Meeting Minutes April 1, 2015

Meeting Minutes April 1, 2015

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Minutes

Meeting Minutes- April  1, 2015

Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Deborah Henry, Topher Horman, Michael G Kavanagh, David Mulder, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused Absent: Teddy Anderson, Robin Bastar,  Lucy Hawes, Sue Ann Jones, Benny Keele, Susan Koelliker, Larry Migliaccio, Bryce Williams

Trustee Absent: Steve Kirkegaard, David Read

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Due to an oversight in last month’s agenda, a motion to approve the February minutes was made by Amy. Dave M. seconded and the motion passed with no corrections to the minutes.

Approval of the March  minutes: Michael moved to approve, Topher seconded. The motion passed with no corrections to the March meeting minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

Joedy Lister submitted a petition to rejoin the community council.  His petition expired at the end of November while he was working overseas.  Joedy is from the Dilworth area of Sugar House and has been a trustee for three years.  During that time he has been active on the POST and Land Use Committees.  He spearheaded the effort to write the Sugar House Town Center Vision Statement, which you can find on our website.   Joedy was instrumental in organizing the public outreach meeting held at Dilworth Elementary for the 21st and 21st rezone.  He is also currently the President of the Sugar House Park Authority.  Sally made a motion to accept Joedy’s petition, Judi seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Robin Bastar

Robin was excused.  Amy reported that she paid the annual fee of approximately $200 for our internet web browser. By paying for the full year we saved 30%.

Chair Announcements: Amy Barry

  1. Love Utah, Give Utah: Amy thanked Maggie for involving SHCC in the Love Utah, Give Utah fundraising drive.  Maggie announced that we raised $1307 after the Love Utah, Give Utah took their fee for processing credit cards and paypal donations. Got Beauty and Jolly’s Pharmacy provided matching grants.  Maggie would like to see us get involved a little earlier next year and look for more businesses who are willing to provide grants.  Amy said that we have some upcoming projects on which we can spend the money.  She thanked everyone who gave donations, and she especially thanked Maggie for making sure that SHCC was a part of this large fundraising event.
  2. Public Utilities Project: The city will soon be starting a public utilities project  that involves repair work to access points for the storm drain pipelines at five locations in Sugar House.  Amy circulated a map that showed the locations.  It will be happening this spring but she didn’t have an exact time frame.  If you live near one of the sites, you will get notice via a postcard in the mail.  It is also on our website.  If you have questions regarding the project  you can contact Bernard Mo, Salt Lake City Public Utilities Project Manager at 801-483-6835 or [email protected].  You can also check for updates on
  3. Blaine Hollow Nature Reserve: The Blaine Hollow Nature Reserve is sponsoring a cleanup and tree planting workday on Saturday, April 11th @10:00am.  The neighborhood organization received a grant from Salt Lake City and has been working with the Open Space Department to conduct a reclamation project on the creek/gully located south of the houses on Christmas Street (Blaine Ave and 1500 East). There will be an ongoing stewardship program for the gully, overseen by the neighborhood.

Fire Department Report: Matt Hoberman, Paramedic

Station #3 had 187 calls this month, 525 year-to-date.  70% of the calls were medical calls.

The SLC Fire Department has a new class of recruits that are currently in training.  There will 12 new firefighters for SLC and 3 for Sandy City.

The department is putting fire safety ads on KRCL, with a new single topic each month.  This month’s topic was fire hydrants.  When parking near a fire hydrant, you must leave 5 ft of space on each side of the hydrant.  Vehicles parked closer will receive a $37.00 fine.  Fines go up for each additional offense.  This law is to assure that the fire department has access to the hydrants without having to put hoses over the top of cars which can damage the car or it’s windows.

The Salt Lake City Safety Fair will be held on May 29th at the new public safety building on 4th South.  The hazmat team, heavy rescue team, and water rescue team will be providing demonstrations and safety tips for the public.

  • Michael G asked if the station had been contacted by ABC affiliate Channel 4 to do a “Good For (4) Utah” promo.  “C” Platoon did a brief promo recorded in front of the station.

Station #3 has started their vegetable garden on the south side of the building.  The potatoes are in and they hope to start tomatoes and other vegetables soon.  Amy reminded them that the Farmer’s Market and the Monday night concert series will be starting soon. Since the Sugarmont Plaza is so near the fire department they should plan to attend.

