Meeting Minutes January 3, 2018

Meeting Minutes January 3, 2018

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Camron Anderson, Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Landon Clark,   Deb Henry,  Michael G. Kavanagh,  Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher,  Eric Mcgill, Dayna McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite, Shane Stroud, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused:  Laurie Bray, Melanie Heath, Benny Keele, Chris Sveiven

Trustees Unexcused:  Mary Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Susan Koelliker, George Sumner

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by  Landon Clark, Chair SHCC

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Will, seconded by Benjamin .  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Chair Announcements:  Landon Clark, SHCC Chair

The acting manager of the Sprague Library, Cherie Koford was excused but asked that Landon announce that the city library board has received proposals from various architect firms for the renovations for the Sprague Library.  A selection committee is in place and they will be conducting interviews of the firms by the end of January.  The library staff is currently curating a selection of books for the children’s area, the elevator repairs are starting now and should take 4-8 weeks.

Salt Lake City Engineering wanted to announce that the metal plate in the sidewalk in front of the Shell gas station on Highland Drive will be removed. Construction will be limited to the sidewalk and driveway.  Questions or complaints should be directed to Mike Giamond, project manager.

Secretary Report:  Sally Barraclough

Sally announced that Landon, Judi, Will, and Ben all had perfect attendance last year and that there were several other trustees who only missed one meeting. Lynne Schwarz who is a member of several subcommittees also had perfect attendance for the monthly SHCC meetings.

There were two new trustee petitions this month.   The first petition was submitted by Erika Wiggins from the Emerson area, where she has lived for five years. A motion to approve Erika’s petition was made by Sally Barraclough and seconded by Judi Short. Her petition was unanimously approved by the board.  The second petition was submitted by Adam Weinacker from the Wilford area.  Adam has lived in the Wilford area for four years.  Sally Barraclough moved to approve the petition, Shane Stroud seconded and the motion was unanimously approved by the board. Welcome Erika and Adam.

Treasurer’s Report:  Benjamin Sessions

Ben presented a year end financial report.  In 2017 the council  brought in $2717.62 and had expenses totaling $1941.97. The current bank balance is $6896.47.

Some of the larger expenses in 2017 included $41 per month for a storage unit.  We no longer rent the unit because a trustee has volunteered the use of spare space in his basement.  Constant Contact which services our email list is $311 per year but we are looking at a different option for this year which will lower the cost.  There were also expenses of $199 for annual membership in the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce and $614 for a Christmas tree and decorations for Christmas 2016.  There were no expenses related to Christmas 2017. There were other small miscellaneous expenses and $150 for the Christmas social that was held in December at Wasatch Brew Pub.

Fire Station #3 Report:  Capt. Jeff Kauffman

The new station is currently under construction on 9th East, south of the I-80 freeway.  It will eventually house a ladder truck.  It will also have a community meeting room.

The department is accepting applications for new-hires.  Testing will take place in the spring.  There is test prep classes prior to testing.  Go to for more information.

There were 191 calls out of Station #3 in December.  Year-to-date there were 2553 total calls which include medical calls.

The Fire Chiefs message is regarding maintaining carbon monoxide (CO) detectors which should be tested regularly have the batteries changed.  The alarms have a shelf life and on occasion need to be replaced.

The department requests that if you have a fire hydrant located on your property to please keep the snow cleared away from the hydrant.  Hydrants are no longer color coded based on the size of the connected water line.

Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning:  Judi Short

There are multiple construction projects underway in Sugar House including the ShopKo block development, 2100 East and McClelland apartments, the Fire Station, and the Sugarmont apartment complex.

There are two new town home developments that were presented later in the meeting.  The first is on Richmond St. and the second is at 2473 South and 7th East.

There will be a presentation of a townhome development located at 1316 Downington at the next LUZ meeting on January 8th at 6:00 pm in the Legacy Village building.

Parks, Open Space, and Trails:  Sally Barraclough

This committee did not meet in December.  Sally reported for Laurie Bray that the county has been made aware of a homeless camp that was recently set up in the Draw.  The Sego Lily, Draw, and the east end of Hidden Hollow are maintained by the county and they are responsible to deal with issues in those areas.

The trail through the Sego Lily, Draw and Hidden Hollow has re-opened. There will be a clean-up project to pick up trash in the area in the early spring.  Also, the plantings and the green stem for the Sego Lily will be completed in the spring.

There will not be a POST meeting in January.

Transportation:  Larry Migliaccio

There was no report for December.   The committee will be meeting on January 8th at 7:00 pm in the Legacy Building.  Guest speaker Chris Jones from SLC Transportation will be speaking about traffic calming techniques.

Police Report:  Josh Ashdown (excused)

Landon reported that Josh has a new son, born on the 29th of Dec.  Josh will be on family leave for several more weeks.

Construction Updates:  Bill Knowles, Salt Lake City Ombudsman

The CVS Pharmacy construction project on the corner of 21st South and 13th East has caused many problems since it started in June.  The lanes of traffic have finally been re-opened.  A front door has been installed on the front corner of the building because the Planning Department fulfilled the request from the Sugar House Land Use Committee.  CVS was resistant to this addition but in the end, we will maintain a little more walk ability in this location thanks to the letters written by the Land Use and Zoning Committee.

McClelland and Sugarmont Sts. have been cleaned up.  The mud and holes caused by the construction of the apartment complex have been addressed and traffic control has tightened up.  City inspectors were on location today to look at the issues and they will continue to monitor the situation.  The construction crew has been very responsive to Bill and the inspectors.

