Meeting Minutes July 1, 2015

Meeting Minutes July 1, 2015

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Minutes

Meeting Minutes- July 1, 2015

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Landon Clark, Lucy Hawes, Deborah Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused Absent: Robin Bastar, Laurie Bray, David Mulder, Christopher Thomas

Trustee Absent: Topher Horman, David Read

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Approval of the June minutes: Joedy moved to approve, Benny seconded. Michael G. reported an error in the address for last month’s Spotlight on Business presenter.  The error will be corrected. The motion to approve the minutes passed.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

Ed Dieringer resigned from the Community Council.  He has recently moved to another part of the valley and no longer qualifies as a trustee from the Highland Park area.  He was a great asset to the council and will be missed.

There was a new petition presented by Natalie Watkins from the Sugar House Park area.  Natalie was raised in Sugar House and moved back to the area last year.  She loves the quality of life that we have in Sugar House and would like to support the community by joining the council as a trustee.  There are two trustee positions for the Sugar House Park area, one is filled by Rawlins Young, the other is vacant.  Sally moved to approve Natalie’s petition, Carole seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Amy welcomed Natalie to the council.  Next month will be her first official month on the council.

Treasurer’s Report: Robin Bastar

Excused absent- no report

Chair Announcements: Amy Barry

  • The Sugar House Park fireworks will be taking place on the 4th due to the efforts of the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce.  They were able to secure the remaining funding from Apollo Burger, who has sponsored the event in the past.  Amy publically thanked Summer Shumway, Chair of the Chamber of Commerce for all their hard work.   She also reviewed the list of volunteers for the SHCC booth for the Street Festival, including who will set up and take down the booth.
  • The SLC Mayoral Debate that is co-sponsored by the SHCC, will be held on Tuesday, July 28th at the Gore Concert Hall on the Westminster College campus.  6-7:00pm is the “meet the candidates” time with the debate following from 7:00-8:30pm.  The debate is facilitated by the League of Women Voters and will be moderated by Jennifer Napier-Pearce. The SLC City Council candidates from District 6 will be participating in the meet and greet, but will not be part of the debate.
  • Amy is looking for eight trustees or volunteers who are willing to place a yard sign that announce the SHCC meeting.  These are new signs that need to be placed each month prior to the meeting on the first Wednesday of the month.

Fire Department Report: Captain Bret Key

The SLC Fire Department announced that Brian Dale has been appointed as the new fire chief replacing Chief Kurt Cook who retired from Fire Department after 30 years of service.  Chief Dale comes to the position with 35 years of Emergency Service experience, 28 of those years as a paramedic.

The community newsletter can be found online at  This month’s newsletter contains information about fireworks safety and what areas of the valley are restricting fireworks.

Station #3 had 222 runs last month which was an average of 7 runs per day.  The normal average is 6 runs per day.  There recently was a graduation for 12 new recruits for the city fire department.

  • A member of the audience asked if there has been a change in the number of calls for Station #3.  There has been a slight increase in the number of calls but that may be a seasonal change.  They have observed more vagrants that have moved from the downtown area to Sugar House and Fairmont Parks, which causes an increase in calls.
  • Lucy asked if vagrants using the parks is a city wide situation.  Captain Key said that because most of the city’s homeless services are offered downtown, that area has the majority of vagrants.  However, Sugar House is seeing an increase in this population because the area is considered more friendly and generous with handouts.
  • An audience member asked for an update about Station #3 moving to 9th East.  The city is conducting an environmental impact study, and the new chief feels that they may be breaking ground for the new station by March of 2016.

Police Department Report: Detective Tyler Lowe

Car prowls were up, with 70 reported from District 7.  These mostly took place in parking lots areas around the business district.  Most of the calls came in on Monday nights from 6pm-midnight. Detective Lowe strongly urged the audience to leave nothing, including an empty bag, in a locked car.  Thieves will break a window just to see what is in that empty bag. Don’t lock items in the trunk and walk away, as thieves are watching shoppers in the parking lots.

Burglaries were also up, mostly in the Country Club area.  Some of those happened while people were home doing yard work.  In all the cases Detective Lowe checked, there was either a garage door or house door that was left unlocked.  There were no forced entries.

Detective Lowe left information regarding what you can do to prevent car burglaries.  The same information was included in Lisa Adams’ Council Newsletter.  He also left business cards with the “See Something, Say Something” reporting information. Reports can be made by texting from a smartphone.

