Meeting Minutes February 7, 2018

Meeting Minutes February 7, 2018

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Melanie Heath, Sue Ann Jones, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Susan Koelliker, Dayna McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Benjamin Sessions, George Sumner, Adam Weinacker, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused:  Deb Henry, Michael G Kavanaugh, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite, Shane Stroud, Chris Sveiven, Erika Wiggins

Trustees Unexcused: Camron Anderson,Tina Escobar-Taft, Topher Horman, Eric Mcgill, Dave Mulder

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by  Landon Clark, Chair SHCC

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Will, seconded by Benjamin.           The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark

Bill Knowles sent the following construction updates:

  1. The sewer and water line project on Wilmington will start in late February or early March and finish in May.  Traffic will be reduced to one lane westbound accessible from 13th East.
  2. The 13th East street project from 13th South to 21st South will start this summer.

Follow all the construction updates on the Sugar House Community Council website.

Secretary Report:  Sally Barraclough

There were two trustee petitions this month.   The first petition was a renewal petition submitted by Sue Ann Jones from the Country Club area.  A motion to approve Sue Ann’s petition was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Mike Bagley. Her petition was unanimously approved by the board.  The second petition was for a new “at-large” trustee submitted by Sue Watson. She and her husband have an upholstery shop on 11th East near 21st South which they have owned for over 30 yrs.  Sue recently retired from the Governer’s Office of Economic Development. Sally Barraclough moved to approve her petition, Laurie Bray seconded and the motion was unanimously approved by the board. Welcome Sue.

Treasurer’s Report:  Benjamin Sessions

The account has a current balance of $6955.33.  There is an initial payment of $2,200 that will be taken soon to initiate the new website design.  Small expenses included  payments for the website host, constant contact, and the State of Utah.

Community Reports

Police Report:  Detective Oliver and Lana Dalton – Social Work Program Manager SLPD

Detective Oliver reported for Detective Ashdown who has been out on family leave.  He announced that Detective Ashdown had been given an award by the NAACP for his work on a motorcycle accident that he attended to while on vacation in southern Utah.  He was also awarded “2017 Officer of the Year” from Salt Lake City for his actions in making sure the victims were administered to and transported to Dixie Regional Hospital in St. George.

There are two police academies that are underway training new officers and one additional that is taking applications.  These three classes of officers will fill the 50 positions recently funded by the city.

Detective Oliver said to call the non-emergency line (801) 799-3000 to report any issues with transients.  The Salt Lake City Mobil App is also a great way to report non-emergencies to the city.

Lana Dalton is a licensed social worker who, along with other social workers are embedded with the police department.  They work in teams of two to provide outreach to the homeless population.  She assigns staff to go with officers to homeless camps or other locations to assist and inform this population of available services.  Right now due to staffing constraints the teams are only available from 7am-3pm.  If there is a more urgent issue call (801) 799-3000. They also staff the Community Connections Center helping people with substance abuse, housing, healthcare, transportation, and childcare.

There has been a new red sharps disposal container placed in Sugar House at 1156 East Ashton Ave.  This was done in conjunction with the Salt Lake County Health Department and is for use by anyone in the community for the safe disposal of used needles.  From Oct 1st to Dec 31st the other two boxes in the city provided safe disposal of 298 lbs of used needles and syringes. IHC Memorial Clinic Pharmacy in Sugar House provides a drop box for unused medication disposal.

George Sumner announced that the Volunteers of America run a job training restaurant for homeless youth called Maude’s Cafe located at 422W 900S.  Their hours are 7am-2pm.  They are teaching work ethics and skills so the youth can move into a productive life style. He encouraged us to patronize the cafe.

Fire Station #3:  Report made by Trustee George Sumner

The SLC Fire Department was recently evaluated by the Insurance Service Offices which is a national organization. The fire department received the highest rating possible by the Insurance Service Office.  This helps businesses lower their fire insurance rates.

The fire department will be conducting testing for recruiting new firefighters.  Encourage anyone who might be interested to contact the fire department.

Construction is continuing on Station #3, located on 9th East by the Forest Dale Golf Course.

Library Report: Cherie Kofoed

The library is still open on the upper level only. The elevator replacement was completed at the end of January so the next step is to get the elevator inspected by the fire marshal before they can re-open the lower level.  The remodel request for proposal (RFP) was sent to various architecture firms and one has been selected.  The library board is in final negotiations with that firm.  There will be another public outreach process prior to the remodel process which will start in the late fall.  The library board approved a re- appropriation of four million dollars to remodel the whole library.  The library will be totally closed during the remodel.