Police Department Report: Detective Lowe

The monthly report was not ready for the meeting because this is the first day of the month.  The report with the stats from March will be available on the website later in the week.

The department caught a suspect in the recent string of pharmacy robberies.  The suspect is in jail and going through the criminal justice system.  They have also booked a suspect in the stabbing incident that took place at 2160 South Highland Dr.  He was booked on two counts of aggravated assault.  The bench on which the stabbing took place has been removed, possibly for evidence.

The main complaint that Detective Lowe is receiving is regarding the loss of the bike squad in Sugar House.  He has been encouraging officers to get out and walk the Sugar House area to help compensate for the lack of a bike squad.

The Cops for Kids event is being held again this year on April 16th from 4-8:30 pm at the Sizzler on 13th East.  Police officers will be acting as wait staff and all tips go to the Children’s Justice Center.  The Children’s Justice Center provided services to 1,600 children last year.  There is a competition between the various Sizzlers and police departments to see who can raise the most money.  The Sugar House Sizzler won last year’s competition.

Public Comments for Items Not On The Agenda:

  • A member of the audience asked for an update about the parking situation in Sugar House.  She is concerned that there is nowhere to park in order to ride the S-Line or to walk and shop in Sugar House without the risk of getting a ticket.  Amy stated that currently, street parking is still free and does not have a two hour limit. She also said that you can park at Fairmont Park to take the S-Line. There are currently no plans by the city to build a parking structure in Sugar House.  The RDA provided low interest loans to Craig Mecham, the developer of The Vue located at 21st and Highland, in anticipation that public parking would be available. Unfortunately he has decided to charge $10 to park there regardless of how much time you leave your vehicle.  The city is in discussions with Mecham regarding the excessive charge.  The businesses in the building will validate parking, but  currently the only businesses that validate are Wasatch Brew Pub, Mellow Mushroom, and Potbelly Sandwich. Laurie said that the manager of Mellow Mushroom is paying nearly double what he anticipated paying for validations.  Judi stated that complaints should be sent to the Mayor’s Office and the City Council and she provided the audience member with the email addresses.
  • Dave Mulder asked about the vacant business spaces in The Vue building.  Russ Callister confirmed that they could fill all the spaces now if all they wanted was restaurants, but they are looking for a variety of businesses to fill the space.

Committee Reports:

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

The LUZ Committee did not meet in March.

They have prepared a draft letter to the Planning Commission regarding the CVS Pharmacy project slated to go on the northwest corner of 21st South and 1300 East.  The petitioner has responded to the committee regarding how the project fits with the Sugar House Town Center Vision Statement.  The committee was disappointed with the answers regarding such things as how the placement of the front door for the business improves walkability in the area.  The letter expressing an unfavorable response from the SHCC Land Use Committee will be finalized and sent to the Planning Commission this week.

On April 9 the Planning Commission will get a briefing on the SLC Transit Master Plan, and also the new Landscape Ordinance called Park Strip/Water Wise.

  • Deb Henry, SH Transportation Committee Chair, met with the consultants who are working on the transit master plan to discuss transportation issues that are a priority to people living in Sugar House.   This is the beginning of the process and there  will be several drafts of the plan, so we have time to have input.

Judi sent a letter to the City Council and the State History Committee concerning our recommendation  to put the Forest Dale Clubhouse and Golf Course on the National Historic Register, and it was favorably received.  Pat Shea, who was the sponsor of the petition, was especially pleased to see our support.

Wilmington Gardens received their Certificate of Occupancy yesterday, March 31, and residents started   moving in today. In early May, in conjunction with the RDA, there will be a big Open House. They will invite the public and all of the neighborhood organizations to attend.  The event will consist of a ribbon cutting, live music, food vendors, and tours of the property and building. Refreshments will be served.

To schedule the Monument Plaza for an event, call Christina Judd, Special Events Administrator and Permits Manager, at 801-535-6198 or contact her by email at www.[email protected].

The next meeting of the Land Use and Zoning Committee will be April 21 at 6 p.m. at the Sprague Library.  Lynn Schwartz has summarized all the various comments regarding the proposal for the Sugar House Streetcar Zoning – Form-based Code project, and put together a recommendation for language and a map to go along with the comments.  Originally the code called for 2 zones, Sugar House Streetcar Core (SHSC) 105 ft building heights, Sugar House Streetcar Edge (SHSE) 45ft building heights.  The LUZ is recommending 3 zones that are 35 ft, 45 ft, and 75 ft which would be the maximum height.  Judi will email those recommendations to the trustees and the LUZ committee to review prior to the meeting on the 21st.