The bike squad will be returning to Sugar House on July 13th. There will also be two new HOST officers starting next week. They are available to help the homeless with public services that are available to them.

  • Lucy asked if there have been any incidents involving vagrants that are hanging around the front of the Barnes and Noble on Highland Dr and 21st South.  Detective Lowe was not aware of any specific incidents.
  • Lisa noted that the city council requested funding for a police substation at the new fire station.  There will be space for the substation, but she doesn’t know will be funded.

Public Comments for items not on the agenda:

Steve Hession from the new Sugar House Journal announced that they will start publishing again with the first distribution scheduled for August.  The SH Journal is under new ownership. Bryan Scott is the new publisher and he can be reached at  [email protected].  They will be publishing approximately 22,000 copies per month that will be mailed to residents of the SH area, rather than the old carrier system that was used in the past. The distribution will be to 5,000 households per week and it will be updated each week.   In addition, they will be placing updated versions in racks located at businesses around Sugar House.  There will be a reporter attending the SH Community Council, SH Chamber of Commerce, and the SLC Council meetings.

Jackie Biskupski who is running for SLC Mayor introduced herself.  She invited the audience to watch today’s mayoral debate on the KSL website.  The debate was at 4pm and there were a lot of great questions.  The next debate is on July 28th at Westminster College. See Amy’s Chair Announcements for details.

Sophia Ortiz is organizing a Mom’s Group who support the development of a splash pad for Sugar House Park.   There is a new splash pad on the Monument Plaza but it is small.  The next closest splash pad is at Liberty Park. Amy encouraged Sophia to contact Joedy Lister who is the President of the Sugar House Park Authority to get the conversation started.


Blake Perez, SLC Transportation Dept. Special Projects Analyst

Salt Lake City HIVE Pass

The HIVE pass is a discounted transit pass available to Salt Lake City residents.  Blake observed that the pass has been discussed in past meetings, as noted in the meeting minutes.  He thanked the SH Community Council for getting information out to the community regarding the pass.  The city subsidized pass costs $42.00 a month (regular price $84.00) and allows unlimited rides on all buses, TRAX, and the S-Line.  It does not include Front Runner trains, but it does provide a discount for Front Runner transfers.  The ridership in Sugar House is a little lower than they would like, so residents are being encouraged to obtain a pass and start riding mass transit.  In order to obtain a pass, the applicant must apply in person, show ID, and bring two pieces of mail to confirm SLC residency.  The pass can be purchased month-to-month and can be renewed online.  Last year there were approximately 3,200 pass holders.  That version produced about 25% new transit riders.  Blake is hoping to get a point of purchase in Sugar House, possibly at the Sprague Library.

  • An audience member asked how much money the city spent on the program.  $1,000,000 was allocated for the program which is 2,500 passes.  They have currently sold 800 passes and 1,000 of the old passes are going to expire.
  • Rawlins asked why there isn’t an additional senior discount for the HIVE pass. Currently many seniors receive a subsidy for bus passes from the state. The senior pass costs the same as the HIVE pass.
  • Michael G. noted that when he punched a hole in his new HIVE pass to put it on a lanyard, it would no longer register.  The pass will not function if it has a hole punched in it.  He also stated that The Senior and Reduced Fare Monthly Pass can be purchased at Smith’s for $41.75.  This fare applies to all passengers ages 65 and older, valid Medicare card holders and persons with disabilities who have been pre-qualified by UTA, and is good on all modes of public transit except Front Runner.

Blake distributed free HIVE pass T-Shirts to anyone who wants to help spread the word about the new HIVE pass.

Julianne Sabula, SLC Transportation

Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan process was started at the beginning of 2015.  They started by collecting data, analysing the data, and posting the results online.  They are starting to hold public outreach meetings and interviews with stakeholders in the community.  So far, the input received demonstrates that perceptions by the community are accurate with the existing situation, such as the lack of east-west connectivity, span and frequency of service issues, and lack of weekend service.

The purpose of the Transit Master Plan is to communicate priorities to UTA who is the provider of mass transit for the city.  It will not only provide direction for future investment, but will help with maximizing the current funding to address transit issues within the community. The transportation division is asking for public input regarding the master plan.  There will be a questionnaire available soon on Open City Hall.

