June 2017 Chair Report

June 2017 Chair Report

Shopko Block Update:

The Westport Capital project “ShopkoBlock”is going to the planning commission on June28th. The city has conducted two open houses and the developer has attended the Sugar House Community Council and Land Use and Zoning meetings numerous times. The time has come to get your comments in or forever hold your peace.

Trails Update:

At the last community council meeting, we talked about trail connections with
Julianne Sabula and Colin Quinn-Hurst from SLC Transportation. Colin was kind
enough to put some labels on the map of trail connections.

Stay Informed: •    The Sugar House Community Council monthly agenda addresses many important community issues. From masterplans, to golf course fees,to approvals for new developments, the Council meetings seek to keep you informed. These meetings are open to the public-take advantage and tell us what you think!

•    Check out available Salt Lake City newsletters and electronic notices:

Look the list over, and select the newsletters you want to receive. You can
always unsubscribe if you have regrets later.

•    For the Good Neighbor Guide checkout

•    Our own Michael G. Kavanagh, who does a tremendous job with our Spot Light on Business, is part of a series on PBS about the history of Lagoon. Check it out June 5th and 7th at 7:00 pm and June 10th at 6:00 pm.

Thank You:

Lastly, I would like to thank Bryce Williams for his service. He has been part of the
executive team for the past two years. Goodbye, adios, au revoir, aloha,Bryce!
Landon Clark
[email protected]