Meeting Minutes Dec 7, 2016

Meeting Minutes Dec 7, 2016

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Teddy Anderson, Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Landon Clark, Deborah Henry, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Joedy Lister, Eric McGill, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Judi Short, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused:  Laurie Bray, Jason Smurthwaite

Trustees Unexcused: Tina Escobar-Taft, Lucy Hawes, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Susan Koelliker

The meeting was called to order by Landon Clark, Chair at 7:00pm

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Judi Short, seconded by Bryce Williams.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark

Subcommittees will be meeting on Monday, Dec 12th at 6pm rather than the third Monday in December due to the upcoming holidays.  This will be a combined meeting of Land Use and Zoning, Transportation, and the Parks Open Space Trails committees.  The topic will be the 21st and 21st Small Area Plan.

The Sugar House Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a holiday social on Wed, December 14th at the Ruin from 6-9pm. There will be a white elephant gift exchange.

Landon presented Amy Barry with a certificate recognizing her time as chair for the community council. Amy completed two years of service as chair and is now serving as third vice chair for the council.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There were no expiring trustee petitions.  Two new trustee petitions were considered by the board.  Benjamin Sessions is from the Westminster area.  A motion to approve Benjamin’s petition was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Michael G. Kavanagh.   Will Kocher is from the Forest Dale area.  A motion to approve Will’s petition was made by Judi Short and seconded by Bryce Williams. Both petitions were approved by the board.

Treasurer’s Report: Larry Migliaccio

Current bank balance is $5737.39.  This total includes $2.29 in interest earned since January 2016.

Larry gave the following year-end financial report.

Income: $3566.18 raised by donations and sales of coasters

Expenses: $2663.00

Expenses included $282 for the storage unit, $165 printing expenses, $199 SH Chamber Membership, $50 given in donations to the Boys and Girls Club and Westminster College, $745.59 for last year’s Christmas tree, $785 for manufacture of the photo coasters, $48 celebration for a park event that was co-sponsored by the city, $294 advertising, $92.82 for pedestrian traffic flags and booth expenses.

We began the year with $4832 and added $3568 in income.  There was $2663 in expenses. We had a net gain of $905.

The executive committee discussed the purchase of a projector to use for our meetings.  Larry will get some cost estimates and bring that information to the next meeting.

Landon reminded the trustees of the suggested donation of $5.00 per month ($60 per year) which helps defray the expenses of the council.

Larry has volunteered an area in his basement for storing SHCC supplies.  That will save us $48 per month, $576 for the year.  Teddy and Sally volunteered to help move everything to Larry’s basement after the first of the year.

Fire Station #3 Report: Captain Bob Silverthorne

The fire department received a call just as the report started.  Go to the National Fire Protection Agency website for tips for keeping your home safe during the holidays. also

Police Report: Detective Ashdown

Yearly stats for District 7 include no homicides, decrease of sexual assaults by 25%, business robberies were up, robberies in general were also up, non-family assaults were down, residential burglaries were down substantially from 155 in 2015 to 113 2016.  Vehicle burglaries were also down 16% from 786 in 2015 to 655 in 2016. Most of these are occurring near the 24 Hour Fitness and the movie theater areas. Cars in general do not get broken into unless the thief can see something in the car that they want. Stolen cars were down 15% from 206 in 2015 to 174 in 2016.  The one year crime stats are trending down.

Detective Ashdown was asked about crimes around the Walmart on Parley’s Way.  He looked at a half mile radius around this location and found that crimes are at a six year low for the area.  The only crime that was up was shoplifting and that may be because Walmart is getting more aggressive about catching shoplifters.

Overall homicides for Salt Lake City is 12 YTD and there were 8 in 2015.  FBI Crime Stats is a resource for determining how Salt Lake compares to other cities our size.

There is an increase in package thefts this time of year.  Try to make arrangements to have your packages picked up off your doorstep. Report anyone you see driving slowly looking at houses/porches in your neighborhood.  A description of the car and plate number will help officers track them down.

There have been people camping in the southwest corner of Sugar House Park.  Detective Ashdown has had contact with them and offered them resources to get help.  If you see the camp pop up again, contact him.

Michael G. Kavanagh presented Detective Ashdown with a tie clasp from the police department from our sister city in Thurles Ireland.  The city is located southwest of Dublin. Michael has presented things from Salt Lake City to Thurles and in return they sent the tie clasp for Detective Ashdown.

Detective Ashdown said that if there is anything we would like to see included in his reports next year to please contact him.

Public Comments for items not on the agenda:

Lindsey Ferrari from Wilkinson Ferrari Company, a consulting firm in Salt Lake City is working with Westport Development, the new owners of the ShopKo property to gather public input for the redevelopment of the ShopKo parcel which is 9.5 acres in size.  Wilkinson Ferrari has developed  a new website to gather information and  encouraged those who want to provide comments to log on to to take the survey.  The ShopKo in Sugar House is slated to close in late January 2017 after which the owners will be redeveloping the parcel, which includes the building and the associated parking lot.  No other businesses are slated for redevelopment at this time.

Aspen Perry , a reporter from Salt Lake City Journals introduced herself.  She will be covering mainly South Salt Lake city education, Sugar House Community Council, and the Holladay Community Council. Her phone number is (801) 870-9948.


Harmon’s Fuel Center Brickyard Plaza

Kristen Voros – Design Sequence

Frank Lundquist – Harmon’s

Harmon’s Grocer is proposing to building a fuel station on their property located in Brickyard Plaza.  The fuel station will be located on the northwest corner, just north of the America First Credit Union drive thru. They would lose approximately 55 parking stalls, that are currently mostly used by employees.  They are looking at offsite options for employee parking. They will relocate the glass recycling bin to somewhere on the property.