  • An audience member asked if the recent public transportation meeting held at Dilworth gleaned any valuable information.  The data obtained from that meeting demonstrated a consistency in the comments that they get from other areas of the city.  In areas with single family homes there is a concern about high density housing developments, in the downtown area not as much.  Consistently there is a concern about span of service. 4 out of 5 trips are not work commuter trips.
  • An audience member asked when the Master Plan will be completed.  It is scheduled to be finished by the end of the year.  They will be making recommendations in the fall and then the plan is presented to the SL City Council.
  • An audience member asked if UTA is going to change their fare schedule.  There has been discussion for years about going to a “distance based fare”.  They have conducted numerous studies that have shown that because UTA is  mostly commuter service, customers who live in the suburbs and commute into downtown are not in favor of a distance based fare.  That was part of the discussion prior to rolling out the HIVE pass.  The subsidized HIVE pass makes the fare more equitable for those living in Salt Lake City who make shorter distance trips.
  • Rawlins asked how much the plan is going to cost.  $250,000 for the plan was budgeted in 2012 by SLC.  UTA is contributing another $150,000 for a total budget of $400,000.
  • Deb Henry asked Julianne to discuss the second phase TIGER grant application.  The second application is more regional, focusing on the Sugar House area. It  included funding requests for additional pedestrian crossings, HAWK lights, and safety lighting in Hidden Hollow in addition to the S-Line extension.  It also would pay for first and last mile connections to transit such as bike and walking trails.  This would include the McClelland Trail, and  funds to complete the gaps in the Parley’s Trail. The trail connections account for half of the TIGER grant fund request.  The goal of the streetcar extension is to get it to a more visible stop on the east end in order to increase ridership. UTA is extending the hours of service for the S-Line starting in August.
  • Larry asked when the questionnaire will be available.  The transportation department is currently vetting the questions with the appropriate city departments.  It should be on Open City Hall in the next couple of weeks.  The outreach events are ongoing, including Food Truck Thursday at the Gallivan Center, the Living Traditions Festival, the Trolley Bus, and Food Truck Monday in Sugar House.  Lucy suggested that information could be disseminated at Highland High during events such as their Hello Week.  Highland High has a large population of students who commute east and west.  Their parents might appreciate providing input for the plan.
  • Deb asked if the decision to extend the streetcar north on 11th East is final.  Julianne said the decision was made in 2013 and 11th East is the preferred alternative alignment. Having said that, if there are major outcomes from the Master Plan regarding origins and destination priorities, they may readdress the issue.   Julianne thinks that is unlikely.  The city council made the decision and the transportation department has been tasked implementing the project.

Google Fiber Construction

Jordan Swain  – SLC Engineering

Construction for Google Fiber started 2 wks ago with testing of the streets to determine where to dig.  They are now starting to bore in the Sugar House area.  There is a Google Fiber Hotline on the Salt Lake City Engineering website to express concerns or ask questions regarding construction.  Using the search engine for Google, put in “Google Fiber Salt Lake City” and that will also provide information.   There will not be service related questions answered on the Salt Lake City Engineering website.

Construction consists of a “backbone” line, which is the largest part of the network buried beneath the streets, and smaller distribution lines extending from the backbone line.  The backbone line is being installed between now and September.  The distribution lines will go to direct service points.  They are expecting approximately 10,000 people will sign up for service and they will start installing individual service this winter.

  • Larry asked if Google Fiber will cover the entire city.  Right now it is divided into areas called “fiberhoods”.  Sugar House is one of the first areas to have the service.  Eventually it will be throughout the city.
  • Carole asked about expected useful life of the fiber.  The backbone fiber is buried in conduit under the streets.  From there, the distribution lines to individual homes goes via telephone poles.  Jordan was not sure of the actual years of life for the fiber, but will get back to Carole with an answer to her question.
  • An audience member asked if construction is being coordinated with other projects so that the streets don’t have to be torn up multiple times.  This project has been coordinated with other construction.  An example is the work being done on 17th South.  There will be some Questar construction taking place on Parley’s Way and the fiber will go in at the same time.  They are also coordinating with the city’s street repaving schedule.

American Red Cross – Home Fire Campaign

Justine Jennings

Last October the American Red Cross started a campaign to reduce home fire deaths and injuries by 25% nation wide. As part of that campaign, they are going into homes and providing fire education and supplying those homes with free smoke alarms. The alarms are 10yr lithium battery alarms that don’t require frequent battery changes, and are free to anyone who needs them.  They can install up to three per home.  Justine provided flyers with information regarding the program and how to volunteer in this campaign.

