From August 2018 through January 2019 we replaced and rehabilitated the underground utilities to improve water and sewer services as part of a two-year effort to reconstruct this segment of 1300 East. This spring, we’ll begin to implement several roadway enhancements as part of the final phase. These will include:
A $14 million investment to pay for the project was made possible by Salt Lake City Public Utilities Water and Sewer Enterprise funds, gas tax funds, the City’s Capital Improvement Program, as well as federal funds, which are administered by the Utah Department of Transportation.
Overall Construction Schedule: summer 2018 – fall 2019*
Phase 1 – Utility Improvements
Phase 2 – Roadway Improvements
If you have any service requests during the project, such as garbage pick up or pothole repairs, please send them via Salt Lake City Mobile so they can be assigned and resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, reach us at any time via the information listed below.
Email: 1[email protected] | Hotline: 801-483-6898 | Website:
Stay informed and sign up for updates by emailing us with the word “Updates” on the subject line. You may also follow us on social media via @SLCGov to see posts about our progress using the #1300EastSLC hashtag.
+ Contacta Adan Carrillo si necesitas esta información en Español.