Parks, Open Space, and Trails Committee: Sally Barraclough

The POST Committee did not meet in March.  The ribbon cutting for the Imperial Park will be in the first part of May on a Friday.  The date has not been finalized.

Amy reported that the design for new ADA compliant playground equipment for Fairmont Park is being completed and work should start in May.  They are also replacing the soccer field soon.

Transportation Committee: Deb Henry

Wasatch Front Regional Council is currently updating the Regional Transportation Plan which is required by the federal government for all large metropolitan areas.  The plan is updated every 5 years, and covers the area from Bluffdale to Ogden.  It is due on May 28th. The plan is used to determine what transportation projects get federal funding.  UTA puts all future projects into the report in hopes of receiving funding for those projects.  While the report talks about span of service and accessibility, it doesn’t specifically designate how funds would be used to improve service.  Unfortunately,  when UTA doesn’t receive the funding they need to build capital projects, they tap into service funds.  The Utah Transit Riders Union is asking the Wasatch Front Regional Council to put language in the report that states that if funding doesn’t come through, they will focus on transit service.  Deb requested that if any trustees know someone on the Wasatch Front Regional Council, please write a letter supporting transit service.  She is concerned that one or two capital projects will get massive amounts of funding but no monies will be spent to improve service.  She has written an op-ed piece for the paper and letters to all of the Mayors along the Wasatch Front.

  • Judi requested that Deb send us talking points for our letters, which she said she would do.

Arts and Cultural Committee: Laurie Bray

There will be a Sugar House Stories event held on April 23rd in the Sprague Library from 6-8 pm.  Lynne Olson and Laurie have been going through old videos from previous Sugar House Stories events and they hope to edit those and combine them with new stories from this event to produce a DVD that could be purchased from the SHCC.  They are also gathering photos and creating scrapbook pages.  They are focusing this event on stories about the Monument Plaza.  Copies of some of the photos will be included in the time capsule for the Monument Plaza.  Dell Angle will be showing a short story video.  Suzie Pethrum will be giving a power-point presentation with old photos of Sugar House that she presented to the state last year.  Topher is helping with this project and they are looking for more volunteers to come and take pictures with cell phones of the photos that people bring to display.  Sprague Library will be donating refreshments for the event.

The time capsule will be buried on the Monument Plaza during the dedication which Ed Butterfield from the RDA has tentatively scheduled for Friday, June 5th around 5 pm.

Communications and Outreach: Christopher Thomas

This committee did not meet in March


Emergency Sewer Repair Project

Derek Velarde, SL City Public Utilities Dept

The Public Utilities Dept has been aware for some time that the sewer line under Highland Dr. needs to be replaced.  They have been waiting in anticipation of the expansion of the S-Line, which may also run down Highland Dr.  Recent inspections have shown that the line continues to deteriorate. In addition, a new development that wants to be added to the line and that can’t happen until the repairs are made.

The line is a 15” clay pipe that was installed in 1915.  It has definitely been in service beyond its useful life.  Replacing it will unfortunately have an impact on traffic on Highland Dr because there will be street closures.  They will be doing a full replacement between Wilmington and Sugarmont.  There will be sections replaced between Simpson and Stringham.  The southern sections of the line run down the middle of the southbound lane so they will have to close the street to do the repairs in that area.  They will be doing above the ground pumping with construction barriers around those pipes.  Construction is scheduled to start on April 20th and is anticipated to take 2wks.

  • Michael G asked what precipitated the need for the repairs at this time.  There are regular inspections of the line and there have been some areas of failure.
  • Topher thanked the Public Utilities Dept for waiting for the two years since we first heard about this issue from Bill Knowles in 2012.  He noted that with all the other construction that has taken place in the area, adding a sewer repair project would have been very hard on the businesses in Sugar House.

Derek said that the businesses that will be impacted by the construction will be given advanced notice regarding construction dates and scheduled street closures.

  • Judi requested that the department place street signs on 11th east way in advance of the street closure so that motorists have ample opportunity to change route.