The fuel station will include four pumps with two fueling hoses on each pump.  This will be an unmanned fueling station but there will be an employee present to assist customers if they have a problem using the pumps.

The underground storage tanks will be double walled to prevent future issues with leakage.  These tanks meet the new higher EPA standards.  If Harmon’s  would ever close the fuel station they would be required to remove the storage tanks.  The fuel is Harmon’s own brand.  The area is zoned CS and the fuel station meets that zone criteria.

Community Construction Update 

Bill Knowles – Community Ombudsman

Bill has started a small group that will provide input and direction as the new developments get started in 2017.  Landon, Judi, and Larry are on the committee along with several business owners.  They will help provide communication between the contractors, business owners, and the community.

There are eight projects that are on the books for 2017, six of which are considered large projects.

  1. Sugarmont Apartments by Boulder Ventures located on McClelland and Sugarmont. They will start on the storm drain down McClelland after the first of the year, with building construction to start after that.
  2. Dixon Building by Craig Mecham on Highland Drive will start in early spring.
  3. Springhill Suites by Woodbury located between the vacant Toys R Us and Taco Bell will also start in the spring. Springhill Suites is part of the Marriot hotel brand.
  4. Apartments on 21st South (not the official name) by John Gardiner, will be located on the Subway block.  This project has been approved. They need to apply for their demolition permit and will proceed shortly after that.  They are required to complete the demolition without blocking lanes of traffic on 21st South. They haven’t formalized their haul route plan.
  5. ShopKo development by Westport Development will come later in the year.  They are still in the planning process regarding what will be built on the property.
  6. CVS Drug Store located on the corner of 13th East and 21st South.  This will replace the car wash that is currently operating at that location. They submitting their plans for final approval last week. They will start sometime in Feb or March.
  7. Jordan River Canal repair project located from Wilmington to Sugarmont.  They will be working on the section that extends under the sidewalk from Sugarmont, east toward the Zions Bank property. This next phase of the project and will start in mid January and should take 30 days.  Hopefully there will not be lane closures during this project.
  8. Two electric car charging stations are planned by the city for the cut back area on the east side of Highland Dr. by the Whole Foods.  These are two of nine or ten that are being installed around the city paid for with a national grant and administered by UDOT.  The stations must be completed by the end of January. There may be some lane impacts westbound on Wilmington during construction.

Bill requested that we help be the eyes and ears for the community and contact him directly if we see anything that needs to be addressed.  Safety is of major concern as well as construction parking and haul routes for these projects.  His direct number is (801)580-2626.

Roof Garden Homes – 2594 South 800 East

Wayne Cordridge – Owner Sego Homes

This project involves removing one single family home and building 5 single-family attached town homes on the .4 acre parcel.  It is zoned RMF30 and the project falls within the allowable limits of the zone.  The code allows buildings up to 30 feet and the town homes will be approximately 28 feet in height.  They will all be 3 bedroom dwellings running approximately 1,600 sq feet.  They will sell for between $400,000  and  $425,000.

There is more information regarding this project on the SHCC website.

Spotlight on Business – Michael G. Kavanagh

Artistic Framing – Scott Waters

1117 East 2100 South

This business was formerly located on the west side of Highland Dr. in a building that has been vacated to make way for phase II of the Mecham project.

Scott is in his ninth year of business in Sugar House and does custom framing.  His larger projects include image framing for the Traeger Grill headquarters, the University Hospital, Price City County Building, and Energy Solutions. He has also done image framing for several medical clinics in Winnemucca. He also does custom framing for individual customers.

Scott has recently spent time remodeling the shop to better facilitate his custom framing business.  The front door to the business is located in the back of the building close to the parking lot to better accommodate clients who bring in large pieces of artwork to be framed.  The door on 21st South is routinely locked but Scott will be installing a bell so that he can open it for customers who come to that entrance.

Mayor’s Report

Nate Salazar – Mayor’s Office Liaison

Nate distributed an email signup sheet for those who want to receive emails from the mayor’s office.

There will be a winter suspension of the brown yard waste curbside recycling cans from January 23rd to March 10th.  These cans are not utilized much in the winter.  The city saves on fuel costs and emissions during a time when the cans aren’t used as much.  They save 5,234 gallons of fuel which is the equivalent of taking 13 passenger cars off the roads for a year.  It also helps with our winter air quality. The sanitation department will be putting fliers on the cans to remind people of the dates of the suspension. It will also be posted on the website.

Saturday, Dec 10th is Human Rights Day.  There will be a free event at the Sorenson Unity Center from 6-8pm.  There will be food, cultural dancing and music representing a variety of ethnic groups in the city.

The mayor’s office will be announcing the sites for the new homeless resource centers soon.  They are still negotiating a couple of the parcels with the property owners.  The public will be giving the opportunity to provide input on how to mitigate any impacts these centers will have on their neighborhoods.

The mayor’s office is working with local organizations looking for volunteers who can help with snow removal for neighborhood sidewalks.  The elderly and physically challenged especially have a difficult time removing snow within the 24hr time frame after a storm. They are also developing a list of folks who may need help.  Enforcement of the ordinance is triggered by complaint phone calls from the public for specific properties.

Library Updates

Cherie Kofoed

The Sprague Library participated in the Sugar House Winter Carnival last Saturday.  They had about 100 people come by to see Elsa from Frozen and to decorate cookies. There are pictures from the event on the library Facebook page.

The library has added color printing for printing options.  Black and white printing is 10 cents a page and color printing is 25 cents a page.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:42pm




Landon Clark
[email protected]