  • Teddy asked if there are any subsidies offered by the American Red Cross for fire extinguishers. They are not currently providing fire extinguishers or carbon monoxide detectors. They do not have a grant to provide those items, however they would like to do so in the future.
  • Susan asked if Scouts looking for an Eagle Scout project could get involved.  Justine confirmed that the Red Cross does have Eagle Scout projects in addition to merit badge opportunities.  They need to contact the local American Red Cross office.

Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning – Judi Short

The 2855 Highland Dr. rezone was officially approved by the City Council on May 27th. The neighbors requested a 40 ft setback from the property to the east during the City Council meeting.  They had not come to the LUZ Committee or the SHCC with that request prior to the City Council meeting.

The parcel is only 60 ft wide, so the City Council did not require the setback, but they did require that the developer install double the number of trees to provide a buffer along the property line.

The LUZ Committee and the SLC Planner recommended denial for a rezone of the parcels north of the CVS Pharmacy development on the corner of 13th East and 21st South.  The Planning Commission approved a rezone of one of the two parcels.  It will now go to the City Council.  The petitioner has asked to be on the LUZ Committee agenda in July to try to gain support for the project.

The Westminster rezone of college-owned houses on 13th East will go to the Planning Commission, possibly in July.

Parks, Open Space, and Trails – Sally Barraclough

The POST Committee did not meet in June.  Sally announced that Phase I of the landscape art installation for the Draw at Sugar House is finished.  It is a replica of Echo Canyon and the Hoodoos in southern Utah. The Hoodoos can be seen from 13th East and from Sugar House Park.  Birds have been spotted inspecting the nesting pockets built into the wall.  There is an on-going fundraising effort to pay for construction of the Sego Lily to be located in the park at the east end of the Draw.

  • Michael asked if there would be signage to keep people from climbing on the feature.  Patricia Johansen, who designed the feature, stated that it is inevitable with any outdoor art installation that people/kids will climb on it.
  • Teddy asked if the landscape plantings have been completed.  They will be planted in the fall after the weather cools.

Transportation – Deb Henry

The Transportation Committee along with others was successful in lobbying UTA for increased holiday service, so there will be extended hours of service for the 4th of July.  The service for the buses, TRAX, and S-Line that is the same as typical Saturday schedule.  The last S-Line will leave the Center Point Station at 11:00pm and leave Sugar House at 11:20pm.  Deb encouraged all of us to spread the word and to use the service to reduce congestion and air pollution on the 4th of July.  Parking is available anywhere on public streets within a block of the S-Line stops.

Historic Signs – Joedy Lister

The project is going well.  The double ice cream cones over the old Snelgrove sign have been painted and are turning again.  Their goal is to get the following four signs up and operational in the next 3 yrs.

  1. New Crisp Popcorn
  2. Salt Lake Costume
  3. Stark Steering Sign
  4. Revised Snelgrove/Nestle Sign

Joedy requested that if anyone has information regarding the ownership of the New Crisp building, please contact him.  That sign is their biggest challenge.  The address listed by County Assessor is a PO Box only.

The committee received great feedback and support at the booth they had at the Monument Plaza dedication.  Kirk Huffaker is going to contact Lisa Adams regarding gaining support from the city for the historic sign project.

Sugar House Park – Joedy Lister

The fireworks are definitely on and 100% of the credit goes to the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce, who made the contacts and got the last minute donations.  Special thanks to Apollo Burger who made the large donation that saved the fireworks show.  Salt Lake City also donated $15,000 that had been committed earlier for the event.  Lisa Adams and Brian Fullmer, Lisa’s Liaison, were instrumental in making sure those funds were still available.  SL County donated $7,500.

The ducks in Sugar House Park are being monitored for avian botulism.  The pond is too shallow, so the water gets too warm causing the algae to flourish.  The ducks eat the algae and garbage causing some of them to contract avian botulism.  The botulism can lead to paralysis and death.  The park authority has contracted with an organization called Avian Sanctuary and Protection to monitor the pond/ducks on a daily basis.  They come every day to clean up garbage in the pond left by users of the park.  They also watch for ducks who seem to be in distress, and rescue those ducks.  The park authority has been looking at funding for a redesign of the pond or, at the very least, having the pond dredged. They are hoping to get money from a bond for the redesign.  Amy stated that there is a Sugar House Park survey link on our website and Facebook page.  Take the survey so the park authority gets feedback regarding the redesign of the pond.

