02 Jan Meeting Minutes Dec 5, 2018
Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2018
Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Deborah Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Will Kocher, Dayna McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Shane Stroud, George Sumner, Chris Sveiven, Erika Wiggins, Rawlins Young
Trustees Excused: Laurie Bray, Andrew Dale, Melanie Heath, Topher Horman, David Mulder, Adam Weinacker
Trustees Unexcused: Cameron Anderson, Jason Smurthwaite, Sue Watson
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Judi Short, seconded by Mike Bagley. The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.
Chair Announcements: Landon Clark
Fairmount Park has submitted a CIP Grant Request – to do a new construction on a new and entry event space in Fairmont Park elements include a redevelopment of the park’s north entrance with improve circulation patterns for pedestrian bikes and vehicles, signage and lighting, and development of a functional event space. The intent is to provide a seamless transition from the McClelland Trail into the park. We are writing a letter of support.
Request to Rename East End in Hidden Hollow to Ty Garden – Ty Harrison was a professor at Westminster College and from the inception of Hidden Hollow he was very instrumental in designing the pathway and the walkways determining which planets went in. He died of cancer about a year ago. And so we’d like to honor him by naming the circle where most of his plantings went in. We’re sending a letter of support.
Ben Sessions – Holiday Social next Thursday the 13th at the Ruin from 6pm-8pm. Combined event with Sugar House Chamber of Commerce
Secretary Report: Erika Wiggins
No petitions renewing until well into next year. Reminder to trustees to check attendance.
Treasurer Report: Mike Bagley
Current balance is $5769.27. Just a few minor expenses, coffee print expenses for about $42, about a quarter and interest. We completed our Statement of Functional Expenses which is required documentation that has to be submitted to the State to maintain our tax exempt charity status. It was turned in and approved.
Transferred $146.10 in donations from PayPal to bank account. A reminder that trustees are requested to donate $65 per year. Donations can be made on the SHCC website via PayPal.
Trails, Parks and Open Spaces: Sally Barraclough
Fairmont Park Update – Submitted a CIP Grant application to repair or replace lighting on the skate park. The other plans don’t include the skate park. The bid was so low it was rolled into the existing maintenance plan and will be repaired. Also put in for a police camera but it doesn’t qualify for CIP – needs to be done by PD. Must be a mobile recording camera. No committee meeting this month.
Transportation: Larry Migliaccio
Salt Lake City announced that they are seeking comments on transit service on Open Town Hall. There will also be a public meeting December 11, 2018 at the City County Building. This is a chance to say what you want. No committee meeting this month.
Community Announcements
Detective Cooper Landvatter – Salt Lake Police Department
Introduced as new CIU Officer. Brought flyers on theft of packages and cars. Warned residents not to leave cars running outside to warm up. They are doing an operation leaving a message for residents who leave cars out running as a warning. Can report car prowls and package thefts online.
Philip Case – S & L Excavation
Expect to meet deadline of January 25, 2019. Eight-and 12-inch mains installed. Sewer has new liner. The majority of the work that disrupts the ingress and egress pretty much died down. He commented that the neighbors have been great and there were over twenty incidents of people bringing food and saying “thank you.”
Steve Hession – Sugar House Journal
They are a monthly community publisher. Brought a copies for room. Also have 12 other journals in SLC market. Would like input on what to cover. Supported by local ads. Circulation is 20-22k per month. They offer Sugar House Chamber or Commerce members a credit of $300 for an advertising program. They offer both print and online versions. Residents can let them know if not getting the journal.
Contacts: [email protected] , [email protected] (to submit story ideas). Deadline for stories is the 15th of month prior.
Ellen Seely-Heath – Health Investigator for Salt Lake County
Shared information on the red sharps containers available for loose syringes. There is a container near 24 Hour Fitness. The goal to provide a safe, secure way for anyone to discard used sharps and hopefully decrease the number that are left in our public spaces. There are five locations. Four are downtown.
- 405 South 200 East (Salt Lake City Main Library)
- 395 South 400 West (Pioneer Park)
- 245 South Rio Grande Street
- 1156 East Ashton Avenue
- 820 West North Temple
They have started having issues with the Fairmont Park location getting over filled, so now they all have a limited size opening. People, or more likely a business, were putting large containers in that would block the opening. The kiosk is being moved to One Voice Recovery where it can be monitored. Also adding signage that says needles only.
