07 Mar Meeting Minutes Feb 6, 2019
Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes – February 6, 2019
Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Landon Clark, Deborah Henry, Will Kocher, Larry Migliaccio, Judi Short, Erika Wiggins, Rawlins Young, Shane Stroud
Trustees Excused: Melanie Heath, Mary Clark, George Sumner, Benjamin Sessions, Sue Watson
Trustees Unexcused: Cameron Anderson, Andrew Dale, Sue Ann Jones, Steve Kirkegaard, Adam Weinacker, Benny Keele, Dayna McKee, Chris Sveiven, Jason Smurthwaite, Susan Koelliker [there was a large snow event the day of this meeting making it hard for some to attend]
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Sally Barraclough, and a second by Will Kocher.
Motion to approve minutes was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Larry Migliaccio.
Chair Announcements: Landon Clark
A suggestion was made to create a memoriam section on the website for trustees who have passed away. No committee meetings on Monday. Invited the BS Troop 600 to speak. They are working on their communications and community merit badges.
Secretary Report-Erika Wiggins
No petitions expiring. Two new petitions. One from Meggi Troili in the Westminster area and another from Levi Thatcher in the Fairmont area.
Landon introduced both and they shared a few words.
Meggi wants to focus on building arts and culture in sugar house. A motion to Levi as a trustee was made by Judi Short and seconded by Will Kocher passed
Levi is interested in air quality. Transportation. A motion to Levi as a trustee was made by Judi Short and seconded by Erika Wiggins. The vote to approve passed.
Community Announcements
Fire Station #3: Richard Platt
Not much to report. Ave 5 calls per day. Warned about hazards from power poles weighed down by snow. Call 911 for pole fires. They will also help with smoke detectors. Two top causes of fires are the kitchen and smoking.
East Side Police Precinct and Millcreek Updates: Charlie Luke – District 6 City Council and Amy Fowler – District 7 City Council
Amy Fowler – They attended the Millcreek Council meeting along with other residents who would be impacted. They gave their comments. They then met with Millcreek to discuss. They felt it was productive and that legislation was off the table. Three days later HB 262 was revealed which would allow Millcreek to take the Brickyard area from Salt Lake City. The bill is very specific to an “isolated peninsula.” The 2700S area would not be included. It does set a precedent that one city can take another’s area plus it would hurt residents by way of lost funding.
Regarding services: FD over 115 calls to Brickyard area. UFA had to help 5-6 max 10 times. SLC went into MC 50+ times. Working on numbers for police as well.
Charlie Luke – Creates another precedent where the legislature can take away part of a city’s area. The Salt Lake City budget and bonds were set up with the existing tax base. If this passes, there will be less certainty on bonds making them weaker and would impact the state.
Wants to clarify that Salt Lake City has met with Mike Winder, the mayor, and all of the City Council. There have been statements made that Salt Lake City has ignored Millcreek. He shared that he is sympathetic that some have hard feelings. Residents need to be considered in any action. Luke shared that they offered to work together on joint zoning and other issues.
He met with Rep Potter. And then with Potter and Millcreek Mayor plus others.
There was controversy 40 years ago when the area was first annexed.
Please call your legislators including Val Potter – Emphasize the precedent. There is a Millcreek City Council meeting on Monday. There will be an opportunity for public comment.
2500 East and 2700 South Projects: Adan Carrillo, Civic Engagement Program Specialist, and Mathew Castle
2500 E from Foothill to 2100 including Downington Ave – Full replacement.
2700 S – Begins this summer and will be done by Aug or Sept – Preston to 1300 E. hoping to go to Highland Dr. Replacing road, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, adding bike lanes, 7 crosswalks, parking will be moved to S side of the street. They are taking all of the public feedback into consideration. Details and renderings are posted on SLC.gov/mystreet
Trying a new form of outreach. Will go to meetings, door to door, Facebook Live session to make meetings more accessible. Also on-site open house in a park or school.
9:02 Adjourn