Bylaws Committee – Bryce Williams

No Report

Spot Light on Business – Michael G Kavanagh

Even Steven’s Sandwich Shop -Chris Petric

2050 South, 900 East   (801) 953-0357

Hrs: 7am-10pm daily

Even Steven’s has a variety of sandwiches, salads, and wraps.  Their business model is one of donating a sandwich for every sandwich purchased.  The donations are made to local charities.  In the case of the Sugar House store, sandwich donations are made to the Boys and Girls Club and to St. Vincent DePaul.

At the end of each month Even Steven’s determines how many sandwiches will be donated and sends that information to their vendor who then puts that equivalent of money into the charity accounts.  After that, the charities can order sandwiches directly online from the vendor. The bulk ingredients for making the sandwiches is sent from the vendor directly to the charity.  For that reason, each charity must have a state licensed kitchen in order to make the sandwiches that they are giving out at no charge.

After being open one year, the Sugar House location just sold their 100,000 sandwich, so they have donated 100,000 sandwiches this year.  The Boys and Girls Club recently sent Chris a letter stating that the number of sandwiches being donated has enabled them to move their food budget funds to other needs for the club.

Even Steven’s is opening a new store in Draper this month, and have plans to open 6 more stores by the end of this year.  Locations include Boise Idaho, Scottsdale Arizona, Logan and Ogden Utah.

They have employed a community engagement director and they want to be involved in community activities.  They just sponsored the Gift of Life charity ride, handing out free sandwiches and popsicles to the kids.  They are also sponsoring the Give Stock Music and Arts Festival taking place on Saturday, July 11th from 12noon to 10pm.  Tickets are $10 with a sandwich purchased at the store, $12 at the gate. Kids get in free until 6pm.  There will be 10-12 local bands and activities for the kids. The headline band is Cold War Kids.  The Food Truck League and Even Steven’s will be providing food.   The money goes to support local nonprofit organizations.

  • Amy stated that the sandwiches are terrific but noted that the live music is a bit loud.
  • Michael G inquired asked what is their most popular sandwich.  The Miami Vice is by far the most popular.  It is a Cubana style sandwich with ham, pork, and swiss cheese.  The store goes through 15 lbs of pork every day.
  • Deb noted that the Sugar House location does not appear on the Google search.  Chris is aware of the problem and they are working to get it fixed.
  • Deb asked if the employees are provided with health insurance options.  At this time Even Steven’s is a small company so they haven’t been able to offer insurance.  Lisa Adams recommended that they check with Avenue H, the state program that helps small businesses offer insurance to their employees.  The starting pay for employees is $9.00/hr plus tips. That is well above the city average.

Salt Lake City Council: Lisa Adams District 7

The city council passed the city budget on June 16th.  Included in the budget was funding for additional police officers, the bike patrol, and police case workers.  The case workers will perform social work duties which will free up police officers so that they can focus on policing activities. The council strongly urged the Mayor’s Office to apply for a federal grant that would allow the city to hire 15 more officers.  They will know in the fall if the city received the grant.  The city by law must pass a balanced budget each year.  They are not allowed to have a budget deficit.

Lisa had the opportunity to do a police “ride along” with Deputy Chief Fred Ross who is responsible for the Job a Day program.  Since January he has placed 175 homeless people in jobs, about 50% of those have retained their jobs.  He drives them to their jobs in a van provided by UTA.  He works with Lt. Gary Trost and together they watch for homeless who are truly looking for work, or for homeless who need some form of assistance.  Lisa and the officers spent a lot of time downtown near the homeless shelter.  They observed a large amount of drug dealing activity.  Many of the dealers and buyers don’t even live in Salt Lake, yet they flood our city everyday because of cheap drugs.  There have been more drug arrests in the past year than in the previous three years combined.  Regardless, Lisa urged the audience to write or email the Mayor’s Office demanding that more be done to reduce the drug activity.

Chief Ross assured Lisa that the department will be taking care of Sugar House, especially because of the new bike patrol and the HOST officers.  He feels that cleaning up the downtown should not affect Sugar House.  The spike in crime on Monday nights in Sugar House is because of the number of the people coming to the business district on Food Truck Monday and not securing their cars and belongings.  Please remind people to take their valuables with them, and to lock their cars.