The Wilmington St. rebuild project will start in late February or early March.  A contractor has been hired and the plans are complete.  It will be a challenge to keep the street open to the businesses during the rebuild.  It was decided that the surface will be concrete which takes a bit longer to construct than asphalt.  The Springhill Suites construction will be staged from the south parking lot and hopefully will not impact Wilmington Street.  Construction on the hotel will also start in the spring.

13th East will under go major reconstruction starting with water and sewer lines this summer.  The street will be rebuilt and resurfaced in 2019.  This project extends from 1300 South to 2100 South.

Demolition for the project on 7th East near the S-Line is nearly complete.  We still have no information about the project and don’t know when the developer will be ready to present.  The project is called the Brixton Apartments.

South Salt Lake City will be double tracking the S-Line between 300 and 500 East.  They have the funding and the design is nearly finished.  It will be constructed in late 2018 or early 2019.


New Website Proposal:  Deb Henry and Sara Lambrinos

The Community Outreach Committee has been looking at better ways to provide more information to the public and increase public engagement with the SHCC via our website.  A new website would provide the tools necessary for a more complete experience for those visiting our site.  Some benefits of a new web design would include searchable meeting minutes, an integrated community calendar, and a map that would identify trustee areas.

Sara Lambrinos is a website designer who owns Sites By Sara.  She discussed the current website and some of the changes that would improve access to both current information and historical information.  She would like to improve the organization of the site, reduce the areas that are redundant, and modernize the ways people approach the site. We would still be utilizing Word Press and Sara would train some of us on how to add materials to the website.

Landon will be conducting a “vote by email” for the trustees to decide about making the expenditure, which is expected to be in the $3,500 range.

City Council Report:  Amy Fowler, District 7 City Councilman

Amy was sworn in and attended her first meeting yesterday.  She thanked the council and audience for their participation in the SHCC which she feels is one of the most active community councils in the city.  She announced that Erin Mendenhall was voted to chair the city council and Chris Wharton was named vice-chair.

Future agenda items for the city council include street repairs and lighting.  Public utilities has conducted a street survey for prioritizing repairs.  2700 South was 80th on the list but Amy has not personally see the list.  Unfortunately there is not a consistent stream of revenue for street repairs but the council and the mayor’s office are trying to resolve this issue.

Planned Developments: Daniel Echeverria, SLC Senior Planner, David Gellner, SLC Principle Planner

Richmond Townhouses — 2965 South Richmond Street (near Brickyard) Joe Johnson – Developer

This is a 9 unit planned development located on the east side of Richmond St. just north of the dental building.  It will be located on a small, overgrown lot that is zoned “residential”.  The 3bd, 3bth units will be for sale.  They are approximately 1850 sq ft and will each have a roof top deck and a 2 car garage. This project goes to the planning commission on the 24th of January.

In the future the developer plans to build a 60 unit apartment behind the town homes to the east, just west of the San Fransisco Design store on Highland Dr.

700 Horizon — 2473 South 700 East

Trent Smith, Principle Architect

This is a 4 unit planned development that will replace a single family home, shed and some overgrown poorly maintained trees.  One of the units would be accessed from 7th East and the others would be accessed from a private drive with front doors facing 7th East.

There will be two sizes of units approximately 2,000 and 2,500 sq feet respectively.  The units will sell for approximately $450,000 to $500,000.

Transportation Presentation – Jonathan Larsen, SLC Transportation Director

Jonathan was named Transportation Director in October.  His background is as a traffic engineer.  He was previously working for the Wasatch Front Regional Council which does planning for several counties located along the Wasatch Front.

The Transportation Division’s goal is to provide a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system for the movement of people and goods and for the vitality of the community.  Their specific functions include safety, traffic signal operations, parking, transit planning and design.  They are also responsible for administration of the HIVE pass and traffic control permits.

Spotlight on Business:  Michael G. Kavanaugh

BGR Burgers –

Melee Myers – Owner

BGR is located on the bottom floor of the Legacy Village building in the northwest corner.  Their hours are Mon-Sat 11-10pm and Sun 11-9pm. This is their first location and they have been open for two weeks.

In addition to fresh beef burgers they offer chicken, turkey, veggie, and Ahi tuna burgers.  They also offer salads and healthy beverages, beer and wine.

Mayor’s Office Update – Nate Salazar

On behalf of the mayor, Nate extended a welcome to Amy Fowler to the City Council. Mayor Biskupski is looking forward to working with the council to implement the Transit Master Plan and the Affordable Housing “Growing SLC” Initiative.

The brown bin recycling program is suspended again this winter from Jan 22 through March 2nd.  This suspension reduces air pollution and fuel costs during a time of year that the bins are underutilized throughout the city.

Mayor Biskupski is moving forward with her Climate Positive 2040 Initiative.  She is a member of the Conference of Mayors Alliance for a Sustainable Future.  She was one of the original 16 mayors/cities who started the alliance.  There are now over 300 cities with over 16 million constituents who support the Paris Climate Accords.

Climate Positive 2040 details how the Capitol City will sustain its leadership role in addressing climate change and meet its goals: 100 percent electricity from renewable energy sources by 2032, and an 80 percent reduction greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

The city is continuing the effort of getting the Homeless Resource Centers built and they are on schedule to be able to close the Road Home by 2019.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:08 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]