Enforcement on Work Without a Certificate of Appropriateness

Enforcement on Work Without a Certificate of Appropriateness

The Planning Division has received a request and is notifying your organization to solicit comments on the proposal, which impacts properties within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District.  This will impact properties within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District in Local or National Historic Districts

Mayor Erin Mendenhall has initiated a petition for a zoning text amendment to Chapter 21A.34 to address
unlawful construction and demolition activities in local historic districts and landmark sites. Historic
resources add to the historical integrity or architectural qualities that make the city’s historic properties
significant and therefore, should be protected. Zoning and building code enforcement are not always suited to
resolve violations to historic buildings, because, unlike other structures, the loss of a historic contributing
resource is irreversible.

The city has prepared a draft ordinance. Through the public and city staff review process, this draft will be
further revised. The draft ordinance is attached for your review. This proposed text amendment is intended to do the following:
• Add enforcement tools to prevent and counter potential violations in the local historic districts and to
local historic landmark sites.
• Establish a clear process to remedy alterations or demolition that occur without approval.
• Create standards that require that if a contributing historic structure is demolished without city
permits, it shall be reconstructed as it was prior to the unlawful demolition.


After review by the Land Use and Zoning Committee, we have written the following letter with comments to the Planning Commission. Please provide your comments below.  You will be notified when this comes before the Planning Commission and City Council so you can watch the meeting, or make a comment at that time.

SHCC Comment Form

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Judi Short
[email protected]