COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

I want to make sure that you have some information about how COVID-19 seems to be disproportionately impacting parts of our city, and urge you to spread the word on proper precautions.

As you may already be aware, Salt Lake County recently released zip-code specific data regarding the spread of COVID-19.  What this information seems to show is alarming—there appear to be areas within our city that are being more heavily impacted than others. With over 1,000 confirmed cases in Salt Lake County and ten deaths, I am writing to ask for your assistance in utilizing your unique ability to help communicate the urgency of protecting our vulnerable communities from the spread of this highly contagious disease.

While we know that staying home is the best way to minimize the threat of exposure and spread of the virus, that is not always possible for our residents.  When people do go out, to work, recreate, or shop, it is critical to maintain a social distance of six feet or more. Where this is not possible, particularly in workplaces or retail establishments, people need to wear a cloth face covering or mask.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) cites recent studies that have shown a significant portion of infected individuals do not ever show symptoms but are contagious, and those who eventually do are able to transmit the virus before symptoms arise. Wearing a mask or cloth face cover is advised by the CDC for anyone in areas where distancing is difficult to maintain,especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.

Cloth face coverings can be made from household materials, even t-shirts, and help to both protect from contracting the virus, as well as prevent the spread from individuals who do not know they are sick.  The CDC has a helpful website on making cloth face coverings.

If people believe they may have COVID-19 and want to be tested, please refer them to the website where they can be screened and possibly scheduled for a test.

Please, feel free to call or email my office to share with us the needs and opportunities you see in your community. My office’s contact information, Salt Lake City-related FAQs, and resources for COVID-19 can be found here.

Thank you,

Mayor Erin Mendenhall

O: 801-535-7743

[email protected]







Landon Clark
[email protected]