Fairmont Aquatic Center:  Bess Thompson, Facility Manager

Starting this week, bathrooms and lobby phones will be for clients and pass holders only.  They will continue to offer a 45 min window of time where others can pay $2 for a shower but the time is restricted to a time when there are less young people in the building.  They currently have 4-10 people a week who are not program participants who are paying to use the showers.

The fireplace in the pavilion in Fairmont park will be removed this spring by the SLC Parks Department.  The fireplace is a public nuisance and illegal fires are being burned in the park.

There will be a free Easter Egg event in March that is being co-sponsored with the Boys and Girls Club.

Sugar House Park Update:  George Sumner

The Draw in Sugar House Park has reopened after the completion of the Sego Lily.  PRATT will be planning the plantings that go in the Lily.  That will be a volunteer project taking place in April.

The park got funding for a new playground.  The board will be approving a contract at their next meeting and the playground construction will start this spring.

Salt Lake County Public Works was awarded the contract for the pond dredging project.  Unfortunately due to their timing, the project won’t be done until next year during the off season.  It is being funded with ZAP funds which will still be available for the project next year.

The Park Authority is aware that people are camping in the park.  SL County Parks Department which maintains the park is not responsible to remove campers.  Campers need to be reported through the proper channels.

George asked for the SHCC to support the Park Authority’s application for CIP funding for replacement of the Lakeside Pavilion.  They want to replace one pavilion a year until all of the 50-60yr old pavilions have been replaced.  Sally agreed to write a letter of support from the council.

Sugar House Rotary Club – Errol EerNisse, President

Errol made a reminder announcement that the Chili Open fundraiser will be held on  Feb 10th at Little America from 5-9pm.  It is an evening event that includes a silent auction and dinner.  The Rotary Club has raised a total of over $4.3 million dollars over the past 26 years for local charities. Tickets for the event are $95 per seat and that includes one drink coupon.  Money raised from ticket sales and donations is divided among designated charities.  The Rotary Club is still looking for silent auction items.


Lisa Arnett, Prescott Muir Architects

Peter Coroon, Developer

David Gelnar, SLC Planning

Rezone from R1/7000 to RFM-30 at 1316 East Downington

This is a parcel located at the corner of Downington and 13th East where 2 abandoned duplexes are located.  The developer would demolish the existing buildings and build 3 connected high-end single family town homes that would be for sale.  The developer is asking for the rezone and for a shorter setback.  They are also asking for a preliminary subdivision designation so that the building can be divided into 3 owner owned individual lots rather than a condo designation.   This would be a planned development. Expected selling price will be approximately $600,000 per town home.

The R1/7000 zone does not allow for attached town homes, regardless of building 3 living units vs. the 4 existing living units.  RFM-30 is a low density multi-family residential zone.  The setback in the RFM-30 zone is 20ft front yard setback.  Because this parcel has an un-buildable riparian zone in the back, the developer is asking for a variance for a 17ft setback in the front.  They are not asking for a height variance.

They are hoping to get this project to the planning commission in March. Judi Short will write a letter of support from the council.

Proposed Changes to the Conditional Building and Site Design Review Ordinance (21A.59)

Molly Robinson, Urban Designer Department of Neighborhoods and Communities

The SLC Conditional Building and Site Design Review is a tool to improve the design quality of the built environment by promoting livability and safety and to allow for flexible implementation of the specific design requirements within individual zoning districts.

The following reasons are why the text amendment changes are needed.

  1. The process is confusing and cumbersome
  2. Increase the predictability of the decision-making process
  3. Provide consistency with other parts of the city code
  4. Alleviate conflicts between standards and zoning
  5. The use of the word “Conditional” in the title may hinder affordable housing projects due to funding rules
  6. The vagueness in the language makes it difficult for the staff to administer

The proposed changes include an update to the purpose statement, provides two clear paths for review, and clearly states the application requirements.

The text amendments will be presented to the Planning Commission on Feb 28th. Questions and comments can be sent to Molly Robinson at http://[email protected].