“Your Utah – Your Future”

Envision Utah: Jason Brown, Public Relations Officer

Envision Utah is a non-profit organization that was formed in the late 1990’s by business leaders, local government leaders, and concerned citizens.  Their focus was to plan for the expected rapid growth along the Wasatch Front of approximately 1.5 million people in the next 10-15 yrs.    Their initial project was the 10 County Quality Growth Strategy.  They gathered a group of stakeholders in areas such as water quality, air quality, transportation, and education and layed out some options for handling the population growth in the form of a survey.  20,000 citizens from 10 counties along the Wasatch front and back responded to the initial survey that was as distributed by direct mail and newspapers.

The results of the survey helped focus decisions on things like  funding public transportation.  After the survey results demonstrated an 80% support for public transportation, the legislature voted for public transportation funding and the taxpayers voted twice to raise taxes for this purpose.  It also helped drive the decision to change zoning laws regarding housing density within developments, which has saved over 250,000 acres of farm and recreational land from development since 2000.

Since the original survey 20yrs ago, Envision Utah has been involved in projects throughout the state including a recent one in Washington County in southern Utah,  Cache County, and the Bear Lake area.  They have also advised on projects from San Diego to Orlando.

18 months ago, Governor Herbert asked Envision Utah to provide a survey that would be used to drive future decisions about how to handle the growth in population for the entire state.  This is the largest visioning project that has ever been conducted in the United States.  He requested that they address the following 11 topics: Agriculture, Air Quality, Disaster Preparedness, Education, Energy, Housing, Jobs and the Economy, Public Lands, Recreation, Transportation, and Water.

Envision Utah has met with over 400 experts and stakeholders  in these fields to discuss options and choices that we can make, that will affect Utah’s future by 2050 in which time our population will have nearly  doubled. There are currently 2.9 million people in Utah now, and we are expected to add another 2.5 million by 2050.  Only 30% of that growth will be from people moving into the state. The rest is natural growth due to the birth rate within the state, which has actually been declining in the past few years.

Next week Envision Utah will have a kickoff press conference to encourage people to take the on-line survey.  They will be conducting radio and newspaper outreach in hopes of getting 50,000 people to take the survey.

50,000 people would be the largest number of people to ever participate in a visioning survey.  Because this has never been done on a statewide level, it is important to get a large statistical number of responses to provide validity to the survey.  To take the survey go to

  • Laurie asked if there are other ways that they are talking to people about the survey.  Some of the 400 taskforce members have large companies that will be contacting their employees through their network systems.  Envision Utah has contacted other large companies.  The education arm of the organization has received a large donation that will be used to pay a dollar to every person working for the school system throughout the state who takes the survey.  Superintendents, principals, and the PTA have been helping to spread the word.  They are also paying the student organizations of our colleges for every student who takes the survey.
  • Judi suggested that Salt Lake City Corporation be involved.  Jeff Edwards from SLC Corporation is on the Envision Utah board.
  • Deb expressed concern that the survey might not be accessible to members of our community who may not have access to a computer, or who may not possess the reading skills required to take the survey.

Legislative Report:

Jani Iwamoto, Senate District #4

This was Jani’s first legislative session, and she was grateful for her experience on the County Council because there were legislative issues that she was familiar with from her previous service on the council.

She worked on a Township Bill that was fairly straightforward.  She also worked on a Bear Lake Bill which turned into a property rights issue that became quite political and contentious.  Her bill got buried, and  unfortunately now people will be allowed to drive motorized vehicles along the shores of the lake.  The silver lining is that the Forestry Division will be working hard to make it as safe as possible.

She also co-sponsored several bills including a non-discrimination bill regarding breast feeding in public, and a bill putting public employees in place with federal law for exempt and nonexempt.  She worked with Rep. Cunningham on a Jordan River Bill.  She also worked on the World Religion Bill, an Ethics Bill, and an Occupational Therapy Bill. She used some funding she had available to provide a program to help veterans go back to school.

She was grateful to professionals like HEAL Utah who provide valuable information to legislators regarding various bills.  She said that it can be difficult to keep up with changes that are made to bills, especially in the final hours of the legislature.  If changes are made at the last minute there is no time for public comment or committee meetings to address the changes.

She noted that while on the County Council if you had a conflict of interest you could recuse yourself from the vote.  The Utah legislature has you sign a disclosure statement, but no verbal statement is required so people vote on things in which they may have a vested interest. Jani made a disclosure that she was on the Central Utah Water board for eight years, and on the Salt Lake Public Utilities.  She voted against a bill that involved Lake Powell and the Bear River water projects because she felt like we need to protect our water resources, and also because we do not have the funding.

