Meeting Minutes Jan 4, 2017

Meeting Minutes Jan 4, 2017

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Teddy Anderson, Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Lucy Hawes, Deborah Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G. Kavanagh, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Susan Koelliker, Joedy Lister, Eric McGill, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused:  Topher Horman, Benny Keele

The meeting was called to order by Landon Clark, Chair at 7:00pm

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Judi Short, seconded by Bryce Williams.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There were no expiring trustee petitions.  Two new trustee petitions were considered by the board.  Mary Clark is from the Westminster area.  A motion to approve Mary’s petition was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Judi Short.   George Sumner lives in the Dilworth area and petitioned as an “at-large” trustee as a board member of the Sugar House Park Authority.  A motion to approve George’s petition was made by Judi Short and seconded by Amy Barry. Both petitions were approved by the board.

Treasurer Report: Larry Migliaccio

Current bank balance is $5994.00.  Expenses included $22.00 for a license, $37.40 for fliers, and $41.00 rental on the storage unit.  Receipts included $356.76 from the sale of coasters and .25 in interest.  We have not yet received an invoice for the holiday lights donation which will show as an expense next month.

Community Announcements:

Fire Department: Excused

Police Department:  Detective Josh Ashdown

Detective Ashdown provided year end crime stats.  In District #7, homicides were 0, sexual assaults were down, robberies of a business were even, robberies of a person were up, home burglaries were down 27%, and vehicle burglaries were down 13%. Even though vehicle buglaries were down there were still 726 car break-ins so this is an area that will be a focus for next year.  Motor vehicle thefts were down also in 2016.

Detective Ashdown  reminded us that it is important to call dispatch or report-on-line any crimes that we experience, even if it seems small at the time, because police resources are assigned based on reported crime statistics.

The warehouse located along the S-Line at 2220 S and 500 E has been a problem in the past but the structure has been retrofitted is now leased to various small businesses.  The tenants include a yoga studio and an art studio.  The noise complaints have stopped and the surrounding property has been cleaned.

Library Announcements: Cherie Kofoed

Cherie welcomed everyone to the library and announced that the new Library Director, Peter Bromberg and the Library Branch Manager, Mary Malone were in attendance.

January Events at the Sprague Library

Thurs Jan 12, 6pm Teach Yourself Tech – how to access on line technology and education

Wed Jan 18, 7pm Sonograph Experience – sounds that help relieve anxiety and stress

Sat Jan 28, 10am Religion and Spirituality Lecture – followed by a mantra meditation session


21st and 21st Small Area Plan:  John Anderson, Senior Planner SLC

This is a plan that was created with public input for the future development of the 21st and 21st business area in the area stretching from 1900 E to 2300 E.

The draft plan does NOT include:

  • Making changes to single family neighborhoods in the area.
  • Does not advocate for changing any of the zoning in the corridor area.
  • Does not give any height or density bonuses. The current height allowed is 30ft and will remain 30ft in the new plan. For reference, the condo building at 2011 S 2100 E is a 40ft high structure.
  • Does not allow for any uses that are not already permitted uses.
  • Does not advocate for any extension of the Sugar House business district.
  • Does not discuss any future extension of the streetcar.

The plan was developed over many months after holding meetings with business owners, residents, community leaders and other stake holders.  There were two public open houses held with an average of 450 people attending each event. The draft plan that resulted from those meetings was put on Open City Hall where 550 people read the plan, 30 made comment of which 12 were negative.

Five goals came out of the meetings.

  1. Create a unique destination, but one that respects the scale of the neighborhood.
  2. Provide commercial opportunities for neighbors and visitors.
  3. Support local businesses in the district.
  4. Establish guidelines that address scale, building materials, street engagement and public spaces.
  5. Provide an environment where pedestrians can travel safely in and through their neighborhood.

Plan elements include those for the private spaces, public spaces, and the semi or quasi public spaces.  It also addresses traffic flow and pedestrian safety.

The 21st and 21st Small Area Plan can be found on the Sugar House Community Council website:

The plan is on the agenda for the  Planning Commission Meeting on January 25th at the City & County Building at 5:30pm. This will be a briefing and public hearing presentation.  The official recommendation of the plan will be presented to the planning commission in February after which it will go to the city council for final adoption.

John took questions from the trustees and audience and in closing thanked the SHCC and the public for their participation in partnering to make this a good plan.

SLC Homeless Resource Centers: SLC Mayor Jackie Biskupski, Mayor’s Staff, City Council Members, Police Department

Officials present for the public question and answer period were:

  • Jackie Biskupski – SLC Mayor
  • David Litvack – Deputy Chief of Staff
  • Jenn Seelig – Director of Community Relations
  • Nate Salazar – Community Liaison District 7
  • Mike Reberg – Director Community and Neighborhoods
  • Nick Norris – Director of Planning
  • Matthew Rojas – Director of Communications
  • Lisa Adams, Derek Kitchen, Charlie Luke – SLC Council Members
  • Nick Tarbet – SLC Council Planner
  • Dan Weist – SLC Council Communications Director
  • Mike Akerlow – Deputy Director Community and Neighborhoods
  • Chief  Mike Brown – Chief SLC Police Dept
  • Detective Josh Ashdown – SLC Police DIU Officer District 7
  • Ryan Mellor – SLC Fire Marshall

Landon Clark and Judi Short provided some guidelines for organized and civil discourse surrounding the question and answer period for this meeting.

Lisa Adams, City Council District #7 welcomed the audience and encouraged them to ask questions and express their opinions.  She thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Mayor Biskupski made an opening statement after which community members were given time to ask a variety of questions which were answered by the mayor or members of her staff.  The question and answer period lasted one hour, after which Mike Reberg, Director of Community and Neighborhoods announced the dates for three more workshops for the public to provide input to the city regarding the four resource centers.  Those dates are January 11th (2 events) and January 18.  Nick Norris, Director of Planning will be taking the comments made at the workshops and utilize them as the city writes new zoning rules for the areas surrounding the resource center sites.

In closing Judi Short encouraged everyone who would like to have their opinions heard, to fill out a comment card.  The comments will be forwarded directly to the Mayor’s office.

Council member Lisa Adams, District 7 invited and encouraged members of the community to attend the City Council meetings.  Derick Kitchen, District 3 reminded us that the Road Home and 2 of the new resource centers are in his district and that they will also be holding public meetings in his district.  Charlie Luke, District 6 thanked the mayor for her open support for making the Simpson location the site for the Women’s and Children’s shelter.

Committee Reports: 

Committee reports were not on the agenda to allow time for the other presentations.  Go to the Sugar House Community website to read the minutes from the December subcommittee meetings.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]