
7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Fire Station #3 Update 7:15 Legislative Session Update District 7 CIU Detective Sam Fallows 7:35 Kristy with the SLC Marathon Rocky Mountain Power Update Sugar House Chamber and Business Alliance Update Co-chairs Brandon Hill and Erika Wiggins Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB) Fidders-Jimmy and Jordanna Brown Geekery-Sarah Turnbow 8:00...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILBoard of Trustees MeetingWednesday, October 2, 20247:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube Live athttps://www.youtube.com/@sugarhousecommunitycouncil4263/streams # MINUTES1)  Welcome/Treasurer’s Update/Rachelle Hobbs/Ballot Initiatives Derek welcomed everyone to the meeting. We have $6,514.10 in our checking account and$1,687.70 in our PayPal account. Rachelle...

7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Shane Stroud  Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Fire Station #3 Update Highland Debate Judges - Coach Creed Archibald 7:15 District 7 CIU Detective Sam Fallows SHCC Elections Open 7:20 Sugar House Chamber and Business Alliance Update Co-chairs Brandon Hill and Erika Wiggins Susan Kilinker front yard landscaping ordinance 7:40 Update on the...

The second is our annual rose trimming event in the Fairmont Park Rose Garden located by the Aquatic Center, scheduled for Saturday, Oct 26th from 10:30-12:30.  The Friends of Fairmont weeded this area in late Sept. so the area is ready to prune.  Thinning and pruning roses...

The first is a planting project taking place on this Wednesday, Oct 9th from 4pm-7pm.  Join the Friends of Fairmont and Blake Wellard, SLC Restorative Ecologist, to restore the stream and pond wetland with native Utah plants.  This is a great opportunity to help the park while...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting August 7, 2024 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube Live ### MINUTES 1)  Welcome/Neighborhood Bash/Fire Dept./Det. Fallows Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Neighborhood Bash will be on August 24th from 11 am.- 4pm at the Neighborhood Hive. Fire...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, June 5, 2024 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube Live ### MINUTES 1)  Welcome/Heart and Soul Please come volunteer for Sugar House Pride. You can volunteer in 2-hour shifts. Heart and Soul Music Stroll is this Saturday. I supports...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, May 1, 2024 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube Live ### MINUTES 1)  Welcome/Fire Department. Derek welcomed everyone to the meeting. The fire department presented their report. 2)  Roxanne Christensen, Acting Chair of Sugar House Park Authority Roxanne discussed the new...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, April 3, 2024 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube Live ### MINUTES 1)  Welcome Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. We’re hosing another marathon aid station: please come and volunteer. 2)  Hoang Nguyen Hoang is a Democratic candidate for State...

7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Shane Stroud  Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Fire Station #3 Update 7:15 District 7 CIU Detective Sam Fallows 7:20 Sugar House Chamber and Business Alliance Update Co-chairs Brandon Hill and Erika Wiggins Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB) Sugar Alley Business Mark Issac- Sugar House Station ACE Mentor Program-John Wallace 7:45 Sugar House...