She served on the Education Appropriations Committee, which has the largest and most complicated budget. She also served on the Executive Offices and the Criminal Justice Committees which she enjoyed because of her previous experience working in the Public Defenders Department in California. She was on the Ethics Committee and the Public Lands Committee which was challenging because of the anti-federal government sentiment in the Utah legislature.

The non-passage of Medicaid Expansion was really unfortunate because it was essentially about not taking federal funds for healthcare, but the state budget includes massive amounts of federal funding for such things as funding for Hill Air Force Base, and public lands.

She was surprised to find that if you are in the Senate you don’t really see the Representatives all that much.  There were only 5 Democrats in the Senate but the Democrats and Republicans in the Senate worked really well with each other.  They found consensus on most bills.

  • Christopher stated that he was really glad that they passed some criminal justice reform.  He does however, feel that the prison relocation is very contentious but he supports the prison staying close to or in Salt Lake for continuity of services.  Jani was not on the commission, but she feels the prison should stay where it is.
  • Amy asked about what we need to do to improve the UDOT property on 13th East.  The condition of the area that was reseeded after the freeway bridge construction project is deplorable.  Jani asked that we send her an email regarding this issue and she will look into it.
  • David Mulder expressed his concern that the Superintendent of Schools referred to teachers as “winy 3 yr olds”.  Sally asked if this is a position appointed by the governor.  The superintendent was chosen by the State School Board.  There were several bills regarding how the school board is chosen and whether it will be partisan or nonpartisan.  None of the bills made it out of the legislature this year.
  • Amy requested Jani’s email addresses which are  [email protected] or [email protected].  Jani said that she welcomes suggestions and comments regarding bills.  Most of her bills have come from constituents.  It is better to get ideas to her early.  They had 1,400 bills in process this year which was the most ever, and they get prioritized early in the session.

Mayor’s Office Report: Shawn McDonough

There was a recently held press conference for the new Eccles Theater Complex and they have released their new logo.  Spencer Eccles performed a little song and dance much to the amusement of the audience.  The first production will be The Lion King.  Go to news to view the press conference.

Salt Lake City recently earned a #1 rating for jobs in a Gallup report.  Forbes Magazine also said that “Salt Lake City is the new benchmark for business and quality of life”.  They also said that “Salt Lake City is increasingly the place to be”.

Google Fiber is coming to SLC.  They have not given the city details about the pricing and services                 but that information should be available soon.  They will be providing some local jobs for construction and ongoing administrative services.  The amount of fiber being laid, if laid in a straight line, would stretch from Salt Lake City to the Canadian border.  Shawn distributed a flier that had answers to the most  frequently asked questions about the new internet service.

The neighborhood cleanup schedule has been set, and there are five zones in Sugar House.  The dates for the pick up in each zone will be released at a future date.

The Salt Lake City Arts Council has some grant opportunities available for art project support, arts learning, and general support.  Grants in the art project category will be awarded to individual artists and nonprofit organizations for specific art projects occurring in Salt Lake.  Exhibits, concerts, performances, festivals, workshops, and readings are examples of projects that are eligible for art project grants.  Visit for more information.

The revised Hive Pass proposal was addressed in the City Council work session.  The proposal would change the cost structure of the pass, with the rider paying 50% of the cost.  The remainder would be payed 30% by SLC and 20% by UTA.  The cost to the rider will be $42.00 per month but unlike the old Hive Pass, it can be purchased on a month-to-month basis.  It will no longer cover Front Runner, although  they are looking at an option to add Front Runner for an additional fee.  2,500 passes will be available, but that number could increase depending on the demand.

Salt Lake City Council:  Charlie Luke District 6

The council was not happy when the Hive Pass ended last year, and Charlie gives the administration a lot of credit for working with UTA to try to bring it back in some form.  They are continuing to negotiate the total number of passes that will be available and the extent of services offered.  Charlie supports Hive Pass because of two issues involving public transit in the city.  One, is the fairly expensive cost of riding public transit, and two is the level of service, frequency and location.  The city does not have much control over public transit because it is managed and maintained by UTA, which is a large regional transit provider.  By supporting HIVE PASS the city is at least trying to control costs to the ridership.

  • Rawlins asked why the Hive Pass and the Senior Pass are about the same price.  Charlie said that they are trying to lower the cost to people who don’t qualify for a Senior Pass.