Detective Lowe reported that there have been numerous burglaries in the Country Club area over a short period of time.  Lisa asked Detective Lowe if crime goes up in an area during neighborhood clean up.  The police department doesn’t  think so, but they are going to look at the numbers and see if there is a correlation. They do notice an increase in crime in an area if there is a lot of on going construction projects.  They suspect that is because the area becomes known to individuals who aren’t normally in the area.  Open garage doors and mandoors is still a problem because they allow easy access to the property.

There have been reports of a “fake” CenturyLink employee going door-to-door in the Millcreek area, casing the homes for break-ins.  There were 22 burglaries in 24 hours.  CenturyLink does have legitimate employees out trying to sign people up for contracts prior to the start up of Google Fiber.  Those employees will not ask to enter your home and will have a badge and company materials regarding their cable plans. Incidentally, Google Fiber will be covering the PAC 12 network.

July is “Clear the Air” month.  Go to for details and prizes.  There are individual and team awards.

Lisa provided an update regarding  the underground parking at the VU on 21st South and Highland Dr.  When the RDA provided low-interest loans to the developer of the project, there was an agreement that public parking would be available for a reasonable fee until the loan was paid in full.  That loan has been paid, so the RDA no longer has input in the pricing.  Lisa met with the developer and he said that the first 20 minutes are free, and the businesses located in the building will validate parking.  As the rental units fill, the developer wants to discourage public parking except for those going to a business, so he will not be lowering the fixed parking fee of $10.  He also stated that all but one of  business spaces on Highland Dr and on 21st South have been rented and they will be taking up occupancy over the next six months.

  • Deb wanted confirmation that the businesses have to cover the $10 cost of the parking validations.  Validations are paid for by the businesses just like they are downtown.

A fence along the paseo was installed by the bordering property owners because of their concerns that someone is going to get hurt walking through the landscaping to get from the Habit Burger parking lot to the paseo.  Steps are not an option as the owners would have to make it ADA compliant by installing a ramp. The owners do not want the liability and felt that it is safer for everyone to go to the south end of the parking lot to access the paseo.

  • Teddy and Judi noted that this totally counter to the walkability of Sugar House.
  • Amy asked Lisa to remind the RDA that the paseo fencing issue and the parking issue under the VU are not what the public expected when taxpayer funds were distributed to the developers in the form of low interest construction loans.  The RDA should make sure this never happens again.

The Vu developers are currently pumping 200 gallons of water a minute from under the VU building.  This is culinary grade water that is being pumped directly into the storm drain. It is a waste of water that could be used to water Fairmont Park, but there is a state law that does not allow the secondary use of groundwater.

Lisa will be meeting with the Robin Hutchison, Director of Transportation next week to discuss adding crosswalks in downtown Sugar House.  Teddy and Lisa toured the areas where crosswalks are needed.  Lisa will give a followup report on the meeting next month.

There is still time to go online and provide input about the proposed recreation bond.  The city held seven open houses and conducted an extensive phone survey. One complaint Lisa has heard repeatedly is that golf was not an option in many of the survey questions.  Lisa will be asking that the bond include funds for Sugar House Park and Fairmont Park improvements, as well as money for the McClelland Trail.  Lisa is trying to determine if in the phone survey they asked the respondents if they rent or own their home.  The highest number of respondents were in the 24-35 yr age group and they were very supportive of more trails, water activities on the Jordan River, and disc golf, but if they are renting their homes they will not be paying any taxes toward these amenities.

The city council voted in favor of putting a transit tax on the ballot this fall.  The funds would help pay for local transit such as circulator buses that provide public transportation within the neighborhoods.

The mayoral debate that took place today can be heard/seen on KSL radio/ TV.  There was a lot of discussion regarding downtown issues.  There will be a second debate on July 28th at Westminster College.  (See the Chair Report for details)

  • Amy asked if there had been any progress on the UTE Car Wash situation.  There has not.
  • Maggie made the comment that in the past there were issues with crosswalks that are located between businesses that sell alcohol, and libraries and schools.  Businesses can jeopardize their liquor license if a crosswalk is placed too close to a school or library.  Lisa is aware of that unique Utah law.

Amy asked for volunteers among the trustees who are willing to post the new yard signs that advertise the SHCC meeting each month prior to the meeting.  Volunteers took all of the signs.

Sprague Library Update: Dolly Rauh

Dolly gave a reminder about the “Sounds of Summer” concert series taking place every Thursday evening at 7:30 on the Sprague Library Plaza.  She also invited the audience to come early and visit the library.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:41pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]