23 May June 2016 Chair Report
The SHCC is a volunteer gig for everyone that serves on the board. Some are more involved than others, but we all give our time, experience and talents to try and better our neighborhood. We can’t do it alone. Sometimes we are the only voice in the room and it can get lonely and frustrating.
We have a lot of issues facing us and the one that keeps coming is development. We are not anywhere close to being done. Judi Short and I spent a lot of our time managing the process for these developments. I think it is safe to say that we are all weary. As a community we hear (and share) the same concerns about traffic, parking, design, density, height and impacts to our single family homes.
The development occurring in the core of the business district meets ordinances for height and there is nothing the city can do about that when a project comes in. The zoning was changed about 14 years ago and that city council didn’t seem to have the foresight to understand how that would change and impact us now. That is regrettable and it leaves us with a less than desirable playing field, but I believe our voices can help to make these projects better.
Take the time to learn more about the project via our website and meetings. We always get a guideline for topics that are relevant to the project from the planning office. Try and make comments that hit those points to voice our vision. Please don’t give up and feel it is useless.
On other notes the SHCC is also hard a work on so many other issues. Sally Barraclough and her Parks, Open Space and Trails Committee has been working on an effort with State Senator Jani Iwamoto and UDOT to clean up the 1300 E interchange. The landscaping in particular is unattractive and in the summer presents fire hazards.
Larry Migliaccio is the new chair of the Transportation Committee and is looking for new members. If you live or work within our boundaries you are eligible to join any committee. He will be looking at many of the transportation issues that effect this community.
Finally, we are seeing some great stuff happen with the Historic Signs Committee headed by Joedy Lister. You will notice soon the restoration of the Starks Automtive Sign on the corner of Hollywood Ave and McClelland St. The Costume Shoppe iconic sign was recently secured so it wouldn’t fall down and be lost forever. We are looking to create a master list of historic or iconic signs, especially outside the main business district. If you have a favorite in your neighborhood please let us know.
While it often feels we are just reacting to this and that we have many proactive projects occurring and would love for you to be a part of them.