Gas Stations Located Near Water Sources and Sensitive Lands

Gas Stations Located Near Water Sources and Sensitive Lands

This is a Zoning Text Amendment Related to Gas Stations Located Near Water Sources and Sensitive Lands (Public Parks and Open Space). This will propose minimum distances that any gas station can be from a river, stream, or other water body, a park, or open space area over a certain size and establish more stringent zoning standards for any gas station that is located in the secondary groundwater recharge area of the city.

All fuel pumps and fuel storage tanks (above or underground) for gas stations shall comply with all requirements of this code.  This is the notice we received from the city.  And, here is the draft language for the new Zoning code.

Use this when you send me a comment on this proposal to [email protected].

This was on the SHCC LUZ meeting agenda Monday July 17, at 6 p.m. at the Sprague Library.  Here is the letter written to the Planning Commission,   

along with comments from the public.


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Judi Short
[email protected]