Options for private individuals are mail back programs or using a tool to destroy devices (which can then go to kiosk or garbage because it’s sealed). They can also put needles into a proper container so they to go into the garbage.
More information can be found on the Salt Lake County Disease Prevention: Syringe Services page.
Salvador Petilos, Director and Cade Meier, Deputy Director – Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control (UABC)
The UABC has a 3-part mission: 1) Conduct Licensed Sale of Beverages, 2) Help reduce harmful effects of alcohol abuse, 3) Enforce laws.
$453 million annual revenue – $112 goes to general fund
Sugar House Store – They know they need to remodel the store, or more likely replace it. It may have to move because site is leased, there isn’t room to expand, and parking is limited. They are currently focused on adding stores to allow easier access to products. A new store has opened in WVC and four more coming.
The Foothill Drive store will be added on to, which means it will be closed for a number of months.
They explained that their budget is limited because they don’t get to keep the revenue they produce. They have to request funding along with 22 other departments in the State, many with higher priority.
Michael G’s Spotlight on Business
Derek Williamson – Olio Skin and Beard Company
Olio has been open for 2 years and is an all natural skincare, beard care, shaving products, company. They started out with a small farmers market stand and now own store and operate a wholesale business private label. They source products locally as much as possible. In addition to products they offer classes on how to make soap and continuing education for University of Utah. Provided a 10% off coupon and invited the public to visit. Hours T-S 10-4. Located behind Jedds Barber Shop. They offer wholesale and bulk sales as well. Unscented products, can be bought by the by pound in your own container. Also at the Winter Market at Rio Grand.
Scott Mikkelsen – Salt Lake City Housing/Zoning Supervisor
Civil Enforcement 101
Building Services monitors and boards vacant buildings, protects property owner rights, reviews requests to code standards to adjust use, among other tasks. Mikkelsen explained that Air B&Bs are an issue for neighborhoods right now. They are prohibited in residential communities. These areas require 30-day minimum lease. They receive 20-25 complaints from the public per month but it is hard to get enough evidence to stop them. Property management companies are handling many of them and don’t show concern for the neighbors. Illegal rentals are another issue. Salt Lake allows up to three unrelated occupants, but some homes are being rented to many more. Especially near the universities. His department is who to call. They also oversee the Good Landlord Program, which provides reduced license fees for participants.
Amy Fowler – District 7 City Council
City Council Meeting was yesterday. Fowler asked of attendees had any questions. One asked about her feelings regarding the Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Zoning Text Amendment. She shared that she hasn’t read over it all yet. Ashe was also asked her opinion on the Sugar House Park homeless population. She explained that not much can be done, but the police presence helps keep a safety net. Funding and resources are the issue. Can the trees be trimmed in the park? They provide a hiding place at night. Sally Barraclough answered – Reporting via the SLC Mobile app works well for maintenance issues such as lights and trees blocking road.
Fowler added that it is important to let city departments know where the problems are. Operation Rio Grande dispersed the problem but the resources haven’t moved to follow, “When Road Home Closes there will be an issue without a plan.”
When asked about the East Side police precinct – Fowlers shared that there is going to be a study and that it’s not a done deal. She suggested contacting other council members outside this district to make sure they understand the need: [email protected]
She also announced that there would be a cold-weather clothing drive at fire station on December 15th from 10am-12pm. Hot cocoa and swag. Under garments are desperately needed.
Elaine Navar – Community Liaison for SLC (Filling in for Nate Salazar)
Elaine share some helpful resources and City news:
Homeless Outreach Service Team – 801-799-3053
Snow removal priority map so you can know where the plows will be. Also a GPS map where you can track the plows: Snowplow GPS Tracker
Salt Lake City has been selected for 2019 United Nations Department of Public Information NGO (UN DPI/NGO) Conference.
Human Rights Day Celebration at Glendale Middle School, December 8, 2018, 6pm – 8pm. Celebrating International Human Rights Day. This year they are honoring members of the Salt Lake community and students who have proven to stand up for Human Rights.
1300E Reconstruction Open House December 6, 2018, 5:pm – 7:30pm at East High. More Info: SLC.gov/mystreet/1300east
Meeting Adjourned: 9:18pm