March 2016 Chair Report

March 2016 Chair Report

Amy Barry

Amy Barry

Thank you to residents who have signed thepetition concerning the Ute Car Wash incomplete demolition on 2100 S. We will still be collecting signatures so don’t stop signing.

This has helped us get a meeting with our council representative Lisa Adams and various other decision makers at the city. This initial meeting took 19 months to get and it was thanks to your support that we are able to show that other residents find this issue to be a problem.

The meeting was a start, but in no way are we at a solution yet. At this point we really have 2 issues. The first is the gaping hole in the demolition ordinance that allows this to happen. I believe Councilwoman Adams is finding support among her colleagues to remedy this problem. The second is what to do about the Ute Car Wash. This property owner began the demolition illegally and has not expressed interest in complying with the provisions of the ordinance to finish the demolition. The city seems reluctant to do anything about this, but we will keep on pushing the conversation. Your continued support helps make this more possible.

There are other updates on land use issues.  Please see below for a full update on ongoing land use issues. Your participation will matter in the 900 E rezone petition, the 3120 S Richmond St rezone request, and the Trolley Wing Company application for a conditional use to allow them a full liquor license.

Finally, I wanted to let everyone know that the Hyland Plaza (home to One World Gifts, Omar’s Rawtopia, etc) will be open through August 2016).

Enjoy the coming of spring.

Landon Clark
[email protected]