IZZY SOUTH – 542 East 2100 South (Final Plans)

IZZY SOUTH – 542 East 2100 South (Final Plans)

UPDATE: This building is now finished s of June 2024

UPDATE:  This will be on the Planning Commission again February 24.  They are requesting a change of materials. I don’t think they are quality materials.  Here is the

PC StaffReport #2 Izzy, it is huge but you only have to read the first dozen  pages to read about the changes.Comments will only be taken for the materials, not about any of the other issues discussed at the previous meeting.  Here is a link to the PC agenda and instructions to join the meeting or provide comments.

UPDATE:  This proposal was approved at the December 2, 2020 Planning Commission hearing.  Here is the staff report for the December 2, 2020 meeting:  https://sugarhousecomm.wpengine.com/login-location/.

The Planning Commission reviewed this project at the September 23, 2020 meeting, and after much discussion, decided to table the project.  It will be brought before the Planning Commission at a future date. Public Comment is welcome at the meeting December 2.    This is a link to the September 23 Planning Commission Staff Report.

This is the Parking Study, done by some neighbors in the neighborhood who have been counting cars and taking pictures.

SHCC Izzy parking study final

Here is the letter and community comments that were sent to the Planning Commission about this project:      https://sugarhousecomm.wpengine.com/shcc-letter-to-pc-comments-flyer-map/

Ryan McMillan has applied for Design Review for a proposed mixed-use multi-family building at 542 East 2100 South.  The building will include 71 units and some commercial space.  The applicant has requested additional building height to accommodate architectural features as part of this application.  There will be a mirrored version of this building on the north side of 2100 South.  This will be a mix of town-homes, studio and one bedroom apartments, with a three-story neighborhood restaurant/coffee shop on the west end. This will be a wood framed structure with a concrete podium over the on-grade parking garage.  Varying roof forms, heights, and depths of the building along both 2100 South and the adjacent neighborhood break down the scale.  The building systems will be all electric, with water heaters, unit heaters and unit cooling systems all tied to electrical main-frame to produce a reduced carbon footprint.  A solar panel array may go on the roof.

There will be 71 units – 40 studio apartments, 21 1 Bedroom Apartments and 10 2 bedroom townhomes.  There will be one curb cut on 2100 South. Zoning allows for a 30′ high building they are asking for 33 feet to the top of the parapet, and have held the building back from the neighborhood a total of 20′ (instead of the 10′ required) to account for this increased height request.  The additional ceiling height will allow the units to have healthier living spaces with more natural light.

The notification letter to the community council letter can be found here:

This is a map of the neighborhood vicinity.

Here are the final drawings for the project.

An article in Building Salt Lake can be found here.

This was reviewed at the Sugar House Land Use and Zoning Committee Zoom meeting July 21.

(NOTE: we did review a preview of this project in May at LUZ, these are now the final plans.)  Those who sent a comment are on our email list for this project.  Any late comments will be forwarded directly to the Planning Commission.

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    Judi Short
    [email protected]