Meeting Minutes, February 3, 2016

Meeting Minutes, February 3, 2016

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Baraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Stacey Carroll, Landon Clark, Lucy Hawes, Deborah Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Joedy Lister, arry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Rawlins Young, Natalie Watkins

Trustees Excused: Tina Escobar-Taft, Topher Horman, Maggie Shaw, Bryce Williams,

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Motion was made to approve minutes: Joedy approves, Benny seconds.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough in place of Bryce Williams

No renewal of petitions, but two new petitions:

Jason Smurthwaite, Forest Dale-  Sally moved to approve, Carol seconded. Jason was approved by the SHCC.

Mike Bagley, Garfield- Sally moved to approve, Judi seconded. Mike was approved by the SHCC.

Treasurer Report: Larry Migliaccio.

-Approximately $4,200.00 in the bank.

Chair Announcements, Amy Barry

– There will be an open house on February 11th at Dilworth Elementary from 6:30- 8P M regarding the 21st and 21st small area plan, Parleys Way draft plan, and East Bench Master draft plan.

Community Announcements

Fire Station Report : Mike Atwood , Station #3

– Biannual Firefighter recruitment process happening in May. More info at

-Deb reminded everyone that the fire department is a medical resource.

-Eric that asked if Station 3 will be getting a ladder truck. It has been identified that the new station would get a ladder truck.

Crime Report: Detective Lowe

-10 robberies in distict in the last month. Most in 2100 S corridor. 5 arrests made in the last week.

-Detective Lowe reminded everyone to keep an open eye to their surroundings.

-There is a serial robbery who threatens with a gun. Detective Lowe distributed photos of the alleged suspect.

-There is also a man going around offering to paint curbs which is a scam.

Public Comments For Items Not On The Agenda

-Farmer’s Market request for suggestions given by Amy Buchanan, Ramiro Flores, Brad Diiorio.  Should the Sugar House Farmers Market continue?  Some ideas have included having it at Fairmont Park.

-An audience members inquired about playground at Fairmont Park.  Amy stated the temperature must be higher overnight before the concrete can be poured.


Update on Parley’s Trail 1700 E to Tanner Park: Walt Gilmore, SL County

-Working on the final agreement for Salt Lake County to take over.

– Working with UDOT to add a bike lane for safety purpose

–  Park operations will have to work with the county council to come up a plan to make trail more winter weather friendly.

-2000 East will have a pedestrian bridge going over.

-Right now there are not any plans for Park and Ride.

-Construction will probably start in June or July.

Salt Lake Tennis and Swimming Club: Ben Schreiter, Zwick Construction

-Proposal to extend the existing facility.

– Zoned Open Space which is unique for commercial space.

-Looking to take out clay courts for parking. Will make the parking lot more ADA accessible.

-Looking to add on two story structure with community room and more locker facilities. Adds to the capacity to  bring more students from surrounding high schools in.

Salt Lake Marathon: Kira and Kristi Watcher

-Saturday, April 16, 2016

-Benefits Huntsman Cancer Foundation

-Public safety is a priority with the race.

-At least 50 volunteers will assist public safety officials with traffic, etc along parade route.

-Business and residents will be notified about the race route and impact it will have on their residence or business.

Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning

CVS ( NW Corner of 2100 South and 1300 East) Continues to work to design a store that will fit within our Master Plan.
720 Ashton Avenue
The Planning Commission approved the conversion of a Bed and Breakfast into a Group Home.
Changes to CB zone   The City Council passed some changes to the CB zone February 2.   A proposed ordinance that would amend sections of the City’s zoning pertaining to building square footage for the CB-Community Business zoning district. The proposed changes would:
-Continue to allow larger buildings in the CB zone through the Conditional Building and Site Design Review (CBSDR) process
-Lower the threshold trigger limits for the CBSDR process to 7,500 gross square feet of floor area for a first floor footprint or 15,000 gross square feet of floor area overall.
-Incorporate six (6) design standards for the Planning Commission to consider in addition to the CBSDR standards when reviewing proposals for larger buildings in the CB zone that are subject to the CBSDR process.
1. Compatibility: The proposed height and width of new buildings and additions shall be visually compatible with buildings found on the block face.
2. Roofline: The roof shape of a new building or addition shall be similar to roof shapes found on the block face.
3. Vehicular Access: New buildings and additions shall provide a continuous street wall of buildings with minimal breaks for vehicular access.
4. Façade Design: Façade treatments should be used to break up the mass of larger buildings so they appear to be multiple, smaller scale buildings. Varied rooflines, varied façade planes, upper story step backs, and lower building heights for portions of buildings next to less intensive zoning districts may be used to reduce the apparent size of the building.
5. Buffers: When located next to low density residential uses, the planning commission may require larger setbacks, landscape buffers and/or fencing than what are required by this title if the impacts of the building mass and location of the building on the site create noise, light trespass or impacts created by parking and service areas.
6. Step Backs: When abutting single story development and/or a public street, the planning commission may require that any story above the ground story be stepped back from the building foundation at grade to address compatibility issues with the other buildings on the block face and/or uses.
Master Plan Amendment for 900 East and Ramona Avenue
This is a request for a rezone of parcels on 900 East from RMF-35 to RMU-45 in order to build a large residential development on these parcels.  This will be on the agenda for the March 9 Planning Commission meeting.
Salt Lake Swim and Tennis Club
Is asking to remodel their building to add to its existing facilities.  Because they are landlocked, they are requesting a -0- lot line on the north side, and to be able to exceed the 35’ height limit by 5’ to 40’ on one part of the building. They have come to the Land Use Committee and the SHCC committee.  This will be on the Planning Commission agenda in the future.
Sugar House Stake Building
The building on the NE corner of 1700 South and 1100 East has been know as the Sugar House Stake.    That Stake has been dissolved, and the wards are now moved to four different stakes.  The wards that were using the building will continue to do so.  The building will remain.
Wilmington Flats  1235 Wilmington Ave
They have achieved 95% occupancy of the apartments (105 units with 21 affordable). the development has 85,000 square feet of retail and office space.  Retail that is already open include Spits (mediterranean street food) The Ruin (a neighborhood bar and lounge) and Somi (Modern Vietnamese Bistro)
The Legacy Village (across the street on Wilmington) has construction well underway for 268 senior units, including independent living, assisted living, and memory care. Scheduled for completion March 2017
Leisure Living
Friday, January 22, 2016, a demolition permit was issued for the Leisure Living building located at 2174 S. Highland Drive, which is owned by Sugarhouse Development.  This was done because the Salt Lake and Jordan Canal which is underneath the building needs to be moved before spring, and before other construction on the block can begin.
Landscape plans, bids and bonds were submitted to comply with city ordinance 18.64.040   The building is completely demolished as of February 2.
Mecham Project
Phase two of the Mecham project, south on Highland Drive between the new building and Zions Bank, is in final design stages. A demolition permit has been approved for the 3 parcels along Highland Drive (2160, 2182 and 2188).  They are expected to file a petition for their new building by the end of this week.  What we do know about the new building is that it does not yet have a name, the first and second level footprint will be approximately 30,000 sf.  Footprint for levels above 2nd floor will be about 23,000 sf.  Total sf anticipated 150,000 sf.  They anticipate 3 levels of underground parking and approximately 450 stalls.  The first two levels are anticipated to be occupied by University of Utah Health Care, but it is not known how much space they will take or which clinics will move.  Eventually, they will leave their current Sugar House space.  Uses above the second floor are expected to be office, but it depends how far the parking goes.  Residential uses require many fewer parking stalls than office uses.
Both developers (Mecham and Boulder Ventures) have applied for and been approved to use the exception allowed by the demolition ordinance. 18.64.040 D 1 (a) (b)
Parks Open Space and Trails
-Met on Jan 11 and discussed 3 items:
-Consolidating comments on the East Bench Master Plan
– Parley’s Trail
-Discussed progress of plans for 1300 East and I-80. Several stakeholders involved with this land.
– Did not meet this month.
-Current transit and parking master plans pending
-Deb reminded us to shovel our walks to allow for accessibilty.
Arts and Culture
– SL Tribune had an article on the historic signs in Sugar House.
– Sugar House Art Walk starting a blog. Friday the 12th.
Historic Signs
-Did not meet this month.
Spotlight on Business: Greg Schlegel ETC Group 1997 South 1100 East
– Edward Thomas Case
-Founded in 1988, been in Sugar House for 10
– Energy consulting company.
-Most business in existing business. Make sure the buildings are running efficiently.
-Intermountain Healthcare is one of their biggest clients. Saved them 2 million dollars.
City Updates- Lisa Adams, District 7
No report
Library Updates
– Feb 8-14 Annual Food For Fines. No perishable food donation equals $1.00 off library fines.
– Marmalade Branch Library open on February 27th at 10:00 AM. The location is280 W. 500 North
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM













Landon Clark
[email protected]