UPDATE: This was on the Planning Commission Agenda on October 23 at 5:30 pm for a vote and they approved this zoning.  It is necessary that we understand this before it goes to the City Council for a vote. (This has been on their agenda several times over the last few months for a briefing. Salt Lake City has been working on its zone consolidation project.  They are consolidating 27 zones into six. You can find the storymaps here .  You should sign up for the updates so you keep up with the project, and don’t miss a deadline. So far, they have combined the MU-8 zone and the MU-11 zone. This will be on the October 21 SHCC Land Use and Zoning (LUZ) agenda, to discuss details and provide comments to me so I can write a letter to the Planning Commission that is representative of what the community is thinking about this change in our zoning code.  (The details are contained in the story map). HERE IS A MAP OF THE PROPOSED ZONING CHANGES IN SUGAR HOUSE.  Use this as you read through the Story Map to understand the changes. We also have discovered that MU 3 and MU 5 are part of this, as shown on the map.

If you are asked to answer survey questions, you can only do that if you live within the area being discussed. And on page 6 of the storymap there is  a way to call and speak with someone and get your questions answered.

Recently the MU-8 zone was approved and is primarily in the Ballpark neighborhood. It allows heights up to 85’. The MU-11 zone was also approved.  Four zoning districts were consolidated in the Fleet Block area. That zone will permit buildings up to 11 stories, which is about 125 feet. Both of these zones will apply to parts of the CSHBD zones.

Maps that apply can be found here.

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Judi Short