Spotlight on Business: Landon Clark for Michael G. Kavanaugh

Bicycle Center – 2234 South Highland Dr

Phil Blomquist, Owner

Phil started in the bicycle business working with his family in the 1970’s selling Schwinn ten-speed bikes.  Later, in 1982 they became a dealer for Specialized mountain bikes and purchased their building on 7th East.

The Bicycle Center was previously located at 7th East, 2200 South.  They are reconstructing that building so the business has temporarily relocated to the old DI building in Sugar House.  Their new building won’t be finished for at least a year.  It will have 11,000 to 12,000 square feet of retail and 93 apartments on top of the retail. It will be 70ft in height. They already have a waiting list of people who want to rent the apartments.

Committee Reports:

Land Use and Zoning : Landon Clark for Judi Short

The LUZ committee will meet on Monday Feb 12th at 6pm because the 19th is President’s Day.  They will meet in the Legacy Room.

The topic this month is  Proposed Revisions to the Building and Site Design Ordinance.  The purpose of the ordinance is to get better design outcomes for large projects, and more flexibility for small projects with minor modifications. Molly Robinson, who presented earlier in tonight’s meeting will be at the LUZ meeting to guide the conversation.

Transportation: Larry Migliaccio

The transportation committee will meet on Feb 19th at 7pm. .  Laura Hanson, Director of Planning and Nichol Bourdeaux, VP of External Affairs will attend from UTA.  This is a chance to address important issues and learn of the UTA planning process.

Parks, Open Space, and Trails:  Sally Barraclough

This committee did not meet in January but is planning to meet on Feb 12th at 5pm.  Tom Malar from SLC Transportation / Trails has been invited to attend.  Tom has taken Colin Quinn-Hurst’s position with SLC Transportation.  This meeting was later cancelled and the committee will meet in March.

Arts and Culture:  Laurie Bray

The Sugar House Art Walk has been changed from a monthly event to a quarterly event. The next event is scheduled for March 9th.  Laurie is looking for new businesses to sponsor artists as some have been businesses closed due to all the construction.  Look on Facebook for locations and artists for the next art walk.

Community Outreach: Melanie Heath

Melanie thanked everyone for their comments regarding the new website.  She is hoping it will be completed and go live in four months.  Melanie will be forming a committee to provide input regarding the front-end and back-end for the site.  Anyone interested in being on the committee should contact Melanie.  At the time that the new site goes live, the old site will close.

Our logo is being reworked by the designer based on the input she received from us from a previous meeting.

Will reminded everyone that the council takes donations to continue with our outreach to the community.  There is a $5 per month suggested donation for the trustees to the council.  Donations can be given directly to Treasurer Ben Sessions or you can donate directly on line on our website using PayPal.

City Council Report:  Amy Fowler, District 7 Council Member

The council conducted their council retreat at the end of January.  They made the following their top priorities for the coming year.

  1. Northwest Quadrant Development (area near the new prison location)
  2. Implementation of the Transit Master Plan
  3. Street repair and future maintenance funding

Sign up for Amy Fowler’s District 7 Council Newsletter for details.

Mayor’s Office:  Nate Salazar, Community Liaison

In addition to the above, the Mayor’s office is looking at public safety, infrastructure, transit, and housing.  The Mayor’s office will be working with the SLC Council to find funding for these major initiatives, including bonds or increased sales tax.

Plastic bags and plastic film are no longer excepted in city curbside blue bins.  They cause the recycling machines to jam.  The city is asking that we buy reusable bags or paper bags.

Nate clarified that the Transit Master Plan is different from the Transportation Master Plan. The Transit Plan deals with how people move throughout the city.  The Transportation Master Plan deals with street maintenance, traffic lights, cross-walks etc.

The city is lobbying the Utah State Legislature maintain control over the Northwest Quadrant.  The property is currently owned by Salt Lake City.  They are also lobbying to maintain the city’s current control over the watersheds that supply fresh water for Salt Lake City.

Amy encouraged us to contact or write our state representative or senators regarding these bills.  Will also asked that we oppose the bill that would have Utah recognize professional licenses or equivalents for workers coming from out of state.  This might allow under-qualified individuals to work in the state.  This would cause negative impacts for our citizens and those responsible to oversee the licenses.

Will thanked the mayor and the new airport director for making the commitment to  hire local contractors for the airport construction.  Under the prior administration some contracts were awarded to out of state companies, which doesn’t benefit our local economy.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:07pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]