The 21st and 21st small business plan will be addressed starting in May.  This is about a month later than they had hoped.  The plan will include everything to 23rd East.  Lisa and Charlie are asking that they include the Rite Aid parcel as well as the Harbor Restaurant property.  The Fresh Market Grocery store seems to be doing well.

  • Amy asked how this plan will dovetail into the on going Parley’s Way study.  The two plans are being conducted by the same consultant so that there is continuity between the two plans.  There will also be a Foothill Corridor plan in the near future.  That one has not yet been put out for bid.

There will be a lot of public engagement regarding these plans.  The Community Council, the LDS Church, the Catholic Church, property and business owners, and the PTA are a few of the groups that will be included in the public process.  The City Council is determined to have this be a transparent process, and to obtain input from the public on the front end rather than waiting for the fall out after the plan is adopted.   The city has an Public Engagement Coordinator, Clayton Scrivner who will assist in this process.

  • Amy commented that the City Council has made great strides toward improving public engagement in the planning process.  She thanked them for their hard work.
  • Christopher reminded Charlie that the SHCC has started a public outreach program for future projects in order to avoid what happened with the Streetcar debate.

Joedy asked if there is ongoing discussion about forwarding a parks/open space bond for the fall ballot.  Charlie is hopeful they can have something ready, but again, he wants to make sure there is a public process before it is put on the ballot.  He wants to make sure the bond includes all the interests concerned.  They may try to include monies for utilizing secondary water sources for the golf courses, open spaces, and parks.  They have already funded a bond that was for golf course infrastructure on Bonneville, Glendale, and Rosepark golf courses.  They will drill a well to look for water for Bonneville.  The other two areas will be utilizing the Jordan River for water, however they will not be maintained as golf courses.

  • Amy noted that the previous open space bond only allowed for property acquisition, but did not allow for improvements or construction.  She asked Charlie to make sure that if they put this on the ballot that they broaden the scope of the bond.  Charlie noted that there are a number of things they would like to do different in the next bond.  For example, in order to shore up the golf enterprise fund there were some land transfers of the riparian areas from the golf fund to the general fund.  The development of trails would be another example.   Charlie would like to see these kinds of things allowed in the new open space bond.
  • Joedy asked if Sugar House Park could be a recipient of any of the bond funds.  Charlie said that he and Lisa are checking the legality of including Sugar House Park in a city general obligation bond, because the park is overseen by the Sugar House Park Authority not Salt Lake City.

Amy requested that Charlie support a CIP application that she submitted for improvements to the Fairmont Park pond.  She has been asking the Parks Dept for improvements for years but there has not been enough money in their budget.  This is the first time she has applied for CIP funds for this project.

She also asked him to take note of the half demolished car wash on 21st South.  The car wash has been in this

condition for a year, when the owner was told to stop demolition until he obtained a demolition permit.  Because of a loophole in the ordinance, he is only required to maintain the chain link fence and keep the weeds under control.  He is not required to complete the demolition.  It is a blight to the surrounding neighborhood and yet we can do nothing to change the situation. It was noted that there is no penalty for not completing the demolition.  Amy requested a change in the ordinance, that includes penalty payments for not obtaining the proper permits before starting a demolition project.

Deb asked if they will be doing mail-in balloting for both the primary and regular fall elections.  They are planning a hybrid system this year which is mainly mail-in, but will still include several locations at which people can go to vote.  It is hoped that mail-in balloting will increase voter participation.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G. Kavanagh

Even Stevens Sandwiches  2030 South, 900 East

“Eat to Give”

The presenter cancelled due to illness, but several trustees talked about the business.

  • Michael and Amy told us that for every sandwich purchased, a calculation is made and sandwiches are donated to area nonprofits like the Sugar House Boy’s & Girl’s Club, and the Downtown Soup Kitchen.  This quarter they will be donating 13,000 sandwiches, 5,000 of which were donated from the store in Sugar House.
  • Laurie stated that the sandwiches are “outstanding”, and that the restaurant’s restrooms have historical photos of Sugar House.

Trustee Announcement:

Dave Mulder reminded everyone that the 4th of July Celebration is 3 months away.  He will be in town this year but he needs volunteers to help with the SHCC booth.

Sprague Library: Dolly Rauh

No Report.  There is a calendar of library events available on the table at the back of the room.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:53 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]