02 Feb Meeting Minutes December 4, 2019
The meeting was called to order by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC.
Chair Welcome & Announcements – Landon Clark
- Landon thanked everyone for attending and Lynn for bringing treats.
- Reminder to enjoy some food and drink on us at our Holiday Social December 10th from 6-8 pm at Market Source Real Estate.
- The Snelgrove Building was purchased but is now back on the market with today being the final day for an offer. Nick Norris confirmed that it is zoned Corridor Commercial with the height being 30 feet. Additional height up to 45 feet can be achieved through a design review process.
- Friends of Fairmont Park is having a year-end social. Everyone is welcome. It will be at Sarah Woolsey’s house on December 16th from 6-8 pm
- December 11th there is a Phase 1 Post-construction event at East High School from 6-7 pm. Salt Lake City is billing it as a “feedback event” to serve as a celebration for completion of phase 1 and to hear about phase 2 which should begin in May 9 (maybe).
- Lastly the Sugar House Santa Shack is open. Check the Santa Shack Facebook Page for details.
Community Announcements
SLC Ombudsman – Bill Knowles
Sugar House Construction update. Boulder Ventures is back up and running with Big D becoming the new contractor. Timeline is for one of the buildings to be open in 6 months and the rest of the building sometime around the end of the year. Lowe Properties began construction on their project on McClelland. They have added a covered sidewalk for safety.
Spin Scooters – Ado Milicevic
Attending to hear about your thoughts of scooter in Sugar House. Spin Scooters are owned by Ford. Salt Lake City is cutting their scooter providers down to two, possibly one, by February. Spin is hoping to be the one. Spin is out on the streets talking to riders about safety including helmet use and where to appropriately ride the scooters.
Salt Lake Tribune Reporter – Taylor Stevens
She covers Politics and Government for the Tribune. We invited her to provide unbiased opinion/facts about the Inland Port. Our goal is to help disseminate accurate information. View her presentation here: Inland Port Primer
SLC Transportation Engineer – Jenna Carver
Update on 900 East upgrades. They are designing concepts now. They are looking for public input. They will have three design choices made public hopefully in the spring. This street will be repaved from Millcreek border to 2100 South.
Allen Park Owner – Ranaldo Hunt
Let people know that his company purchased Allen Park. He is looking for community input on what they would like to see. He is looking at being at the Land Use and Zoning meeting in January to discuss.
Meeting Adjourned
*Meeting minutes for December 2019 are abridged due to a data loss (computer crash) incurred by the member who volunteered to record the minutes.