West City limits and south to South City limits

(e)  To receive, invest and disburse funds and to hold property for its purposes

(f )  To receive gifts and contributions or real and personal property from the United States of America or any agency thereof, from the State of Utah or any subdivision or agency thereof or from any charitable organization, person, firm or corporation for use in furthering its purposes.

(g)  To do all of the aforesaid without contemplation of any pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof so that no part of the net earnings or property of any kind belonging to this corporation shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder, member or individual.

(h)  The foregone enumeration of specific purposes and objects shall not be held to limit or restrict in any manner the powers of the corporation but shall be in furtherance of and in addition to the general powers conferred by the Utah Non-Profit Corporation and Cooperative Association Act and by all other laws in the State of Utah, all of which powers this non-profit corporation shall have.


The Corporation shall have members and membership shall be open to all persons residing or owning property in that area of Salt Lake City as described above, upon such terms and conditions as shall be provided by the By-Laws of the Corporation. Members shall not be individually or personally liable for the debts and obligations of the Corporation.


No shares of stock will be issued by the Corporation and none will be required for membership.


 The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a governing board called the Board of Trustees.  The Corporation shall have such number of trustees, but not less than nine, as the By-Laws shall provide.  The Board of Trustees shall be vested with the power to adopt, amend, or repeal the By-Laws of the Corporation.

The initial Board of Trustees shall consist of thirteen (13) persons whose names and addresses are:

Paul L. Pehrson                       Home Address:           1713 Orchard Drive

Bus. Address:             2115 South 11th East

M. D. Hammond                     Home Address:           1904 Texas Street

Bus. Address:             2024 South 11th East

Wilford W. Kimball                Home Address:           1819 South 9th East

Ray D. Free                             Bus. Address:             1208 East 21st South

John H. Walton                       Home Address:           2065 Wilson Avenue

Bus. Address              1050 East 21st South

Lynn A. Wilson                      Home Address:           2625 Wellington St.

Olive Guest                             Home Address:           2251 E. Claybourne Ave.

Bus. Address:             2144 Highland Drive

Virginia Picht                          Home Address:           1255 E.. Parkway Ave.

Mary Louise Popkins              Home Address:           2187 Wilmington Cr.

Dorothea H. Ludlow              Home Address:           2550 Lynwood Dr.

Arletta L. Elton                       Home Address:           26899 East 3160 South

Leona H. Crowther                 Home Address:           1348 South 15th East

Ruby M. Blake                        Home Address:           1575 E. Parkway Ave.


The name and street address of the incorporator is M. D. Hammond         1904 Texas Street Salt Lake City, Utah – 84108

Landon Clark
[email protected]